I think Apple is doing fine. Maybe their numbers are down because they had a really great Q1 2022, which was when the NASDAQ was at its peak, credit was cheap, people were working from home and willing to pay for home-office upgrades, but cabin fever was setting in and people were also itching to spend money. Also people had figured out that the M1 processor was a major leap forward.
So how could they keep that momentum going during an economic downturn? They could start by making better customer-forward decisions. For example, $200 is an absurd amount of money for a computer keyboard. Sell a cheaper one that doesn't feel like a compromise. There's absolutely no reason for a desktop computer keyboard to be wireless, since it's connecting to a fully wired device. But how can you expect people, who are made out of and surround by water, to spend that kind of money on a keyboard that isn't waterproof? That's outlandishly dumb. Apple needs to hire an Executive Vice President in charge of Are You Sure You're Not Being Stupid or Mean. There's a lot of low-hanging fruit. I don't need an assortment of colors for no extra charge, I need at least half a TB of SSD for no extra charge. Collect your premium pricing on the rose gold anodize, not the chips that make the box useful. I could justify buying a new Mac every year if every year they released one that was significantly faster and more powerful, with more RAM and more storage, at a price that doesn't feel like a once-per-decade purchase.