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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 19, 2017
The way people use Apple products as a status symbol really makes me regret that Apple has good products. Between folks arguing over 8% screen size increases, who is going to purchase what product that they don't need just for consumption, the upgrade every year even though you don't need to (when the products themselves are inherently designed to last upwards of 5 years), to the brag lines (what apple products a person has)on peoples profiles. It's just really sad that society has gotten to this point where a person has to be in possession of the newest stuff to feel acceptable.

I really like Apple products. Don't get me wrong. I'll even admit that when I got my first iPad and iPhone that I felt a little tinge of "oh yeah". But that's where it stopped for me. There are specific reasons I like the apple and quality of product is one of the main reasons. The ONLY reason I even pay attention to what's coming out next is to find out if the iPhone is going to step up the water proofing as well as if/when the iPad is going to go waterproof. When/if that ever happens, I will be getting my last "non necessity" i product. Only when I absolutely HAVE TO upgrade will I be upgrading.
I'm not exactly sure what your thread topic has anything to do specifically with an "iPad." When you come to a tech forum, members discuss the specifications, the technical side of things, noted issues with the devices and or likes/dislikes about the newest product. Not everyone will agree with each other.

Apple products are some of the best made products and they have a strong following because of it. I sift through these iPad threads frequently and 99% of the individuals buying these iPads use them for productivity and For pure Enjoyment. The user wants the best hardware and software experience possible. I see it being way past as a status symbol in terms of an iPad.
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If it wasn't Apples products that was sought after and somewhat of a status symbol it would be another brand.

I think this is way different depending on country. Here in Norway its just a regular everyday phone. Buy, crack screen, use for a year. Buy new. Repeat.
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Relentless, I joined the forum a few weeks ago for exactly that, technical help with my iPad and new pencil I got. But One reply to "real world pencil battery life" and nothing but "you need to get the biggest and the largest blah blah blah"... yes, I feel the way I do for a reason. For the most part I'm sure with your many posts on this forum over the years that you've seen plenty of actual technical discussion. But checking back for new thread posts and updates it's an ongoing thing with what to get next, etc. It's my opinion and I'm sorry that it differs from yours.

MrGimper... Too true. It's a bit hard to find quality cases without the advertisement in back.
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The Apple sheeple that people talked about a few years ago are who you are talking about. The rest of us buy Apple products based on our experiences with competitors/preferences. I probably do more research on my purchases than those who buy Samsung products. (Calling them out since they are the loudest nowadays ;))
Thank you Valinda for helping prove my point with your signature line.

How does the gear signature prove your point? I don’t list the Apple devices I currently own in my signature as a status symbol. These forums dedicated to those products and full of people who use them. Depending on what you post and questions you may have, the gear list can actually be quite practical and helpful.
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Very true Strelok. They do hate the most on us Apple owners. I remember a few guys I knew that DID view Apple products as status symbols.
How does the gear signature prove your point? I don’t list the Apple devices I currently own in my signature as a status symbol. These forums dedicated to those products and full of people who use them. Depending on what you post and questions you may have, the gear list can actually be quite practical and helpful.
I deleted the line in my reply with that. After I posted it I went Thumper on myself and should have just let her opinion be hers. Kind of funny though that I'm not allowed to have my opinion be mine I guess right? Really though I deleted it.
I'm not going to begrudge anyone spending their money on Apple products just because they don't need it, people are free to spend their money on what ever they like. Myself do i need to upgrade to a new iPad from my current 12.9"? no of course not but i want to, sometimes it's nice to have a treat :)
i do however understand what you mean about bragging, some people do like to brag about owning this and that, it's not just Apple products tho that extends to things like cars, house's and so on, just buy what you want and be happy after all you only live once, just because you may not have the latest Apple product (or indeed other products) doesn't mean you are anything less than anyone else, enjoy what you have and be happy :)
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Regardless of brand, some people go in way too deep and will defend their chosen product no matter what and will not acknowledge that it is flawed in some way. All Apple products are but the same can be said about most electronics. There isn't a perfect device and you have to make some compromises. The Apple vs Samsung ******** isn't helpful either. Both brands make good products so you should choose based on what fits your uses, wallet and situation.

For example at the moment I use about 50% Apple products in my everyday life: Work computer is a Macbook Pro, tablet is an iPad Air 2 but the iPhone or iMac aren't fit for my uses so my desktop computer is a self-built PC and my phone is a Oneplus 3. For someone else it might be a completely different situation and be all Apple or all something else.

It's just electronics, be informed and buy what works best for you instead of buying based on a brand name.
How does the gear signature prove your point? I don’t list the Apple devices I currently own in my signature as a status symbol. These forums dedicated to those products and full of people who use them. Depending on what you post and questions you may have, the gear list can actually be quite practical and helpful.

Agreed, I list them in my signature so people know the spec of the device I'm talking about so I don't have to repeat it in threads or questions. Also so people can ask specific questions about specific devices if they wish.
Much of your post is down to how your own worldview is interpreting others' actions, and nothing to do with the actions themselves.

The way people use Apple products as a status symbol really makes me regret that Apple has good products.

Why do the actions of others affect you in this way?

Between folks arguing over 8% screen size increases

Arguing or discussing? Whichever it is, these folks must really care about what it is they're talking about. They must have a strong interest in it. If I went to a car forum, I wonder if people would be arguing (or discussing) wheel trims. I can't imagine anybody would want to do that but, word is, people are diverse and have a wide range of interests and, even more than that, they even have differing levels of interest in these different things. Who. Knew.

who is going to purchase what product that they don't need just for consumption

A range of reactions to this one. Take your pick:
1. Nobody needs an iPad or an iPhone. Nobody needs a new pair of jeans.
2. People find it fun to get new things and to talk about them.
3. People get excited about the suspense of getting a new thing.
4. People find fun in things.
5. Why are you against people finding fun in something that interests them in their one life?
6. Uh oh, IpadsRIpads doesn't agree with how someone spends their money!

the upgrade every year even though you don't need to (when the products themselves are inherently designed to last upwards of 5 years)

Nobody needs a new iPad or an iPhone. Nobody needs a new pair of jeans.
People find it fun to get new things.
People get excited...
...Uh oh, IpadsRIpads doesn't agree with how someone spends their money!

to the brag lines (what apple products a person has)on peoples profiles

Brag lines? Or a conversation invitation about one's experience with the products they have on a site dedicated to the company that makes those products? As I said at the beginning, your worldview is inventing some very strange motivations behind others' actions.

It's just really sad that society has gotten to this point where a person has to be in possession of the newest stuff to feel acceptable.

This point does not relate in any way to the rest of your post. You're drawing this conclusion from your strange interpretations of others' actions. But, to discuss this point in and of itself, society got to that point a long time ago. Years, decades, centuries ago. iPhones, cars, jewellery, suits, pocket watches, cutlery, cuisine, the biggest stick. And that is not society. That is species. That's feeling sexually attractive. That's feeling 'alpha'. That's feeling tribe leader.

There are specific reasons I like the apple and quality of product is one of the main reasons. The ONLY reason I even pay attention to what's coming out next is to find out if the iPhone is going to step up the water proofing as well as if/when the iPad is going to go waterproof. When/if that ever happens, I will be getting my last "non necessity" i product. Only when I absolutely HAVE TO upgrade will I be upgrading.

Similarly, I'll get a new pair of shoes when my current ones wear out. My neighbour down the street though, he loves a new pair of trainers every month. It's his fun.

So it seems waterproofing is what matters to you. Great. For others, it's a super smooth screen in a device they look at every day. For others still, it's a better camera in the device they film their families with. Hell, for some others, it's a new colour. Are you suggesting your desires in this particular regard are more valid than - and of moral superiority to - those of others? (The answer, of course, is Yes, yes you are suggesting this).

Now, I admit to having thought similar things to your post when I was a teenager and even into my twenties, but I would've thrown in something about the environment too for good measure. Thankfully, I no longer judge people on how they spend money or where they find joy in their lives because:

My choices are no more valid than anybody else's.
There is no right way to live.
The actions of other people do not reflect upon me.

Peace, love, and Pride bands.
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I'm not going to begrudge anyone spending their money on Apple products just because they don't need it, people are free to spend their money on what ever they like. Myself do i need to upgrade to a new iPad from my current 12.9"? no of course not but i want to, sometimes it's nice to have a treat :)
i do however understand what you mean about bragging, some people do like to brag about owning this and that, it's not just Apple products tho that extends to things like cars, house's and so on, just buy what you want and be happy after all you only live once, just because you may not have the latest Apple product (or indeed other products) doesn't mean you are anything less than anyone else, enjoy what you have and be happy :)
Bravo. I totally agree.
Much of your post is down to how your own worldview is interpreting others' actions, and nothing to do with the actions themselves.

Why do the actions of others affect you in this way?

Arguing or discussing? Whichever it is, these folks must really care about what it is they're talking about. They must have a strong interest in it. If I went to a car forum, I wonder if people would be arguing (or discussing) wheel trims. I can't imagine anybody would want to do that but, word is, people are diverse and have a wide range of interests and, even more than that, they even have differing levels of interest in these different things. Who. Knew.

A range of reactions to this one. Take your pick:
1. Nobody needs an iPad or an iPhone. Nobody needs a new pair of jeans.
2. People find it fun to get new things and to talk about them.
3. People get excited about the suspense of getting a new thing.
4. People find fun in things.
5. Why are you against people finding fun in something that interests them in their one life?
6. Uh oh, IpadsRIpads doesn't agree with how someone spends their money!

Nobody needs a new iPad or an iPhone. Nobody needs a new pair of jeans.
People find it fun to get new things.
People get excited...
...Uh oh, IpadsRIpads doesn't agree with how someone spends their money!

Brag lines? Or a conversation invitation about one's experience with the products they have on a site dedicated to the company that makes those products? As I said at the beginning, your worldview is inventing some very strange motivations behind others' actions.

This point does not relate in any way to the rest of your post. You're drawing this conclusion from your strange interpretations of others' actions. But, to discuss this point in and of itself, society got to that point a long time ago. Years, decades, centuries ago. iPhones, cars, jewellery, suits, pocket watches, cutlery, cuisine, the biggest stick. And that is not society. That is species. That's feeling sexually attractive. That's feeling 'alpha'. That's feeling tribe leader.

Similarly, I'll get a new pair of shoes when my current ones wear out. My neighbour down the street though, he loves a new pair of trainers every month. It's his fun.

So it seems waterproofing is what matters to you. Great. For others, it's a super smooth screen in a device they look at every day. For others still, it's a better camera in the device they film their families with. Hell, for some others, it's a new colour. Are you suggesting your desires in this particular regard are more valid than - and of moral superiority to - those of others? (The answer, of course, is Yes, yes you are suggesting this).

Now, I admit to having thought similar things to your post when I was a teenager and even into my twenties, but I would've thrown in something about the environment too for good measure. Thankfully, I no longer judge people on how they spend money or where they find joy in their lives because:

My choices are no more valid than anybody else's.
There is no right way to live.
The actions of other people do not reflect upon me.
I joined this forum for a couple of very specific tech discussion topics and to have only one response to my legitimate question it's very very frustrating and disheartening. To try to have to sift through what is for me (hey, what's this, my opinion?!?!) a lot of junk to try to find the topics that interest me so I can get the brass tacks I'm searching for, it's very frustrating. yeah, you're right, I did enjoy getting my iPad and my needless purchases. And if people want to spend their lives standing in line for days on end just to sign the paper for their next phone, let them. It's not effecting me. But when I'm trying to find legitimate discussion on certain things, it's frustrating.
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I didn't know I was bragging by putting all my Apple products on my signature line. I
did that when I saw it on others signature. I like to see what other Apple products members
own. I'm definitely not bragging. This is a Apple site after all.
Thanks for replying Valinda. I'm probably just in a mood because of all the (to me) unimportant posts to get to the things I'm trying to find info on (very few). Normally this stuff wouldn't bother me, even phase me.
No disrespect OP, but I always buy Apple products to use and create on. I have tried the competition which does not work for me. Not having to think about the tech allows me to do what I want and need to do.

There may be a scant few who flaunt the latest and greatest, but I could not give a flying fig newton (or a stationary fig newton for that matter) :p
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No disrespect OP, but I always buy Apple products to use and create on. I have tried the competition which does not work for me. Not having to think about the tech allows me to do what I want and need to do.

There may be a scant few of flaunt the latest and greatest, but I could not give a flying fig newton (or a stationary fig newton for that matter) :p
I totally agree kazmac. I use it strictly because of it's overall dependability and research done before arbitrarily releasing a product.
The purpose of the signature line is to add context to posts, since your experience with products is somewhat determined by what you use and own.
The purpose of the signature line is to add context to posts, since your experience with products is somewhat determined by what you use and own.
I appreciate that that is why you have your sig line. But on the flip side of that, why not just leave it off and add it as discussion in an appropriate post, like if someone is having trouble trying to figure out RAM issues with their iMac you can reply with 'having owned etc...'
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I wish Microsoft had the same quality of products (phone, watch and tablet) that apple has, but they don't so here I am.
I'm still a gaming pc build my own type of guy and don't have a need for a pure laptop.

I have no idea what this thread is about, but I thought I'd add to it. :p
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I appreciate that that is why you have your sig line. That isn't necessarily 100% true for others. But for you that's great.

How do you know what is true for others or if someone is bragging by having a signature line? I don't understand what your issue is exactly. Isn't it a bit presumptuous on your part?
The way people use Apple products as a status symbol really makes me regret that Apple has good products. Between folks arguing over 8% screen size increases, who is going to purchase what product that they don't need just for consumption, the upgrade every year even though you don't need to (when the products themselves are inherently designed to last upwards of 5 years), to the brag lines (what apple products a person has)on peoples profiles. It's just really sad that society has gotten to this point where a person has to be in possession of the newest stuff to feel acceptable.

I really like Apple products. Don't get me wrong. I'll even admit that when I got my first iPad and iPhone that I felt a little tinge of "oh yeah". But that's where it stopped for me. There are specific reasons I like the apple and quality of product is one of the main reasons. The ONLY reason I even pay attention to what's coming out next is to find out if the iPhone is going to step up the water proofing as well as if/when the iPad is going to go waterproof. When/if that ever happens, I will be getting my last "non necessity" i product. Only when I absolutely HAVE TO upgrade will I be upgrading.

OP: Not so sure about this. I'm betting more folks are upgrading because they like the latest and fastest, not because of a desire for status. Same reason some folks upgrade to a beta of OSx and ios. Apple products are so commonplace now that there isn’t really any 'status' tied to them. As for using a product to feel 'accepted'... I think the general addiction to electonics is simply that they offer simple, easy gratification for the mind; and they really do increase productivity. I don't see anyone waving their ipad around as a ticket to join a club or clique.
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