Yes they do. It is a barter trade. None of those shows are buying them. But they are being bartered for position. I said Holloywood were whores .... not expensive hoes. Most are like the hoes to who tricks for crack rocks.
Yes they do. It is a barter trade. None of those shows are buying them. But they are being bartered for position. I said Holloywood were whores .... not expensive hoes. Most are like the hoes to who tricks for crack rocks.
I don't see that at all and I teach at a major university. We certainly run off of both Mac and PC hardware but none of the applications are proprietory to Apple. It's all Adobe, Autodesk, Avid, The Foundry, etc.
Half that software didn't even have Mac versions at all until recently. If anything, those industries are becoming slightly more Mac, not less.
Oh, I agree there. However my comment was a response to the claim that these people are learning using "Apple" software. That's just not true.
I remember when I was a lot younger and was just starting to get interested in this industry, reading about it, taking tours of creative agencies. Everyone always boasted that "they're Mac based" or that you needed to be on a Mac to do this kind of work. Obviously that wasn't true at all. But just looking at today's landscape, even that sentiment isn't there anymore with professionals.
Half that software didn't even have Mac versions at all until recently. If anything, those industries are becoming slightly more Mac, not less.
Adobe products started on Macs without any PC counterpart. Photoshop was written on a Mac for Macs. Not even available for PCs for a few years.
Piles of macpros over here. So many in this film/post sound industry.
I couldn't see a company not working on them unless it's a single operator system with no need to integrate...
Yes they do. It is a barter trade. None of those shows are buying them. But they are being bartered for position. I said Holloywood were whores .... not expensive hoes. Most are like the hoes to who tricks for crack rocks.
deconstruct60 said:They are largely there because Apple paid for them to be there.
"Such barter deals are common today, and Apple is rare in having the luxury to skip them."
Well it's just my opinion, but I think there's a huge difference between "largely paid for", which implies paying for nearly everything and "Apple has the luxury to skip barter deals", which implies mostly Apple products are placed there without even bartering,
"... Apple wont pay to have their products featured, but they are more than willing to hand out an endless amount of computers, iPads, and iPhones, he says. Its kind of a graft situation. ...."
'Graft' is an indicator that if you are solely focused on dollar bills .... you are missing the point. The "hand out" is the payment.
Also, yet another reason why they can skip deals because they are already handing stuff out at a rate higher than every other vendor (also highlighted in the article). Handing it out to every and anybody would actually have a negative impact.
Of course that's completely anecdotal, as was my claim. I'm just commenting on what I've seen, whether it be in colleges, production facilities, trade shows/publications, etc.
That's an absurd statement. What does Apple offer that other workstation providers don't?