This one.
Ok, thats what I was thinking.... but I guess my problem is, what key do I hold on boot to select which drive to boot off of? Is it still C? I thought C was to boot from the CD/DVD drive.
This one.
Ok, thats what I was thinking.... but I guess my problem is, what key do I hold on boot to select which drive to boot off of? Is it still C? I thought C was to boot from the CD/DVD drive.
Hold thr option key when booting. And select you usb drive to boot on it
LOL. Yea. OSX is installing now.
Hopefully it sorts your problem.
Ok. New questions.
I have the Adobe Creative Suite on the hard drive "Macintosh HD" which is the HD that came with this computer.
Now that I'm booting off this new HD, I tried to open InDesign and it said it was missing components and had to be reinstalled. Why would I have to reinstall it just to run it off another HD?
I'm guessing ACS is looking for some files in your user/libary folders. You could search for any Adobe folders on your original HD and copy them over to the exact same płace on the new one, but it's probably easier just to reinstall. Or you could use the Migration Assistant to move ACS over to the new HD. Yeah, do that. It's best to keep your apps and user folder on the same drive.
Ok.. yea.... Option and Alt are the same key. I'll do that. Thanks everybody. Be back in a few with an update.
Do you happen to use a windows keyboard?
Option and Alt are the same on a Mac keyboard. At least this wireless one I am typing on.
Do you happen to use a windows keyboard?