Upgrading GT8800 to MSI R7950
Favourite son (actually only son) provided his father on Father's Day with a new GPU - a MSI R7950, Twin Frozer, 3GB DDR5, Boost Edition - as he was sick of hearing of father's ongoing baking episodes with his original GT 8800 card. When questioned about 'but its a PC card' my son, bless him, simply says "Dad, just take the nVidia card out (PCIe slot 1), stick the MSI one, reconnect 6 pin from the old card and then turn your Mac. It will all work perfectly but you will not the the grey boot screen" - something about the right 'ATI drivers' are part of 10.8.4.
OK but 'sceptical Dad' is seeking more expert advice - 'Will this MSI R7950 PC GPU card simply work as son claims (ie. works fine as per specs except for boot screen) or is father going to have to do a crash course in EFI & ROM flashing to get it to work?