Some Macs have a slight delay between pressing the power button and the startup bong. My mbp (mid 2010) has that exact same problem, my other Macs don't. It seems to be something related to the optical drive, pram/smc and/or efi. For some resetting the pram/smc does nothing, for others it does magic and for some it only makes the problem less worse. It seems to be some bug that only affects booting, everything else works as it should.So it seems that MP is unable to have the same boot time as MBP? In MBP the startup bong and the spinning wheel appears almost immediately once you press the power button, while in MP it takes 10 seconds before the startup bong appears. So I guess the delay between the bongs is what cause the MP to boots longer.
You mp has both a ssd and a hdd. The hdd needs to spin up, etc. which is still the same whether the ssd or the hdd is the boot drive. You might see a difference when only using the ssd. Again, it's what transporteur already told you: it's about the entire machine, not just the ssd!
However, boot time is not very interesting, it says absolutely nothing about the performance of the ssd and the machine. My mbp might be one of the slowest Macs when booting but it most definitely is one of the fastest machines I have (the other one is a 2010 mp with a ssd and a hdd). Both the mbp and mp are screamingly fast, the other Macs are dead slow (when compared).