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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 30, 2007
I have been using Macs now for about 7 years. My first purchase was a PowerMac G5 and since then I have bought about 4 Imacs and 3 MacBooks/Pros. Not to mention , countless IPODS, Apple TV and the Iphone.

It seems with every new update the quality of the product gets worse than the one before. I just purchased the new Imac and this keyboard on this thing is a joke. It looks and feels like it cost about 9.00 to make.

Why does Apple think they can sell a high computer and provide substandard products to go with them. They did the same thing with the 3g Phone, the headsets that came with the phone was terrible. Not to mention the quality control on the latest product is terrible. My last Macbook Pro had to be switched out 3 times due to a bad screen. This is beyond ridiculous to think people are going to pay high end dollars only to get low end products!
I've had close friends and family that have owned Macs for as long as I can remember (ie. 15-20 years now) and for as long as I can remember there have been problems - just like myself and everyone else using PC's. I just purchased my first Mac ever (iMac) and while it may not be perfect, the build quality is really something compared to what you get from most PC's. The keyboard is most certainly not a joke. Ergonomically it's not my favorite - but style and build quality wise, it's orders of magnitude better than any keyboard I've ever seen included with a PC. You want a joke? Take a look at what Dell includes for a keyboard if you don't pay extra...
This is beyond ridiculous to think people are going to pay high end dollars only to get low end products!

Why is that ridiculous? Anybody who thinks that Apple somehow uses expensive, top-quality plastic for the keys on their keyboards is ridiculous. There's a lot that goes into Apple pricing, but don't think they are not cutting corners. Look at the older plastic Macbooks that crack and chip if you just look at them.

But that's beside the point, because the aluminum keyboard is amazing.
It does seem that I have heard about more issues of quality recently than I have in the past. I suspect that perhaps Apple has decided to cut corners, in some instances.

The upside, though, is that Apple continues to have excellent customer service and makes sure that if there is a problem, it is corrected. For me, I don't really worry because I know that if there is something wrong - I will be taken care of.
what's the alternative? PC? I don't think so. As most of you missed the fact of the post. It is about the ongoing shortcuts versus keeping the quality level up.

then built a freaking Hackintosh, find out what you would need to run OS X then go to and buy the parts.
I bought my first mac, a blackbook, in 2006. No problems whatsoever. My wife uses it now and I use my UMB. Freaking love it. No issues at all.
I actually like the keyboard. Much better than the one I'm using at work right now that I'm convinced was made before I was born. Anyway did you not look at the keyboard before you made your purchase? It's the same keyboard as the previous iMac just without the numberpad. The original is still a no-cost option. I don't see what the problem is.
I got the wireless aluminum keyboard and I love it. As a writer I can drop it in my lap and sit for hours typing away with my feet in the air. And it doesn't look cheap. My 2 year old has already gotten his hands on it and tested it's durability.

While I am at work the keyboard I use is labeled "Microsoft" and it is a piece of junk. The first one crapped out on me last month and the replacement is already falling apart. It's plastic and cheap.

Microsoft is the KING at turning away it's customers from the PC with non working pieces of junk they call their software and hardware. And Microsoft's service department is a joke.
I have to agree about the imac keyboard. It is most certainly not ergonomic because they hurt my fingers. They don't have the spring like the previous ones. This is designed purely for aesthetic reason!
Otherwise, I’d never want to swich to Windows. Although I have a PC laptop but I use it mostly for Torrents stuff and not as my main computer.
And no, I don't want to install Window on a Mac. :D

I've had close friends and family that have owned Macs for as long as I can remember (ie. 15-20 years now) and for as long as I can remember there have been problems - just like myself and everyone else using PC's. I just purchased my first Mac ever (iMac) and while it may not be perfect, the build quality is really something compared to what you get from most PC's. The keyboard is most certainly not a joke. Ergonomically it's not my favorite - but style and build quality wise, it's orders of magnitude better than any keyboard I've ever seen included with a PC. You want a joke? Take a look at what Dell includes for a keyboard if you don't pay extra...
there are a lot of meaningful +1's in this post

you guys know that +1's go against MacRumor's rules right? i get it. i've done it before. but when there are 30 +1's do we really have to post another?

and if someone quotes and +1's me.... haha oh well atleast i made my point!
there are a lot of meaningful +1's in this post

you guys know that +1's go against MacRumor's rules right? i get it. i've done it before. but when there are 30 +1's do we really have to post another?

and if someone quotes and +1's me.... haha oh well atleast i made my point!

+1. :D:D:D Sorry, couldn't resist. Tried. Failed.

But yeah, Macs are great quality, IMO.
Quality in general has suffered over the past few years

The larger issue is the general deterioration of QC throughout the manufacturing sector. From clothes to computers and TVs, many manufacturers have done a poor job maintaining acceptable levels of quality in the products they sell.

Every one really needs to remember that all mass-produced products are subject to inconsistencies in materials, poor manufacturing equipment maintenance, worker apathy and any other random issue that may impact quality.

While millions of Apple customers receive great products in perfect working order, somebody is going to end up with one of those less than perfect machines. The rush to find the lowest cost manufacturing facilities for any given product has exacerbated the problem. Even so-called luxury brands have succumbed to this rush to cut cost and increase margins. Quality suffers but not enough to force more stringent QC.

In many cases companies believe it is simply less expensive to deal with the complaints and service issues than to reduce defects by x%. We would like to believe the numbers are there to back up such behavior, however, it is more likely the brand name company (in this case Apple) just doesn't make the effort to provide stringent oversight of the company or companies performing the actual manufacturing.

"Just good enough" is the watch phrase these days and if you're one of the unfortunate who happen to get a unit that's not so "good enough", better have bought that extended service plan.

Outsourcing may have brought better jobs to a wider variety people across the globe and lower prices to the consumer nations but in many cases accountability has suffered, impacting not just quality of goods produced but the treatment of workers, land use and environmental impact.

It's sad, It's not right, but it's the world we live in. :(

How the hell is the mac keyboard cheap quality?!?!?!? Its made out of freakin aluminum!
I am reading this long winded thread thinking the exact same thing.

For some the chicklet style keys come across as cheap or toy-like (my wife took one look at it and declared it flimsy w/o ever touching it). I have both and am fine with both, however, for long typing sessions I prefer the older white keyboard with "real" keys. That is a practical consideration and has very little to do with style. The Aluminum version does look nice. While the OP perhaps did not articulate his frustration well with regard to what he specifically found lacking in the recent build quality (other than the vague keyboard), we cannot deny there are more QC issues with Macs than there ever was in the past.

Sometimes I think that current Apple hardware it is just the "mordida" we have to pay for using MacOS X.

Ah, but should we have to pay a bribe to use our favorite OS? In either case, isn't it supposed to be a small premium? :)

Yup, that's why hardly anyone uses M$ these days ..... :rolleyes:

MS operating system has suffered a continued market share decline since 2003.

I use Microsoft. I am typing on a Microsoft brand keyboard right now. That doesn't mean that Microsoft hasn't scared me away. When I had to lay down my hard earned money I wanted anything but windows installed on my computer. The amount of hassle I have to deal with my XP work computer and all of my families Vista computers isn't worth it.

You clearly want perfection. I can see why you love M$ so much. :rolleyes:
I really like the iMac "chiclet" style keyboard. The keys are less "chunky" than comparable PC keyboards I've used, and the aluminum accents class it up.

BTW, this post should be taken with a grain of salt because I am also a guy who actually "likes" the Apple Mighty Mouse. :)
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