Haha you crack me up. So you're comparing the iPad to a five year old system that has twice the ram? Also--the xBox doesn't really run more than one thing at a time. There is the game and the background notification / communication system. You open Netflix, you're stuck in Netflix. It doesn't even have a browser. I have no idea how you can compare iPad with that. You sound delusional. There is no excuse for 256mb of RAM. These are modern systems. My first computer that I built back in 2001 had 256mb ram. There wasn't HD movies, high speed Internet, or half the other crap that runs on the iPad. I agree that Apple engineers aren't dumb, but I do believe that Apple in general got a little greedy here. It has the same RAM as a phone but is expected to run much more. Realize that truth.
Safari can't even handle itself. That is a fact. Ask anyone who actually owns one. I don't know how many times I've switched tabs to go copy a link and when I come back my whole post is gone and the page reloads. Now I have to copy and paste the whole thing into Notes just to be safe, go copy my link, paste it into the reloaded post, go to Notes, copy my post again, go back to the thread (which hopefully hasn't reloaded AGAIN), and paste it back in, cut the link, and put it where it should have gone in the post before everything disappeared. Yeah, sounds like a great Apple experience.
256mb = bag of hurt
I'm even a "fanboy" for crying out loud. The iPad is mostly perfect aside from this one thing. Fact: Apple cheaped out. That's all there is to it.
Question: Why don't people have these same problems on the 3GS then? My tabs don't reload all the time.
Question: What would you say should be the cutoff then? Why not just cut it back to 128mb like the iPhone 3g? I mean, developers should just target that size. If they don't then it's their fault. Hell, with that logic Apple should just ship the iPad with 8mb of RAM and we can just run apps in BASIC. I mean, why even bother coding something complex and interesting? They could then pass on the savings to us and sell us iPads for $495! Imagine if I only had that $4 back! My iPad would be awesome man.
Taking things ine step further: the way I understand things, the iPad shares its RAM with the video processor? If that's the case, then by sheer logic one can deduce that the 5x higher resolution of the iPad screen would require a much larger frame buffer than an iPhone 3GS, using more of the available RAM by default. By just turning on, the iPad is already at a disadvantage memory wise to a 3GS!