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todd2000 said:
Aside from the graphics, and slightly slower processor how does a 1.66Ghz Core Duo Mini compare to a 1.88Ghz Coure Duo iMac, performance wise? Do you think I would notice a big difference in performance with the iMac? The reaso I ask is becaue I wan't to sell my current G4, and either buy an iMac or a Mini. But I don't wan't to spend that much, so the Mini seems like a good deal. Im not really that into Gaming so the integrated graphics don't bother me. What do you think? Mini or iMac?

Sounds like the mini would be perfect for you. If you need more hard drive space, just get external firewire or USB2. You might want to also consider the macbook if portability is appealing, especially since it can hook up to an external monitor and use both.

Just make sure you get at least a gig of ram.

todd2000 said:
Why do you say that? The 1.83 Core Duo MacBook is basically the same as the Mini but $300 more? It has the same Processor, Same Video Card, Same Speed ram, same FSB. What makes it better then a Mini?

It's portable, and it comes with an extra screen. Plus it's a little faster, and ram upgrades are way easier.

paddy said:
A hell of a lot worse than it. There's a lot of threads on the subject best look at them in case another flame war starts.

But if you're not running games or other apps that need realtime 3d acceleration, you won't even notice a difference. It's worse for games, but on virtually every other app, including playing HD video, it will be just as usable as any other video card. If you're not gaming, I think it's a waste of money to go to a pricier model just for video card.

Again, whatever one you go with, get at least a gig of ram.
to merc669

If you are worried about space then the 17" iMac would be the best bet as it's small, compact and powerful. Plus it's easier to upgrade after purchasing to 2GB's. That and it comes with a monitor, webcam, keyboard and mouse. The webcam can be used to see her and her baby from far away :) which i'm sure as a grandfather you would like. Plus she gets better specs including more hard drive space and an actual graphics card.

To the OP. I still think the iMac is a better choice, unless it's too pricey, for the above reasons. Even if you have a good monitor you can run both and have dual screen. Which is very handy at times.

Although i do admit that the Macbook is a very good choice too as i have it and you can use it in lid closed mode as a desktop and as a portable system. I need a proper desktop though so i will be getting an iMac as soon as they upgrade the darn things.
milo said:
It's worse for games, but on virtually every other app, including playing HD video, it will be just as usable as any other video card. If you're not gaming, I think it's a waste of money to go to a pricier model just for video card.

See thats just it, Im not a heavy Gamer, but I would like the option of playing Games if the mood strikes me. I wish they would make a less powerful tower then the PowerMac.

EDIT: Although if I sell my G4, Display, iSight, and PC, I could get one machine (iMac) to replace all of them, and probably only spend a few hundred. I can't make up my mind Arggg!!! :)
merc669 said:
I wonder if these will work in a MBP. I have One Gig already but would love to upgrade to 2. I have not opened mine but I assume I have two 512s in the MBP now so would need 2. Thanks!!


Should work great in the MBP, im going to keep this link handy for whicever one I buy.
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