I was unable to use the Air drive with MiniSLS.
I purchased the MacMini with SLS option, no optical (two HDs). On the site, Apple positioned the Air drive as a valid accessory. I bought it. I was UNABLE to make it work. I kept getting messages on the screen that a USB port was underpowered and unable to access the device correctly. It did cause problems as I was attempting to reconfigure the 2 HDs in RAID 0. So I called Apple about it, looking perhaps to return it, and the support rep who came on said I was correct and that it was NOT supported, and apologized for the mistaken idea that I might have had. I returned it. I ended up using an external LG portable optical, with two USB cables for the power, and it worked a treat. The Air drive would have been a nice aesthetic addition to the Mini configuration, but for now, its not on the list until Apple is clearer about its compatibility. BTW, the MiniSLS is great stuff. Works well now, and I was able to reconfigure to RAID 0 (just an experiment). There is a whole thread in the Mini hardware topic about this RAID work if you need to try it yourself.