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macrumors 6502a
Dec 17, 2003
Not facts

What facts are you referring to?

It would help if you only quoted that part of the text, that is in question.

The title of my post was "facts." I never know what to write for titles, I just wrote a placeholder than was intended to be ironic. It no longer fit the post, and when I went back to change (edit) it, I could not. Sorry for the confusion.


macrumors 603
May 30, 2006
References please, if you are quoting "facts" you need to say where you got these "facts" from ... otherwise it is nonsense.

A little gem for you here ;)

"What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence."
(Christopher Hitchens)


macrumors newbie
Jan 24, 2008
I know everyone wants the MacBook Air to be a lighter Macbook Pro, but that's not what it is. Apple is NOT replacing the standard MacBook with the Air. It is adding ANOTHER option.

Also, we computer geeks are power users, but we sometimes fail to recognize that not everyone is. Remember that most people have computers that are two or three (or more) years old, and they often have no idea of their hard drive size. For example, I would be unsurprised if:
70% of computer users have or use 80 gig hard drives or less
90% of computer users don't use firewire
90% of computer users have less than 2 GB of RAM
70% of people only use one usb port or less
90% of people would find the MacBook Air is faster than their current computer (Remember that the Air is easily faster than the fastest G4 PowerBook.)

I totally agree with you. I think that the vast majority of people on this forum are computer gurus. I am not. I ordered the MBA because it is perfect for my needs. This is my first Mac and I can't wait to get it. I am currently using a Dell laptop that my company bought for me this last November. I am a physical therapist and have to carry it around all day for notes, etc. My current laptop is almost 7 pounds :eek: is 1.4 GHz, 2 gb ram, and I am currently using 22.4 gbs of space. I am spending my own money to get a machine that better suits my needs. I have never used more than 1 usb port and don't even know what a firewall port is???? I thought it was a security feature of the computer itself - for internet usage.
So you're probably thinking I'm an idiot but I am considered the computer "person" here at work....remember we are therapists not computer pros. For my needs the MBA is perfect. In fact the Apple customer rep agent talked my out of the upgrade to 1.8ghz and the SSD, stating that for my needs and useage I wouldn't see a large difference in performance from the base model. So yeah the MBA is filling a need not replacing the MacBook or MacBook Pro. Mine shipped today :D :D :D

Salty Pirate

macrumors 6502a
Oct 5, 2005
kansas city
Just got back from playing with the 1.8/SSD. The thing that surprised me the most is how sturdy it is. It feels like a solid chunk of metal. When I pick up my MBP by the corner, it flexes. The MBA does not. Very solid.

The screen is just like my MBP 15 with the LED backlight. Beautiful.

The most impressive thing of all is the speed. I perceive it to be faster at opening programs than my MBP 2.4 with 4 GB RAM & a 200GB 7200 disk.

Amazing machine. I am gonna cancel my 1.8/80GB CTO and get the SSD. Wow.


Moderator emeritus
Jul 19, 2002
References please, if you are quoting "facts" you need to say where you got these "facts" from ... otherwise it is nonsense.
What facts are you referring to?

It would help if you only quoted that part of the text, that is in question.
The title of my post was "facts." I never know what to write for titles, I just wrote a placeholder than was intended to be ironic. It no longer fit the post, and when I went back to change (edit) it, I could not. Sorry for the confusion.
dwsolberg, my comment was directed to robrose20.

He quoted your whole post instead of the applicable part when he posted the comment above

Nothing wrong with your post at all.

I just got back from testing an MBA for the first time at the 5th Avenue Store NYC.
<big snip>
Thanks for the wonderful review.

The more I hear from ones who appreciate what the MBA is for, the more it looks to be a hit.

Reminds me of the days when the iPod was first introduced. So many folks said that it would never succeed. Well, contrary to their opinion, the iPod succeeded in a very big way. I would not be surprised if the MBA was very successful model for Apple as well.

With increased demand for SSD memory, we will probably start to see the prices dropping and capacities going up within the year. That will make even better for future adopters.
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