My wife - who is a fashion designer - saw the Mac Pro. The first thing she said was "It doesn't look like Apple, it's not as elegant. It's very masculine. Like someone else has designed it".
I don't have her keen eye for design, but I think she might be right. It would make sense that this may be one of the first non-Ive designs to reach the market and perhaps the shape of things to come. More cool and a little less elegant?
Thought the same when seeing it. With the legs and handles sticking out like that it looks at odds with their other stuff from the Intel era and those vents look very much like a whole new style. I seem to recall reading that they hired a new face for their design team who was thought to have been responsible for this project.
Whoever did this - I'm glad they went with this design because it does not make me lust after this machine. It's not a put-off to be fair but definitely not a turn-on either. The wallet says thank you.