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macrumors 6502
Sep 20, 2006
I'm still waiting for another battery test. The newspaper reviewers gave some tests but I'd like to see more confirmation.

Yeah, that's the biggie. If real life use (with WiFi) is only 3.5 hours, then it isn't a MacBook Air, but a MacBook Ground - tethered to the mains.:rolleyes:


macrumors member
Jan 27, 2008
My 12" iBook g4 1.33ghz with 768mb of ram and a 4200rpm hdd has been my main computer for quite some time. I've made movies on it, pictures, internet, email, microsoft office, all with ease. Granted it's not as fast as I would like.

But for someone like me, a macbook air is ALREADY going to be much faster than what I have. Most of the people crying are ones with MBP's or Macbook's saying oh man this thing is slow blah blah. Well ya, duh! It's slower than your computer, so what. Don't buy it, but it works for some people, and it's benefits to me outweigh what it's lacking. :D

I'm with you there. I have a Powerbook G4 12" 1.33 GHz w/ 768 MB RAM, though my HDD is 5400 RPM.

I first hesitated a little due to performance concerns, but preordered my MBA after realizing it will be faster than my old PB.

When Gizmodo released their benchmark, I did a side-by-side (well.. actually over-and-under) comparison to a benchmark I did on my machine about a week ago. Check it out here. Text is in Swedish but you'll understand the benchmarks. :)

The MBA outperforms the PB in memory test, and (being dual core) beats it by 3x in thread test, while the PB beats the MBA in OpenGL graphics (not being far behind on Quartz graphics either) and disk performance.
I hope the MBA graphics result is due to new (unoptimized) drivers..

Also, it will be very interesting to see benchmarks on the SSD model.

(First post btw. Been reading for a while and couldn't resist posting a reply to this one.. :) )
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