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macrumors 68000
Jun 13, 2007
Austin, Texas
MacWorld said:
Judged merely on the cold technological specifications, the MacBook Air can’t measure up to Apple’s other laptops.

I'm glad I don't base my purchases solely on tech specs, and I am sure I'm not the only one.

Remember, the review finishes with this:

Macworld said:
once I slipped that three-pound laptop into my backpack and threw the bag over my shoulders, I realized that sacrificing some storage space and some processor power was ultimately worth it for me.


macrumors 6502
Dec 13, 2003
Isn't this what Steve said word for word? :)

I can't believe that the size difference between a MBA and a MB are big enough to matter to most folks.

I wouldn't be surprised as my statement makes perfect sense ;) :p

BTW, the size and weight difference between an MBA and MB is significant. Remember that UGH! feeling you experience when you think about 8 pound, 1.5" thick Dells versus your lighter, slimmer MBP? Same thing here :D

shorter version: if performance matters, it's a toy.

LOL. I would put money on the 1.8/SSD config being as fast as (or faster than) current SR MBPs in many, if not most, important tasks.

And about the MBA being the "slowest Mac on sale today," I'm going to repost a previous comment:


The Sony TZ is the slowest computer Sony makes.

The Toshiba R500 is the slowest computer Toshiba makes.

The Lenovo X300 is the slowest computer Lenovo makes.

And on and on and on. Note that none of the above models are in any way value priced, either. No "crazy justifications;" that is simply the nature of the beast!


macrumors 65816
Jun 11, 2007
Virginia Beach
I wouldn't be surprised as my statement makes perfect sense ;) :p

I think I used the word "need". If they "needed" an ultra-portable, they would have had one. Like I said, I am grabbing an Air, but not for a need, but simply to just have it. I have sat here and tried to convince myself that the macbook and Macbook pro that I have been using for the past year and a half were just too big for me. I was on my last leg carrying them, and lucky the Air is shipping because now I can get back to my normal life. No.

That isn't the case. The only thing that made sense in your post is the fct that the Air runs OSX.

You will be using the same exact case that you would use for a macbook. You will need the same size bookbag slot. If you do want a thin case, you are still going to need an additional case for when you want to lug the external writer or a portable HD.

The whole 2lbs thing is baloney, and I doubt many people could argue that point face-to-face with someone else without laughing at themselves.

The Menacer

macrumors member
Oct 22, 2007
2. A picture from the rear of the machines would show substantially less of a difference. This picture is comparing the thinnest edge of the MBA with a Powerbook of uniform thickness

Not true. The top of the thinnest point of the laptop is the height of the thickest point. The thinnest point of the laptop isn't on the table, it's raised up about a centimeter.


macrumors 6502
Sep 3, 2006
Dublin, Ireland
Guys serious question....

Would you notice the speed difference loading pages between a MBA and a 2.4 or 2.6 MBP on the net???

Where would the speed difference really count between the MBA and MBP??

I don't know which one is best for me!! Help!!


macrumors 65816
Jun 11, 2007
Virginia Beach
Guys serious question....

Would you notice the speed difference loading pages between a MBA and a 2.4 or 2.6 MBP on the net???

Where would the speed difference really count between the MBA and MBP??

I don't know which one is best for me!! Help!!

nah. That depends on your internet connection. Though if you have many applications open, the browser of your choice will be slower on the MBA than the MBP. If you just need the internet, go with the MBA.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 21, 2007
shorter version: if performance matters, it's a toy. if weight matters, it's great.

No where in the review is there any hint of suggesting it's a toy as far as performance. Slower than any other current mac yes. Toy? Tell that to every laptop owner who hasn't upgraded in the last couple years.


macrumors 68020
Dec 6, 2007
No where in the review is there any hint of suggesting it's a toy as far as performance.


MacWorld said:
Judged merely on the cold technological specifications, the MacBook Air can’t measure up to Apple’s other laptops. For those to whom the tech specs matter above all else, the MacBook Air can’t be seen as much more than an overpriced, underpowered toy.


macrumors 68000
Jun 13, 2007
Austin, Texas
MacWorld said:
For those to whom the tech specs matter above all else, the MacBook Air can’t be seen as much more than an overpriced, underpowered toy.

I'd say that most people don't fall into that category.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 21, 2007

I could reword that statement as For those who require the fastest CPU, optical drive and multiple ports, MBA is a toy. They aren't saying it's a toy as far as performance. That is a misunderstanding or reading into it your own prejudice. Tech specs doesn't mean performance.


macrumors 6502
Jan 24, 2008
OMG I just read that post too. I been debating whether I should go SSD. I think my pants feel a bit wet now.

Buy the HD version and upgrade to SSD yourself in a year when the SSD prices have dropped. There should be plenty of videos and pix on how to do it by then.
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