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macrumors Core
Original poster
Aug 17, 2007
MacWorld has posted a review of the MBA. It is an interesting read.

Is losing several hundred megahertz, dozens of gigabytes of hard-drive space, an internal optical drive, and FireWire connectivity worth losing two pounds? (Those are the differences between the MacBook Air and the MacBook—if you’re considering a switch from the MacBook Pro, the differences are even starker in both directions.) Each laptop user will have to answer that question for themselves.

As a longtime fan of small laptops, I embraced the MacBook Air with some trepidation. But once I slipped that three-pound laptop into my backpack and threw the bag over my shoulders, I realized that sacrificing some storage space and some processor power was ultimately worth it for me.


macrumors 68040
Apr 2, 2005
I agree with the review. It sort of made me realize I'm wasted my $ on the macbook pro.

Have I ever taken out my battery in my cell phone, iPod, laptops, etc.? No.

Do I ever use my optical drive? Just to install software every few months...

What sort of USB devices do I use? Just my key every now and then. I usually just transfer stuff over my airport extreme network because it's easier than turning around my 24" iMac to have access to the USB Port (I guess I'm lazy!).

What do I store on my hard drive? Just school stuff. All my music is on my iPod and on my iMac at home.

At the time, the MacBook pro was only 400 or so more than the macbook. It was worth it for the backlit keyboard, the cooler, aluminum design, and most importantly the larger screen. I obviously could have done fine with the regular macbook, but I think the bigger screen is better only because the weight of the mbp is so close to that of the macbook. the MBA would probably be the best choice, but I guess i'm still happy with my MBP!


macrumors 6502
Sep 3, 2006
Dublin, Ireland
A good review imho. Well presented describing exactly that this is obviously not going to be all things to all men. It's targeted at a very specific group.

I'm still in two minds as to what to get MBA or MB Pro. I love the idea of the light MBA for ultra portability, would make a huge difference I think as you make your way through the hell that is Airports today. I do use optical drives to watch DVD's when I'm on Biz trips though, when I'm in Germany or Holland, Belgium etc the hotel TV is normally quite rubbish and there's only so much CNN you can take before you go mad. Don't think I'd have a major issue taking the external drive with me. I may occasionally need to work on creating documents maybe with Photshop or just Pages but I don't believe that would be a huge issue on the MBA.


macrumors 6502
Dec 13, 2003
I played with a 1.8/SSD model last night -- the performance is stellar; on par with my MBP 17" 2.4SR for all of the mundane tasks. I didn't get to try any of the hardcore multimedia creation/editing stuff, though. The word from an Apple employee is that even something as processor intensive as HD video encoding could be as fast on the MBA SSD model as the top MBPs due to the far faster storage.

The REAL Air experience lies in the top configuration, no doubt. Based on the pricing for the 64GB SSD at retail, I wouldn't be surprised if Apple was kinda-sorta subsidizing it. $3k began to feel justified after some firsthand use.


macrumors 65816
Jun 11, 2007
Virginia Beach
No trade off s for me its, perfect :)

Any apple user who has never owned an ultraportable, will have an adjusting period. Mainly because ultraportables have been around for years, but you don't have one. A $400 true ultraportable is out, and you don't have one. The Macbook Air is a nice "slim" laptop, but that is about it. Users will work harder with the 2lbs loss, than they would if they simply purchased a macbook.

The main compromise will be with media as the HD is too small. This can be solved with a portable external drive though, but we inch closer to the macbook Air being even less portable than the Macbook with every "but I can" being thrown into the equation.

It seems like a lot of Macbook Air buyers are trying to force upon themselves that the Macbook Air is perfect for them, when if it is, they would have had one of the many ultraportables on the market already.

That being said, I am grabbing a Macbook Air sometime after I find out if they actually perform well, but in no way does it make sense to get rid of my current macbook, as it is far more superior for use within the home on a network than the Macbook Air is, which happens to be where most buyers (people on this forums have indicated such) will be using it.

That is probably a big spill, but I hope that users will understand that they don't have to keep campaigning why the Macbook Air was born for them. We don't care, go spend your money and be happy.


macrumors regular
Jan 28, 2008
I played with a 1.8/SSD model last night -- the performance is stellar; on par with my MBP 17" 2.4SR for all of the mundane tasks. I didn't get to try any of the hardcore multimedia creation/editing stuff, though. The word from an Apple employee is that even something as processor intensive as HD video encoding could be as fast on the MBA SSD model as the top MBPs due to the far faster storage.

The REAL Air experience lies in the top configuration, no doubt. Based on the pricing for the 64GB SSD at retail, I wouldn't be surprised if Apple was kinda-sorta subsidizing it. $3k began to feel justified after some firsthand use.

No doubt about it, the SSD version would be sweet, and I seriously considered it before ultimately going with the black macbook. Personally, I can't justify $3k for this machine in the least bit. SSD is a great and all, but not $1k+ great.


macrumors 6502
Feb 1, 2007
Just found an article over at on a review of the Macbook Air

Here's a picture they had showing the thickness comparison to the Macbook Pro

Ibook Comparison

Macbook Pro 15" comparison



macrumors 68000
Mar 30, 2005
Just found an article over at on a review of the Macbook Air

Here's a picture they had showing the thickness comparison to the Macbook Pro

12" Powerbook Comparison
2 points

1. The 12" Powerbook is thicker than current MBP's so the picture is comparing a new product with a discontinued one.

2. A picture from the rear of the machines would show substantially less of a difference. This picture is comparing the thinnest edge of the MBA with a Powerbook of uniform thickness


macrumors 6502
Dec 13, 2003
It seems like a lot of Macbook Air buyers are trying to force upon themselves that the Macbook Air is perfect for them, when if it is, they would have had one of the many ultraportables on the market already.

Yeah, one of the many portables that run OSX.

Or the ones with excellent displays and desktop quality keyboards.

I've owned the Sony X505, the U1 and U3 (both smaller and more feature-packed than the EEE PC despite being nearly 5 years old), the handheld UX series, etc. I'm no stranger to "true" ultraportables -- the compromises made with the screen and keyboard on these computers make them non-starters for me and many others. And that's before you start talking about the ridiculous premium these computers command (far more expensive than the MBA for far less performance).

The reality is that, once you realize that these things aren't pocket-size (even the diminuitive VAIO UX280 is too big), footprint ceases to matter. You still need a bag. The slight increase in the number of situations where a smaller computer makes sense is immediately overcome by the fact that you are loathe to use it because of the tiny screen and keyboard.

The MBA makes the smartest compromises -- big, beautiful screen; big, comfortable keyboard; smallest body possible that will allow for the former at the expense of features that are used less than half of the time.


macrumors 68000
Jan 17, 2008
Seaford VA
Damn, look at the size of that "footprint"! It's enormous, how are people supposed to use that thing? I mean, did they have to get a flat-bed truck to tow that up there for the pics? :rolleyes::D


macrumors regular
Jan 28, 2008
The MBA makes the smartest compromises -- big, beautiful screen; big, comfortable keyboard; smallest body possible that will allow for the former at the expense of features that are used less than half of the time.

Isn't this what Steve said word for word? :)

I can't believe that the size difference between a MBA and a MB are big enough to matter to most folks.

Capt. Morgan

macrumors member
Jan 16, 2008
I played with a 1.8/SSD model last night -- the performance is stellar; on par with my MBP 17" 2.4SR for all of the mundane tasks. I didn't get to try any of the hardcore multimedia creation/editing stuff, though. The word from an Apple employee is that even something as processor intensive as HD video encoding could be as fast on the MBA SSD model as the top MBPs due to the far faster storage.

The REAL Air experience lies in the top configuration, no doubt. Based on the pricing for the 64GB SSD at retail, I wouldn't be surprised if Apple was kinda-sorta subsidizing it. $3k began to feel justified after some firsthand use.

Gee, thanks a lot. There goes another $1000.


macrumors G5
May 2, 2002
shorter version: if performance matters, it's a toy. if weight matters, it's great.

If dual 1.6 Ghz 64-bit Core 2 CPUs = toy, then most computer users in the world--even pros doing real work--are using LESS than toys.

It's the slowest Mac currently made. And faster than pro towers from not long ago.

People have a warped obsession with certain spec numbers.


macrumors 68020
Dec 6, 2007
It's the slowest Mac currently made. And faster than pro towers from not long ago.

Why are you comparing it to towers made years ago? This is 2008, correct? I stand by my statement. Decide which matters more to you--weight or performance--and you'll know whether the MBA is right for you or not. And you won't even have to compare it to desktops no longer in production to do so! :D

MacWorld said:
Judged merely on the cold technological specifications, the MacBook Air can’t measure up to Apple’s other laptops. For those to whom the tech specs matter above all else, the MacBook Air can’t be seen as much more than an overpriced, underpowered toy.

But for those who factor size, weight, and—yes, I’ll admit it—style into the equation, the MacBook Air begins to make more sense. Up until now, Mac users who craved the smallest Mac laptop possible have made their own compromise, using the lower-powered MacBook (or clinging desperately to the even lower-powered 12-inch PowerBook G4).

Is losing several hundred megahertz, dozens of gigabytes of hard-drive space, an internal optical drive, and FireWire connectivity worth losing two pounds? (Those are the differences between the MacBook Air and the MacBook—if you’re considering a switch from the MacBook Pro, the differences are even starker in both directions.) Each laptop user will have to answer that question for themselves.
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