It frightens me that you might actually be correct.I wouldn't be surprised if Jony wasn't woking his magic voodoo with magnets to come up with a silent maglev fan, and demanding the hardware be only as powerful as something his new toy can cool.
It frightens me that you might actually be correct.I wouldn't be surprised if Jony wasn't woking his magic voodoo with magnets to come up with a silent maglev fan, and demanding the hardware be only as powerful as something his new toy can cool.
The current Mac Pro doesn't seems to be designed for a 12 core and a D700 and another D700 all to be "lit up" concurrently for extended periods of time.
Even if they did, what could they possibly release that would make this forum happy?
Face it, Ive's trash can design is, well, trash.
It can't support the thermal load of any modern day components without sounding like a jet engine, which means that if Apple did update it, they'd be forced to include underpowered components just to try and keep the thing quiet. At that point, everyone would be wondering the exact same thing they did at launch- "why is this machine lagging behind off the shelf hardware by a few years?".
They're not going to re-release a new tower system because that Apple is long dead. You're dealing with a company here who looks at technological advances as a way to make things smaller, thinner, and lighter, instead of something that means you can cram more resources in the same amount of space. If you need something more powerful then a cMP, it's time to look elsewhere, or build a hackintosh if you really must run OS X.
At least Super Mario Go is announced
+1. 'csrutil disable' is a problem for starters.At least tell us Sierra is going live today with full eGPU support for all TB equipped Macs, + Nvidia Pascal drivers. A guy can dream...
September or October of what decade??
Sorry, I a momentary lapse in judgement. Thanks for reminding me how absurd Apple has gottenFixed that for you.
"Don't you just love Donald Duck?"
Slab Bulkhead.I don't know about you guys, but I put my faith in Blast Hardcheese.
I'm not a student of thermal or power envelopes, but I think most folks would be satisfied if not happy with the following at the top end:
- 20 cores at decent GHz
- dual (under clocked) 1070s
- TB3
- and with Sierra, official support for eGPU
Am I crazy?