I think apple could do better. There is no reason there should be this many problems with computers. Screen problems, power supply problems, the list is long.
plinden said:People who have problems are louder than those who don't have problems.
Also, if you have a problem, you ask about it on MacRumors, but if everything is fine, you tend not to post about it.
Dont Hurt Me said:Made in China, am i the only one who see's this? Made in China use to and still does mean made cheap, spin it all you want. You are paying a chinaman pennies so that U.S. CEO can reap in millions. think about it.
Sutekidane said:Considering the quality of many American mades things, cars for example, I would never buy a Macintosh made in the USA.
To be fair, someone posted the repair numbers as presented by polling by several major magazines, and Apple's level of quality was only 1% better than Dell, who I believe we can all agree ships more machines by several orders of magnitude.WildCowboy said:And even with all of the "issues" with Apple quality, they still rank among the best computer manufacturers in terms of initial build quality. And they're among the best in customer service to help you when something does go bad.
blitzkrieg79 said:Quality or not but you are supporting your country. I don't think that it is a good idea for USA to become just a service oriented economy. Manufacturing is what made USA great.
You got to be kidding, ever hear of Honda or Toyota? both made in America by Americans. The problem is American bean counter ran corporations who only care about todays profits. Look at GM they still cant build a car with high mpg to go against Honda /Toyota because all they care about is todays profits from gas hog SUVs. The American worker is a good worker, the govt who is ran by big business is selling us out at every chance so those CEO's can rake in millions while employing the chinamen for nothing. Pure Greed.Sutekidane said:Considering the quality of many American mades things, cars for example, I would never buy a Macintosh made in the USA.
blitzkrieg79 said:How much money is enough?
blitzkrieg79 said:I just don't buy it how American companies are saying that USA is lacking educated engineers or programmers and how they ship those jobs to China or India. I know too many unemployed educated people that can't find a decent job in US. Of course a person in USA won't work for $1 per hour because the cost of living in USA just doesn't permit that. All in all, companies are cheap, thinking that they can save more money that way, but language barriers and cultural differences will bite them in the ass.
blitzkrieg79 said:This is an actual problem of USA (which in the long run won't be good for average working American) but I won't go deep in to it, but Apple is not the only company that does it.
XP Defector said:There is never an amount of 'money' which is enough. Capitalism and the corporations which maintain it are legally bound to extract higher and higher surplus from the relationship between captial and labour. The fundamental driving force behind technological change, is capitalisms neccesity to constantly increase profit, which is many ways motivates social change.
This is the nature of the new global capitalism, capital (money) has become decentralised, globalised and liberated from any fixed abode. Conversely, labour has not. This has become disadvantageous for labour, corporations can outsource operations to far away export processing zones, whilst you and your friends have to stay at home and face unemployment whilst the welfare system is constantly being eroded and 'restructured'. Some people see profit as extracting something from a commodity or service in excess of the original cost, thus pure profit is extracting something from 'nothing', but there are always hidden costs.
It is indeed problematic for the USA and certainly your future looks grim considering a third of your economy is financed from your debts, not to mention the massive federal reserves deficit, failing welfare state, massive social problems and substantive inequalities of wealth. Britian is fairing little better, and even though we are vunerable to the external shocks of the global economy and are losing our jobs to cheaper overseas labour forces, our Government is still preaching the neo-liberalism ******** that Thatcher and Regan promoted in the 1970s. Much to the pleasure of the corporations, we are all now competing with each other on a global basis - Your Chinese equivelents do the job twice as fast, work twice as hard and are paid fifty times less, tough **** for us suckers - but whose going to keep buying shiney new apple macs when we're all under/un-employed? Such is the logic of captialism, and ****, I must sound like a total Marxist lol.
Chris Bangle said:Just to add all american cars, Yes all of them apart from the ford GT are rubbish. They are pooo. In the UK nobody buys american cars becuase they are made of plastic and iron and are as advanced as crocidiles. American cars have no quality what so ever. The latest Grand Cherokees are of better quality but they are made in Austria. It seems that like mercedes apple is stepping more towards profits and stepping away from quality. Volkswagen are losing £5millionish or mayb £2millionish on every Veyron produced, yet they still make them. All i want is a charger with my ipod and maybe a case not just the ipod and a crappy usb lead...
corbin_a2 said:"In the UK nobody buys American cars?" Sorry, it's one of Fords biggest markets, and the American cars sold in the UK are much nicer and fuel efficient then what they give us in the states. Ford Europe had a profitable year at the same time Ford North America lost millions.
"American cars have no quality what so ever." Wrong again. Actually that belongs to UK, Korean, and CHINA auto manufacturers.
True, the US auto industry is not at the same level as Japan, but saying that "American cars have no quality what so ever." is just a ignorant statement.
Goto: ford.co.uk and look at the cars that we can't have in the US.
corbin_a2 said:"In the UK nobody buys American cars?" Sorry, it's one of Fords biggest markets, and the American cars sold in the UK are much nicer and fuel efficient then what they give us in the states. Ford Europe had a profitable year at the same time Ford North America lost millions.
blitzkrieg79 said:Quality or not but you are supporting your country. I don't think that it is a good idea for USA to become just a service oriented economy. Manufacturing is what made USA great.
corbin_a2 said:"American cars have no quality what so ever." Wrong again. Actually that belongs to UK, Korean, and CHINA auto manufacturers.
MacTruck said:I agree. Apple charged $3000 for a computer when they were making them here. Now they cut there cost considerably and still charging the same. Meanwhile USA looses jobs and Chinamen are happy.![]()
Kaiser Phoenix said:And I dont think Chinamen are all that happy either. Why would they be happy workign in a frickin factory when maybe some of them are dreaming to be a Steve Jobs one day but has to feed himself and has no money or time to do anything.