Solutions not directly supported by Apple. They had to guide them toward something.
When was the last time they even updated that?
I wonder how it compares with the new ones. For most server duties the configuration wouldn't be very helpful. The dual gpu thing would be useful where gpu computation is used. If we're talking about a data center that just slicese these up into VMs, that makes zero sense.
That's why I said such a cluster (of any considerable size) doesn't make any sense - like, at all. It's also why I said so much depends on the base price.
More than obviously anyone even slightly informed as to what's commercially available can customize nodes for very little money. Whether they're interested in multiple GPUs or CPU cores setting up or having set up, custom boxes can come in at around a half to one third the cost of what I guess Apple will ask for the MP6,1. This might not be a tremendous difference in small clusters of 8 or less but with 240 or even a quarter that many it just makes no sense at all.
One would have to be a complete idiotic buffoon unable to even add or subtract in order to consider clusters of MacPro boxes for cluster computing; rendering or whatever. Unless one is getting special deals from Apple (like Pixar might) such configurations are as I already said, ludicrous! How this discussion has even continued this far defies rational thinking.
On the other hand if Apple pulls a rabbit out of hat (about as likely as flying butt-monkeys IMO) and offers 12 fast cores and/or 2 pro grade GPUs for less than or about the same as other solutions then I could be wrong. And they have done this in the past with the 2006 machines - coming in at just slightly less than one could piece together a DIY of identical specification. The trouble with accepting this as a predictor is the current state of the marketplace. They would essentially have to offer a 12 core 3.5GHz at under $2.5k to make any sense to cluster customers. And if they intend on dual "workstation grade" GPUs that's not going to be possible.
I dunno the prices of systems capable of supporting 4, 6, or 8 GPUs but I'd be willing to bet the same thing there. More than likely the MP6,1 can NOT be priced competitively for either customer - and given the proprietary nature of the new design there won't be any end-around system mods to equalize the differences either. For individual workstation solutions the MP6,1 makes sense. For small clusters of 2 to 8 machines it MAY also make sense (doubtful really but some people may not mind losing $2k to $16K). But for sizable clustering no one on the planet is stupid enough to toss out an extra hundred-thousand dollars or two just to have the Apple logo on - and that's what they would be doing.
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