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macrumors 65816
Nov 18, 2007
Why isn't anyone taking into consideration that:
With an MBA you *have* to tow the charger along as 4 hour battery doesn't cut it. That's an extra ~1.75 lbs.

With a 13" MBP it holds 6 maybe 7 hours easy of battery, so you can leave the charger behind. So that's like ~.5 lb less than MBA/charger.

The MBA charger is ~1.75 lbs??

For travel your logic doesn't work (for me anyway). I bought a MB 13 Alu when it first came out. It's a great machine. But, it's nearly 1.5-2x the weight of my previous Lenovo. And yes, it definitely does make a noticeable difference.

I too am waiting for the next rev of the MBA. I'd like to get more memory for VMs and a slightly larger SSD. For me though, it's all about the carry weight at the end of the day...


macrumors 601
Dec 5, 2007
Yay Area, CA
How many use the Air as their main or only computer?

I do, and to the fullest too. I run a Parallels VM in the background along with BOINC for SETI@Home and some other projects. System runs great, if I need power, I can suspend BOINC or the VM, otherwise they run continuously.

Why isn't anyone taking into consideration that:
With an MBA you *have* to tow the charger along as 4 hour battery doesn't cut it. That's an extra ~1.75 lbs.

With a 13" MBP it holds 6 maybe 7 hours easy of battery, so you can leave the charger behind. So that's like ~.5 lb less than MBA/charger.

The charger is like 0.25 lbs at best, not near 2 lbs.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 22, 2009
I do, and to the fullest too. I run a Parallels VM in the background along with BOINC for SETI@Home and some other projects. System runs great, if I need power, I can suspend BOINC or the VM, otherwise they run continuously.

The charger is like 0.25 lbs at best, not near 2 lbs.

I use an Air for my main computer too. So far I've had it for a whole day now, but I don't see it not meeting my expectations especially since it's the SSD model. I'm also quite sure the charger is not 2lbs...


macrumors 68040
Mar 2, 2009
Waterloo & Georgian Bay, Canada
Originally Posted by bmstrong View Post
How many use the Air as their main or only computer?

There was a whole thread (and/or poll) on that a while ago.

I searched back to the beginning of the year and couldn't find a thread or poll on "Is your MacBook Air your main or only computer?"

So I started a Poll and Thread, take a look and vote!


macrumors 6502
Mar 22, 2009
Rockville (Despite REM's plea.)
Originally Posted by bmstrong View Post
How many use the Air as their main or only computer?

I searched back to the beginning of the year and couldn't find a thread or poll on "Is your MacBook Air your main or only computer?"

So I started a Poll and Thread, take a look and vote!

This is the thread entitled "Anyone Use MBA as a Primary Computer?" that I was thinking of. I knew that I had posted in it.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 1, 2007
The charger is like 0.25 lbs at best, not near 2 lbs.

Yes the MBA charger that came with it weighs less, but I was using the larger charger as I found it charged the MBA faster, which is another gripe I had, very slow charging.


macrumors 68000
May 31, 2004
Yes the MBA charger that came with it weighs less, but I was using the larger charger as I found it charged the MBA faster, which is another gripe I had, very slow charging.

This is false. They charge at the same rate - that's not the way electricity works.
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