1. Is it illegal to bring up a 3 year old thread? Don't want to end up in a MR jail cell!
2. This is for the 5 of us that still use/have 2008's!
I only performed a counter test to the Handbrake comparison. In the video the 2013 = 30secs 196.3mb mp4 file
the 2008 = 60secs 196.3mb mp4 file
I used Resolve 12.5, Quadro 4000 mac GUI GTX 960 GPU (CUDA) on my 2008 = 13secs 230.3mb mp4 file
Some may say it's not "apples to apples" because handbrake was not used. The other 4 2008 users will see the objective as getting the task completed in a timely fashion.