I debate all the time with my roommate about OS's and we have come to the following conclusion.
Linux - Windows - OS X are all-different. One is not truly superior to the other; they are all different, created for different purposes for different types of users.
Linux Free and can run on very cheap hardware, lots of apps out there, great for low level type stuff (routing, firewall), and did I mention free.
Windows Most popular OS in the world, tons of apps, great for the general business world, fairly cheap, decent for most people. Kind of like the Model-T of computers. And you can easily make a decent living by making these machines talk to each other. Very backward compatible, yes this has caused many problems, but it is still a rather impresses feat.
OS X expensive but the cost is in quality, great for the digital creative person, almost a blend of Windows and Linux.
Personally I found Windows 2000 to be better than XP. In the IT world I think everyone should stay with Win2000, but the home consumer will benefit from XP.
I am not positive about this but I think the major different with the NT line of OSs from Microsoft is that there a lot closer to a true 32-bit OS over dos/Win 9x, which were mostly 16-bit with 32-bit hacked on.
Linux - Windows - OS X are all-different. One is not truly superior to the other; they are all different, created for different purposes for different types of users.
Linux Free and can run on very cheap hardware, lots of apps out there, great for low level type stuff (routing, firewall), and did I mention free.
Windows Most popular OS in the world, tons of apps, great for the general business world, fairly cheap, decent for most people. Kind of like the Model-T of computers. And you can easily make a decent living by making these machines talk to each other. Very backward compatible, yes this has caused many problems, but it is still a rather impresses feat.
OS X expensive but the cost is in quality, great for the digital creative person, almost a blend of Windows and Linux.
Personally I found Windows 2000 to be better than XP. In the IT world I think everyone should stay with Win2000, but the home consumer will benefit from XP.
I am not positive about this but I think the major different with the NT line of OSs from Microsoft is that there a lot closer to a true 32-bit OS over dos/Win 9x, which were mostly 16-bit with 32-bit hacked on.