Then, RamDisk for Caches:
diskutil erasevolume HFS+ RamDisk `hdiutil attach -nomount ram://2000000`;
sudo rm -Rf ~/Library/Caches;
mkdir /Volumes/RamDisk/Caches;
ln -s /Volumes/RamDisk/Caches ~/Library/Caches;
sudo rm -Rf /Library/Caches;
sudo mkdir /Volumes/RamDisk/LibraryCaches;
sudo ln -s /Volumes/RamDisk/LibraryCaches /Library/Caches;
Still burning 8 GB for day while sitting idle. Lots of work with fs_util. Up to 9375 days while sitting idle till write exhaustion. I don't sit idle, so I didn't like that I was still burning through 1% of my disk's life every 100 days not doing anything.
sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
Unloaded similarly all other systemstat* daemons in ../LaunchDaemons and ../LaunchAgents.
Unloaded, killed, and renamed the Quicklook daemon so it would not come back to writing useless "quicklook files" (I don't need it that bad):
cd /System/Library/Frameworks/QuickLook.framework/Resources/
sudo mv quicklookd quicklookd.disabled
sudo mv qlmanage qlmanage.disabled
Unloaded residual Symantec daemons.
Finally, USED DISKUTIL WITH THE MOUSE+[option key] to turned journalling OFF! (I did this off line by booting with Alt-R).
Disk at idle is now down to 13.2 MB per hour, i.e. 300 MB per day! At that rate, the disk will last 684 years. I like both machines I am running on (MBP and MacMini), each now has maximum RAM (16 GB and 8 GB) and I intend to keep them operation at least 10 years. Running out of SSD life half way in between is now one less thing to worry about.
Bottom line is that journalling is worth at least 5 GB per day of disk writes, exhausting the multilevel cell technology in the consumer SSDs at an excessive rate.
I am going back to search for an Antivirus replacement that doesn't burn disk writes excessively.
With regards to journaling, I doubt I would ever need it on the macmini. I could have a brain farht and let the MBP run out of battery, so I will think about that.
If your that determined about it no sense in having the last access time being written either. A file containing this will disable that as well.
MacUser2525:~$ cat /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.nullvision.noatime.plist
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN"
<plist version="1.0">