No. Brick or defective PSU or defective tray or defective backplane can present as USB ports without power.Thank you so much for explain
My mouse and keyboard don't seem to be powering. Can it be a lead?
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No. Brick or defective PSU or defective tray or defective backplane can present as USB ports without power.Thank you so much for explain
My mouse and keyboard don't seem to be powering. Can it be a lead?
Hi. i release the pressure on cpu and now it’s a diag light of gpu ok blink
I replace the processors by the old ones and it’s still the same
Hi. i release the pressure on cpu and now it’s a diag light of gpu ok blink
Not necessarily but if like you said, when you loosened, it started to do more than before then maybe it’s the torque of the screws. Maybe you over tightened originally and or it’s just bricked. Personally I did the opposite after reading the forums, guides and the manual and I was getting nothing due to being too loose with the I screw the cpu thoroughly?
so I screw the cpu thoroughly?