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Mac Pro-90%
macbook pro-3%. Primarily use it when I travel. I probably wouldn't have a laptop at all if the iPad had 1) a front-facing camera for video Skyping with the wife & kid; and 2) a USB port for streaming movies from an external drive when I'm in a hotel. There's rarely anything worth watching.
i have the new mac pro and macbook pro.... some how I am sitting now on the couch in my office using an old t41 thinkpad while my wife sits at my desk using both Macs?

When I am running the show (home alone) I use the Mac Pro almost all the time as that is where I work from. the Macbook is where my wife does homework or if Im going places or just surfing web in another room
Mac Pro-65%
15" Macbook Pro 2008-25%
iPad WiFi-5%

iPad is too slow and no adblock. iPhone is used for music and calls. Can't do much else with iOS. Content creation sucks on it.
I will be updating 2008 2.8GHz Mac Pro with SSD and continue to use as it is more powerful than the consumer models still and has a 9C85 screen with a 900:1 contrast ratio, an express card slot for eSATA and easy HDD/ Battery access. More important to me than portable power.
2010 15" MBP: hi-res anti glare, core i7, 8GB, 256GB Vertex 2 SSD.


Late 2010 Mac Pro, fully loaded
Mid 2010 HP Workstation Laptop

New iPhone 4 (line 1)
New HTC Inspire (line 2)

All get very heavy use, I'm a software engineer/designer/tech addict.
My 2009 Quad's sidekick is a...2008 Octo!

I'm planning on picking up a refreshed 11" MBA this summer when I go back to school for my MBBS. Do have an iPad 3G and iPhone 4, but not used for work, just films and music!
15" Late 2008 MPB
iPad WiFi only
iPhone 4G

At home I mainly use the MPB, out and about it "on the run" the iPhone. When commuting, in meetings etc. the iPad is my tool of choice. I just got the Zaggmate hard iPad case and I really like it. It's the slimmest of any case I have tried (even thinner than the non-keyboard Apple case) and the keyboard has a great feel as well as shift keys on both sides. It doesn't protect the back of the iPad, but then again I'm not used to tossing around $500 pieces of electronic equipment so for me it's not a problem. If you are careless with your stuff or accident prone it's probably not a good case for you. My only complaint is if you aren't using the keyboard it's just kind of hanging out there - but for all the other positives it's a mildly negative con. I like it by far the best of all the other cases I have tried - mainly because it is compact, compact, compact! Also since when you pop it out of the case you basically have a naked iPad again, I can use my iPad doc connector again which is nice - a docked iPad makes an awesome photo frame.

The 11" MacBook Air is what I wanted to replace my 12" PowerBook G4 for. Oh well, at least my 15" MBP has the express card still - the express card compact flash reader I have is awesome and handy in the field with my SLR camera. I really want an 11" Air, but I really can't justify it. iPad 2 or Air? That will be a conundrum indeed!
2010 15" MBP: hi-res anti glare, core i7, 8GB, 256GB Vertex 2 SSD.


Late 2010 Mac Pro, fully loaded
Mid 2010 HP Workstation Laptop

New iPhone 4 (line 1)
New HTC Inspire (line 2)

All get very heavy use, I'm a software engineer/designer/tech addict.

Like you I use my notebook more than my Mac Pro, I'm an industrial designer/tech addict and try to work away from my desk as much as possible, I'm more creative that way.
On the go, I switch between a pair of ThinkPads (a T42 and an R400). My "desktop" at home is a MacBook Pro with a busted top case running in clamshell mode. And of course, an iPhone is my near constant companion.

Time spent using looks something like this:
40% Mac Pro
45% ThinkPad(s)
10% iPhone
5% MBP "desktop"
50% i7 hackintosh basically whenever im home.
25% iPhone 4 whenever im on the go.
25% iPad whenever im at work with a lot of spare time

Looking into either upgrading my hackintosh with parts and getting a MBA or replacing my hackintosh with either an i7 imac or mac pro. In no rush for either or so ill just keep saving.
80% hexacore Mac Pro in my office at work
20% Macbook Pro (15 inch 2009 unibody) at home and while traveling

I'm considering an iPad mostly for notetaking and ad hoc web browsing/calendaring/email while at conferences or in seminars on campus (might be useful to look up journal articles before asking a dumb question and/or to cite specific data in support of a question). Might fit the definition of a sidekick better than my laptop.
I bought a used HP 2530p (12.1" ultraportable) when I'm out and need access to the web or a word processor. everything else is done on my Mac Pro. eventually I might get a 13" Macbook Pro/Air, but I don't need mobility enough to justify spending that much on a laptop.
Mac Pro 3,1 (~15% all the heavy-hitting processes and anything simplified with a dual-display setup)
13" MacBook Pro 7,1 (~70% brunt of this is time is being used at work)
T-Mobile G2 running CM7 (~15% email, social networks, etc.)
8TB FreeNAS file server (passively all the time)
Lets see....
Mac Pro 5,1 (50%+ - Main Number cruncher and video editor), MacBook Air 11" (25% - Research and portable), MacBook White (5% - Optical drive and presentations), PowerBook G4 (5% - Photography), iMac White Intel (5%), PowerMac G4 MDD (iTunes Jukebox and Server so is always "on and in use" despite me never using its mouse and keyboard really), PowerBook 1400c/166 (5% - Lovely for typing and editing text), PowerMac 8100, 8200, G4 AGP, 7500, various Consumer G3s and some older PPC and 68K Macs - the rest of the time.

- I use pretty much every machine I own at some point, but breaking it into percent would get very fiddly very fast (Since I Own and use >10 Macs), I also use a iPad 3G, Sony XPeria X8 and various iPods with this stuff.
2008 Mac pro - 30% (but it always runs in the background, and provides a lot of services for my other devices, media streaming, VPN, torrents - I also do all my photoshop and aperture on it).

200? G4 powerbook 17 inch - 5% I've jus got it floating about..... porn mainly tbh.

16 GB wifi ipad - 65% Do all my browsing on this

32GB iPhone 4 - Goes everywhere with me.
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