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mark88 said:
Check out the attachment. Here I had Opera open with 2 tabs, Safari 2 windows with 1 tab in each. 1 Finder Window, VNC Client, Adium, Mail and Slush(converts video frames to images).

Safari is using an unusual amount of Virtual RAM, which could be causing all those page outs. Try quitting it every so often as its got some nasty memory leaks.
Abstract said:
Not if you use Adobe Lightroom or Photoshop (not Universal yet).

I have 452,000 pageouts within 12 days, 6 hours, and 40 minutes of computer uptime. :eek:

Wouldn't most such people have a MacBook Pro instead?
For all the "you guys complain too much, 512MB is fine" talk.. that's fair, but in the OP's case... (and this is the OP's thread! ;) ) he has already said that he is both (a) unhappy with his computer's performance and (b) getting significant page-outs. At this point, the issue of whether the amount of ram the OP has is "enough" to you is moot. The OP has speed issues that are clearly at least in part driven by not having enough RAM for what he does. Unless his pageout picture in the recent past has been unduly affected by something unusual, the pageouts clearly demonstrate this. End of story. Buy or don't buy more memory, or change or don't change your usage pattern, but the interaction between the two is certainly part of the issue you're explaining.

Just by way of example... my iMac G5 / 2.0 / 1.5GB has "enough" RAM for my use. It's been up for 27 days and has had 8000 page-outs in that entire month. My iBook is another matter. It's been up for 30 days and had approximately 1M pageouts. Although I recently moved to my iMac and now just use Firefox, Adium, iTunes, iCal, and Preview on my iBook, so it's not accruing so so many pageouts anymore since I did that.

EDIT: The Safari memory leaks angle is worth checking out, though. My impression is that this issue has become somewhat less so over time. But I know that resetting safari periodically makes a difference when RAM is critical...
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