It seems pretty simple why OS X doesn't get viruses. No one has ever written a successful one that runs on OS X.
But the question is, why?
It seems pretty simple why OS X doesn't get viruses. No one has ever written a successful one that runs on OS X.
But the question is, why?
What I find intriguing is that no one seems to have written a serious piece of malware just for the glory. Is it because OS X is in fact that much harder to crack? Or is the glory attached to an OS X exploit that much less than we, non-malware-writing-plebes, think?
Anyway... this is just imho....
Well, just this year there has been Flashback and MacDefender if you want to go "any malware", not just viruses. So there is some out there, it mostly uses attack vectors like 3rd party plugins that Apple includes (and are removing slowly) and mixes it up with social engineering to bypass the need for code escalation vulnerabilities.
what happen for their inconsistent defends of saying that its not safe 100percent...
whoahh so still not safe for a mac user tsk tsk so bad so in this case i will be back using pc computer if that's the case coz its still the same I'm buying an expensive thing and knowing that they are virus free and safe including malware, i rather buy pc and buy antivirus and e still save money money so bad...
KnightWRX You thinking of DOS and OS like windows 9.x base on DOS where software and user level ran in administrator mode.
All windows 2000, XP,Vista and 7 are base on NT .
$ ps -fu root
0 1 0 0 28Jun12 ?? 4:37.43 /sbin/launchd
0 10 1 0 28Jun12 ?? 0:14.63 /usr/libexec/kextd
0 11 1 0 28Jun12 ?? 0:06.07 /usr/libexec/UserEventAgent -l System
0 12 1 0 28Jun12 ?? 0:08.20 /usr/sbin/notifyd
0 13 1 0 28Jun12 ?? 0:02.03 /usr/sbin/diskarbitrationd
0 14 1 0 28Jun12 ?? 0:44.65 /usr/libexec/configd
0 15 1 0 28Jun12 ?? 0:04.88 /usr/sbin/syslogd
0 16 1 0 28Jun12 ?? 0:28.34 /usr/libexec/opendirectoryd
0 17 1 0 28Jun12 ?? 0:03.31 /usr/sbin/distnoted daemon
0 18 1 0 28Jun12 ?? 0:13.90 /System/Library/CoreServices/powerd.bundle/powerd
The only difference of NT and Unix /Linux /OS X is permission authentication. Where in Unix /Linux /OS X permission authentication is base on folders ,files and home group where windows permission authentication is base on user group what that group has read and write access to.
But by default with Unix /Linux /OS X you need authentication out side you home group and this not case with windows.
And most people run administrator mode with windows where wth Unix /Linux /OS X you user that has permission to do administrator stuff that needs authentication .
Windows vista and windows 7 is knock off the sudo command in Unix /Linux with Although User Account Control (UAC).In OS X they give you pretty GUI to authenticate.
Also note Although User Account Control (UAC) and IE sanbox has a lot holes and bugs and many malware get by .
Hum, this is plain wrong, they aren't really different at all. NT and Unix ACLs are both applied directly to folders and files. Both use a owning user, other users and groups and default world permissions. NT is more granular in its permissions while Unix allows 3 : read write execute. POSIX ACLs under Unix allow to set permissions on a file/directory for multiple users and/or groups at the same time.
Windows NT however does use its ACL sub-system to set ACLs to a much wider breadth of objects, in fact, everything in NT can have an ACL thereabout. Printers, Registry entries, OUs in Active Directory, etc.. etc..
But by default with Unix /Linux /OS X you need authentication out side you home group and this not case with windows.
Hum, no. Most Linux distros force you to set the root password but only present an optional unprivileged user creation screen. Users are free to run as root all the time. HP-UX sets the root password during an ignite and nothing else.
Windows NT though since Windows XP has forced the creation of a user during install IIRC. OS X also forces it, but allows you to run it as part of the admin group.
No OS offers more security than the other here.
I run admin on my OS X installation. The installation procedure asked me if I wanted my user to be admin or not. I prefer less typing. And the number of people who just run root on Linux at home is staggering (my home Linux servers, all 4 of them, have unprivileged accounts created and I set up key based authentication for ssh and NOPASS in sudoers since again, I prefer less typing).
UAC is not sudo at all. UAC runs at the default display level, while your user session connects to the display server over RDP. That means nothing can bypass and force UAC operations besides the user. It's a much more complex mecanism than the simple user switching sudo/su does.
Again, I stated it quite clearly in this thread : sudo in Windows has been there since waaaaaaaaaaay before UAC in Vista. It's called runas. Go ahead, type start -> run, type in cmd, and type runas. I'll wait.
Yep, good old sudo/su right there for Windows.
Linux , Unix and OS X use POSIX ACLs and windows use ACLs . Setting up POSIX ACLs on Linux, Unix and OS X is easy not case with windows.
With Unix /Linux /OS X with only one account set up that is administrator account but will need authentication out side user level .
With windows with only one account you administrator / root and can do any thing with out authentication .
It is perfectly okay to run has administrator account with Unix /Linux /OS X but not root . With windows one should never run has administrator account only when installing programs , doing updates or making system setting. Always run standard or guest account 98% of the time with windows and especially when internet surfing this will not stop but cut down on malware infection.
Windows would not need UAC if it was like Unix /Linux /OS X that you a administrator user that needs authentication to system level .
The reason I was saying windows vista and windows 7 is knock off the sudo command is it is poorly implemented the UAC and has a lot of holes and bugs and was explain here at macrumors many times.
I will get back to you on the other parts of this thread.
I think this disscuses is over now has you not even reading what I'm replyingMost of you reply is not addressing my reply.
I have use windows and I can remove programs ,install programs and modify and delete system stuff with no password or prompt other than UAC in windows vista and windows 7 .Not the case with OSX ,Linux or Unix.
I see you never used any thing other than windows do to you have to put password to install, update or modify or delete system setting.
No no no no no root is locked in with OSX ,Linux or Unix you admin user not root user period .There are ways to turn root on but by default it is locked.
With windows admin it is root and admin .
Please read this thread has it seems to come up almost every week here macrumors
Look. Again : I'm a Unix systems administrator. Have been for about 8 years now. I can tell you with certainty ...
You know what, you're right. I don't have a clue how computers work. Everything you've said has been explained with the utmost knowledge of computers, security vulnerabilities, default system configuration and proper understanding of user account configuration on multiple operating systems.
(Can we move on now ? I'll tell my boss to fire me tomorrow and hire you, how does that sound ?).
I never said that .I think there could be problem some times I don't understand your reply or post and some times you do not understand my posts and reply thus the confused.
Has you get fired for internet surfing on the job.
And most IT guys check routers log so getting cought for internet surfing is easy.
I don't understand your posts because you ramble on and on about things you don't quite understand.
What is your point ? What are you trying to argue here ? What are you trying to explain ?
You don't know about ACLs, you don't know about privilege escalation bugs, you don't know about how to "smash the stack" to insert executable code beyond the boundaries of allocated memory (yes, even on modern OSes with memory protection) commonly known as a buffer overflow, you've obviously never installed HP-UX, Solaris or any Linux distribution beyond probably Ubuntu or Mandrive. You have no idea what Netware ACLs are, why POSIX ACLs are a hack and why David Cutler (do you even know who this guy is ?) was chosen to write Windows NT for Microsoft.
Heck, I bet you didn't even know Microsoft once licensed the Unix version 7 code base from AT&T and made their own version of Unix which they licensed to OEMs.
You don't know sudo's relation to Unix (hint, it has no relation to Unix), or what Unix even is (hint, it's not an operating system anymore, it's actually 3 seperate and distinct things : 1- A copyrighted code base owned by Novell, 2- A trademark owned by the OpenGroup, 3- A specification, known as the Single Unix Specification, which is a set of specifications a system must meet in order to be certified to use the trademark mentionned in 2).
So what is it you're trying to tell me ? What do you think I'm wrong about ? And if I am wrong about something, quote it directly and precisely and CITATIONS NEEDED.
Until then, please, pretty please, with a cherry on top, stop rambling incomprehensible things and using words like Unix/Linux/OS X as if they mean what you think they mean.
If you could even see what the logs to our WCCPv2 enabled proxies look like, you'd understand how laughable this statement is.
If you want talk about those things thats fine but those things are way off my post above in fact none those things address my post above .I'm not sure what you arguing about that windows , Linux , Unix and OS X do not prompt for password when installing and removing programs or accessing system stuff like deleting or modify system files or it does prompt when installing and removing programs or accessing system stuff like deleting or modify system files .
What does any of that have to do with this thread ?
And again : no, it depends. And "Unix does not prompt for password to do stuff", what Unix ? AIX, Solaris, HP-UX, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, Xenix, IRIX, NeXTSTEP, which god damn Unix are you even talking about ? What UID are you running ?
Why are we discussing this stuff when it has no relations to viruses or lack thereof on OS X ?
I'm so confused, what point are you trying to make ? <--- why don't you answer this question I've now asked you 3 times. What are you even talking about ?
But the question is, why?
What are we discussing that has no relations to viruses or lack thereof on OS X ?
Any of the Linux and OS X I use prompt for password when installing and removing programs or accessing system stuff like deleting or modify system files for good reason has security feature and deal with malware.
Note I was saying windows does not prompt for password when installing and removing programs or accessing system stuff like deleting or modify system files using admin account that most home users use.
It's quite true. Common sense and education is the best defense against Mac malware.Love how it says on wiki 'users must practice common sense when downloading etc' haha thats awesome.
I think the point nec207 is making is from a consumer end user standpoint. While in Windows logged in as administrator I can basically uninstall/reinstall programs to my hearts desire.
When on most common linux distros (ubuntu, fedora, opensuse, etc) you are going to be prompted for a password when uninstalling things or making changes to system files (assuming they can even get that far).
This is really besides the point though since we are talking about viruses/malware on the computer.
I think nec207 and KnightWRX are on two separate pages here.
Except if you're logged in as root, which is enabled by default on all of these. In fact, last time I used SuSE, creating user accounts during installation was optionnal.