10.9.3 touts Graphics Drivers enhancements/changes etc !!!!! It's one of the 10.9.3 focus areas for testers.
I understand that in a new release of 10.9 this version will change to 1.22.25 with a size of 4.3 MB and its Create/Modified date/time are Sep 19, 2013. This seems odd to me, but then those Create/Modified dates may be insignificant... dunno though.
I'm doing the whole 4,1 > 5,1 with (2x) x5670s. I watched the You Tube video (which, based on this thread, I gather isn't fully endorsed) and also read the entire at http://pindelski.org/Photography/2013/07/08/mac-pro-2009-part-tbd/.
Any comment from you guys about how necessary the thermal pads are? Since the CPU retainer isn't replaced, I wonder if that compensates for the additional thickness of the IHS.
My foremost concern here is to upgrade successfully without damaging my components. That said, I don't want to spend time and money that I don't have to. No doubt the author of the article was thorough, however, it seems the maker of the video wound up with the same results in far less steps.
I appreciate your feedback.
I'm doing the whole 4,1 > 5,1 with (2x) x5670s. I watched the You Tube video (which, based on this thread, I gather isn't fully endorsed) and also read the entire at http://pindelski.org/Photography/2013/07/08/mac-pro-2009-part-tbd/.
Any comment from you guys about how necessary the thermal pads are? Since the CPU retainer isn't replaced, I wonder if that compensates for the additional thickness of the IHS.
My foremost concern here is to upgrade successfully without damaging my components. That said, I don't want to spend time and money that I don't have to. No doubt the author of the article was thorough, however, it seems the maker of the video wound up with the same results in far less steps.
I appreciate your feedback.
Thanks for the feedback. bxs, you RULE for sending me that eBay link. I tried buying it on Amazon last night, and not only was it twice the price, but they also wouldn't ship to Alaska (I'm in Anchorage). I didn't even think to look on eBay for that kind of thing.
I'm assuming any x5670 processor will work, right? I ordered these http://www.ebay.com/itm/191174738440?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649. All the research I did seems to show Intel only made one version of the x5670.
Last, since you just did one of these installs, any other advice?
Be sure to install the new X5670 processor into CPU B first and reinstall its heat sink. Then remove CPU A along with its heat sink and test the upgrade with just CPU B installed. Pindelski insists you do this and it's very good advice IMO.
Very thorough, thank you. I already have 32GB, so I won't be upgrading that for a bit. I do music, so 128GB would be nice, but it's too expensive for me right now. Plus, I haven't even maxed out the 32GB in any of my projects yet.
I'm also installing an Apricorn Velocity Solo x2 with a Samsung 840 EVO-Series 500GB SSD. All that's easy. I recently did an OWC Accelsior card, but it's performance didn't justify the price ($300) so I returned it. I got 120GB and it was big enough to hold my OS/software and some of my personal files (I moved the user folder to a different drive). I believe I was getting around 600MB R/W -- which was great. But, since so much of what was being read was on different drives, the overall performance wasn't impressive. The boot still took ~:45. While the R/W is likely going to be slightly slower with the Velocity Solo x2 (I'm anticipating ~500MB R/W), I think the overall performance should be the same if not maybe slightly improved since I'll be able to put so much more on it (thus, the system won't have to look to the other drives so frequently). Same $300, over 4x the capacity (the Accelsior 480GB is $530).
FWIW, the seller accepted my $350 offer for the processors, so I got them for a steal!
Much as I appreciate the publicity, your statement above is wrong in every single regard. I suggest you re-read what I wrote and not misquote me, making it impossible for others to do the work correctly.
Here is the correct version:
You install CPU A and its heat sink only, pull CPU B and its heat sink. Test with CPU A only. A 2009/2010/2012 Mac Pro will not start with only CPU B installed.
@bxs, again, very thorough. Reading your points along with your claim the upgrade took you four hours emphasizes to me this isn't going to be a five minute job; and that for best results I need to take my time and be careful.
Thank you for taking the time to provide all the clarification.
So what do you guys make of this...
I did the upgrade 4,1 > 5,1 with x5670s. It posts fine with the first processor. I do the second and nothing. I get the red flash (once) per processor but no chime or boot. The instructions says to loosen the posts for CPU B. I do - several times - maybe a turn less per post -- and I did this in quarter turn increments (loosen a quarter, try to boot, etc.). After loosing them around a whole turn per post, the computer starts, however, it's not appreciating the second processor. What's weird is iStat Pro sees it and gives me it's temp and all. More, the CPU A fan doesn't spaz out.
I've tried two different processors in CPU B (both x5670s).
Any suggestions?