I'm a little skeptical about this (but also a lot ignorant, so...). What does the calibration? Also, this would lose (some of) the longevity benefit of two layers, for that pixel, and the working but relatively overloaded one would degrade faster than its neighbors, leaving it out of whack when it starts to degrade ahead of the rest.
I’m not sure of the actual ratios or whatever but let’s say we rate power 1 to 10 and brightness 1 to 10 as well. Since power vs brightness isn’t linear, let’s say on average to reach brightness 5 you need power 3 but to reach brightness 10 you need to have power 10.
Single layer:
Pixel 1 - brightness 10, power 10
Really bad for pixel 1 longevity
Dual layer ideal with 2 equally sensitive pixels:
Pixel 1 - brightness 5, power 3
Pixel 2 - brightness 5, power 3
Very safe for pixel 1 & 2 longevity
Dual layer with one less sensitive pixel (not balanced for power):
Pixel 1 - brightness 5, power 6
Pixel 2 - brightness 5, power 3
Not good for Pixel 1 longevity
Very safe for Pixel 2 longevity
Dual layer with one less sensitive pixel (rebalanced for power):
Pixel 1 - brightness 4, power 4.5
Pixel 2 - brightness 6, power 4.5
Reasonably safe for both Pixel 1 & 2 longevity
These numbers are made up, but I hope it does illustrate how rebalancing between two pixels of different sensitivities can help.