-ugh I reply again...but it's ok, in the good spirit of giving clear information to people -
Dear Linux,
What I wrote is based on my experience, and it's not few. I've been build hundred times of various hackintosh and to that exactly the same spec I mention above alone, I've been build them for about three or five,...ALL without any trouble and were THAT easy. Two of them are still running as main DAWs in my friends studio now.
So what's your point, my friend?
I can understand if you said that your opinion based on your/somebody else's experience, which might be different than me, for example using other combinations of hardware/peripherals and tools/methods,..(more that you ever mentioned TonyCrap -err I mean TonyMac- Tools above)...no wonder.
But...did you read that I wrote: "IF YOU FOLLOW WHAT I TYPED CAREFULLY....bla bla bla"...???
(for exact:it is on post
#13 of this thread...I wrote:
Because if someone does,..IT IS easy. I've proven it many times..(in that very case alone, same specs & tools,.. at least three times)...
If not (follow exactly what I wrote), and there are million possibilities of hardware combinations out there, of course no one can say anything. Like what you said.
I think you miss the poin here.
Out and over.