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I have to add, because I didn't originally see your comment about "brag lines". I don't think that's why most people add their gear in their signature. I personally have it there so if I ask a question, nobody has to bother asking what I have if I forget to specify. Or if someone sees what I use and wants to PM me with a specific question, I can help them out.
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What’s wrong with the internals? Probably the majority of components are in common with the MacBook Pro as they share one of the same manufacturers. I have not used one peer to peer, so have absolutely no idea on that. Windows 10 Pro seems actually and surprisingly pretty decent though.

It’s a different approach, but they seem well built with attention put into the design.

I am not absolutely not trying to start a Surface Pro vs iPad Pro debate, merely making mention that they do have a quality product or two, the miserable phones aside :)
The battery gets the life sucked out of it in about 5-6 hours on my sister's machine. Been trying to get her to switch to Apple but she is set on the Windows platform.

The Surface also freezes after you detach the keyboard. She's tried phone support with Microsoft and they can't get it figured out. She did listen and will take it back for repair. Luckily she got it at the Microsoft Store about a mile away.

I can't get her Surface to download faster than 165Mbps on my 250Mbps internet service. It will jump past 200Mbps for a brief moment, then level out around 165Mbps. My 10.5 iPP will get 265Mbps down on the same network consistently. What's odd is her upload speed is the same as my 10.5 @ 23Mbps.

Like I said, I love the design overall, maybe even a little more than my iPad because of the ports, but it just seems several things need updates or refinement.
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flagship products from other brands are pretty expensive too, and it's not like Apple doesn't have affordable products. I don't know why but after using apple products, I just cannot go back to the ones I used before. it's like a drug. I just feel like the experience I have is much better.
Keepin mind you may be asking snobby people who own several Apple products and may see them as a status symbol why they act snobby and own so many Apple products....

I prefer a single malt scotch, but just cracked open a bottle of JW blue label. $170 a bottle. It's blended but I have to say it's pretty good.

Very true. I regret the post already. I should have just gone home and slept it off lol.
So you started a thread to brag about how much better you are than people who start threads about what Apple product they just purchased.

I'm really not sure how an Apple device can be considered a status symbol, but yes there are people here who obsess and buy every new product they can as soon as it's out - but who cares? It's their life and if collecting and talking Apple devices makes them happy, let them have their fun.

You shouldn't let things like that get to you. Life's too short.
Status symbol? I have never thought of a phone or tablet, no matter what brand, as a status symbol. That sounds
ridiculous to me. I see lots of people with Samsung, older iPhone's, LG, etc.. I don't think anything of it.

It is status symbol when 99% of people have cases to protect the phones.
If you can’t spend 800€ on a Smartphone don’t buy It, if you can’t buy It twice don’t buy It.

I have a 2º hand IPhone 5s, It was cheap, I don’t care, I use It without a case.

Not many people have Ferraris buy everyone and there grandmother have the equivalente of a Ferrari smartphone, the IPhone.

Then there are this strange dudes who ask if the iPad Pro 10,5 is big enough to play games...

Oh and the ones that buy an iPhone or an iPad every year, in my opinion that is just justifiable If you are filthy rich or If you are stupid and want to impress. Nothing else justifies It.
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Apple products aren't status symbols; they are generally better than the competition, though.
It is status symbol when 99% of people have cases to protect the phones.
If you can’t spend 800€ on a Smartphone don’t buy It, if you can’t buy It twice don’t buy It.

I have a 2º hand IPhone 5s, It was cheap, I don’t care, I use It without a case.

Not many people have Ferraris buy everyone and there grandmother have the equivalente of a Ferrari smartphone, the IPhone.

Then there are this strange dudes who ask if the iPad Pro 10,5 is big enough to play games...

Oh and the ones that buy an iPhone or an iPad every year, in my opinion that is just justifiable If you are filthy rich or If you are stupid and want to impress. Nothing else justifies It.
Complete and utter nonsense.
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I buy what I like and what works for me and that just so happens to be Apple. I could care less about what anyone else thinks. I for one plan to keep my 6s for as long as possible. What the hell do I need a new iPhone for? It's not going to do anything I can't live without!
I'm not sure what that game, or people who play it (I don't), have anything to do with this topic. But troll away if you must. You do you.
Really...every knows what is candy crush even if you don’t like it.

Now, I was just voincing my opinion, saying my opinion is nonsense without argumenting amounts to saying zero.

I was trolling but you deserved It.
Really...every knows what is candy crush even if you don’t like it.

Now, I was just voincing my opinion, saying my opinion is nonsense without argumenting amounts to saying zero.

I was trolling but you deserved It.
I don't recall saying that I didn't know what Candy Crush is. I said that I don't play it and that I don't know what that particular game has to do with any of the other nonsense you're spouting.
I'm probably just in a mood because of all the (to me) unimportant posts to get to the things I'm trying to find info on (very few).

The helpful search function at the top right can cut through a lot of the noise. ;)

Not many people have Ferraris buy everyone and there grandmother have the equivalente of a Ferrari smartphone, the IPhone.

It's probably more like a Lexus. Or An Audi / BMW. Anyway, the costs are a few orders of magnitude different there so I don't think the analogy is really valid.
The battery gets the life sucked out of it in about 5-6 hours on my sister's machine. Been trying to get her to switch to Apple but she is set on the Windows platform.

The Surface also freezes after you detach the keyboard. She's tried phone support with Microsoft and they can't get it figured out. She did listen and will take it back for repair. Luckily she got it at the Microsoft Store about a mile away.

I can't get her Surface to download faster than 165Mbps on my 250Mbps internet service. It will jump past 200Mbps for a brief moment, then level out around 165Mbps. My 10.5 iPP will get 265Mbps down on the same network consistently. What's odd is her upload speed is the same as my 10.5 @ 23Mbps.

Like I said, I love the design overall, maybe even a little more than my iPad because of the ports, but it just seems several things need updates or refinement.

I am 99.9% an Apple guy, but I do have one of the new Surface Pro’s I purchased for work.

It sounds like she may have a bad unit or does she have a 4, not the new one? The battery life shouldn’t be that bad, 8-9 should be more like it. Granted that is still a fair bit short of the 13.5 hour advertised, but 5-6 is definitely not right.

Nor is the keyboard freezing after you detach the keyboard. Since it happens when the keyboard is detached, not attaching, I am guessing it’s not they keyboard.

As far as speed goes, compared to my 2016 MacBook Pro, when used wirelessly I get the following...

2016 MBP: 13ms / 236.22 Mbps / 11.97 Mbps

2017 SP: 11ms / 241.11 Mbps / 13.34

Repeated tests always show the Surface Pro being slightly faster, but close enough that there is no way to tell the difference without running the test.

Best of luck to your sister. I do hope she is able to get it sorted out! :)
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The helpful search function at the top right can cut through a lot of the noise. ;)

It's probably more like a Lexus. Or An Audi / BMW. Anyway, the costs are a few orders of magnitude different there so I don't think the analogy is really valid.
You didn’t understand the point I was making.
Everyone is free to do what they want.
Apple products are very good but they aren’t cheap.

A lot of people buy them because they can and want but a awful lot of people buy them just because they want even If they can’t.

I’m sure there are a lot of people that have the latest and best products from Apple but struggle to pay the rent every month.

Apple is a pop culture icon, Apple products are the premium of what technology offers and having the latest of the latest even If what I have still works is the norm in our society.

Mixed this factors with the fact that there are obviously more people that can’t afford It than the ones that can and you get yourself what can be called a product that a lot of people buy for vanity and status (maybe for them maybe for the others).

Let’s not forget that Apple hugely supports themselves on selling design which underlines even more the vanity aspect.

It is not false to say what I’m saying.
That doesn’t mean I don’t sleep at night because of it.
Just my two cents on the matter.
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No disrespect OP, but I always buy Apple products to use and create on. I have tried the competition which does not work for me. Not having to think about the tech allows me to do what I want and need to do.

There may be a scant few who flaunt the latest and greatest, but I could not give a flying fig newton (or a stationary fig newton for that matter) :p

Fig Newtons are never stationary they're always en route to my mouth. :oops:


@OP Apple users are like any other enthusiasts they like their junk and want to talk about it especially on an enthusiast board.
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The way people use Apple products as a status symbol really makes me regret that Apple has good products. Between folks arguing over 8% screen size increases, who is going to purchase what product that they don't need just for consumption, the upgrade every year even though you don't need to (when the products themselves are inherently designed to last upwards of 5 years), to the brag lines (what apple products a person has)on peoples profiles. It's just really sad that society has gotten to this point where a person has to be in possession of the newest stuff to feel acceptable.

I really like Apple products. Don't get me wrong. I'll even admit that when I got my first iPad and iPhone that I felt a little tinge of "oh yeah". But that's where it stopped for me. There are specific reasons I like the apple and quality of product is one of the main reasons. The ONLY reason I even pay attention to what's coming out next is to find out if the iPhone is going to step up the water proofing as well as if/when the iPad is going to go waterproof. When/if that ever happens, I will be getting my last "non necessity" i product. Only when I absolutely HAVE TO upgrade will I be upgrading.

I initially stated always keeping up-to-date with everything, now i deliberately said "I' gonna take control"..

Pretty easy on iOS, as use the loophole Apple puts in (it never updates on cellular), so don't ever connect to Wi-fi.. Likewise on Mac, the number one app i only upgrade in sync, with iTunes, but only IF i have updates iOS... If not, then its not getting done either... Gotta have to do that now-days.... No point in letting a company control you. Same with some news stories, if they don't appeal, i usually skip over them...

All-in-all my drain on Apple products is like "it was good for 30 seconds after i bought it, but when the adrenaline wears off, it's just a smarter computer"
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