Using OCLP, I moved up the ladder from High Sierra to Big Sur. It is Monterey that has perplexed me. In attempting to install it from OCLP-created USB to a sata ssd target drive, it repeadly goes into a loop and it's not clear how one can work around this. There is a YouTube video explaining why the loop exists, but offers no remedy. Most recently, I created a USB boot, using the traditional method (without OCLP), but has no boot pick screen and USB will not self start the begin the process even with all drives, except the taget sata drive, removed.
As an aside, with the "144" firmware and installing a metal (RX580) gpu, I never see a boot pick screen (with or without OCLP). It will occur with the installation of OE ATI Radeon card, but the video goes gray once the OS spins up.