todd2000 said:Not SODIMMS
most of the people buying them are people with brand new macbooks. super cheap ram, great performance.
todd2000 said:Not SODIMMS
rmhop81 said:most of the people buying them are people with brand new macbooks. super cheap ram, great performance.
rmhop81 said:most of the people buying them are people with brand new macbooks. super cheap ram, great performance.
todd2000 said:Aside from the graphics, and slightly slower processor how does a 1.66Ghz Core Duo Mini compare to a 1.88Ghz Coure Duo iMac, performance wise? Do you think I would notice a big difference in performance with the iMac? The reaso I ask is becaue I wan't to sell my current G4, and either buy an iMac or a Mini. But I don't wan't to spend that much, so the Mini seems like a good deal. Im not really that into Gaming so the integrated graphics don't bother me. What do you think? Mini or iMac?
todd2000 said:Why do you say that? The 1.83 Core Duo MacBook is basically the same as the Mini but $300 more? It has the same Processor, Same Video Card, Same Speed ram, same FSB. What makes it better then a Mini?
paddy said:A hell of a lot worse than it. There's a lot of threads on the subject best look at them in case another flame war starts.
milo said:It's worse for games, but on virtually every other app, including playing HD video, it will be just as usable as any other video card. If you're not gaming, I think it's a waste of money to go to a pricier model just for video card.
merc669 said:I wonder if these will work in a MBP. I have One Gig already but would love to upgrade to 2. I have not opened mine but I assume I have two 512s in the MBP now so would need 2. Thanks!!