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bep207 said:
so who needs the 64bit processing? what does it do? what programs does it enhance? i do alot of work in aperture and photo editing. what help will it bring?

Really, very few people need a 64bit processor.**
Generally, when we talk about 64bit CPUs we mean two things.. the CPU has 64bit Integer registers and it can address 64bit memory addresses.

Since we're talking about laptops, I'll start off with memory.* There is not reason in they world why you need to address 64bit memory addresses on a laptop.* No current laptops can address near 32bits of memory let alone 64bits.* For non-signed integers (zero on up not negative to negative) that is enough address space for 4GB of RAM at 32bit.* Laptops still max at 2GB and the next leap will be 4GB when memory densities increase.. a lot.**

Now, on to the integer math.* Forgive me for this but a quick primer.. when we talk about integer math that is math with whole numbers, like 2+2.* Floating point math would be 2.00+2.00.* In this case, the math is really the same but we know that it's accurate to 2 decimal places.* Floats really become important when we need to get a better idea of what this equals: **2/3=x. **Sure it's two thirds, but mathematically it's .66666666... and on and on and on.* The more 'precision' we have (the more spaces.. the more BITS) the more accurate our result will be.* This may seem silly when talking about 2/3 because .667 is way more than enough for common human tasks but when you've got a bridge that is 2 miles long and you're calculating the angle of deflection from one bank so that the bridge will exactly meet the other half right in the middle, you want to be pretty precise.* Strictly speaking you can do 64bit integer math on a 32bit processor by using two 32bit registers and a bit of hocus pocus but it's MUCH slower than native 64bit operations.

So, what are the big Integers good for?
In the real world.. Encryption/decription uses a lot of large integers.* Some 3D games have gotten a little boost from 64 bit chips (from their larger registers).**
Mostly.. [since I support Researchers] the bulk of uses would be in science and research.* Engineers, mathematicians, scientists of all ilks could have use for calulations that employ very large (positive or negative) whole numbers.*
This is why I'm not too impressed with the Merom so far.* It will be faster because the architecture has been revised since the Core Duo 32bit chips were finalized.* Merom is just plain faster.* It's got more L2 Cache too which also makes it faster.* The problem is, according to Intel, the Merom won't be any hotter than the current mobile chips but it won't run as cool (there is a big difference between max and minimum power use).* Basically.. I don't have a dire use for 64bit registers in a laptop.* I'm not searching the Genome.. I'm not grinding through huge calculations or simulations in Mathematica or Maple or some custom code.* Even the slight boost I might get from a game will be lost on a laptop because the video isn't fast enough to take advantage of it.
If Merom truely were better in every respect than the current Core Duo I'd want one.. but though it will be faster, it will eat through battery time faster and I'm more interested in the Battery life.

I just realized I got off track a bit.. I don't have a specific list of X applications that will be faster on a laptop with real 64bit support.* Some image filters might be faster.* Anything intensive might benefit though I can't think of good examples right now.* Speaking of image editing.. many scanners now support color palates over 32 bit.*
64bit support can't really hurt performance wise but it doesn't always help.* Sometimes it doesn't help at all.* Generally.. it is useful when you have LOTS of memory (over 4GB RAM) and OODLES of storage capacity.* 64bit chips can directly address Exabytes of data.* That's a lot.
xfiftyfour said:
We have. Over and over and over and over. The problem is not me or the other members that are sick of repeating ourselves, the problem is that no one goes back and reads older threads. It's easier to create your own and make people bring the information TO you rather than go find it on your own.

I have sympathy here, and I admit I'm a drive by poster here.. (have been for, christ.. since this place started)
I would point out, however, that when we're talking about a moving target like an undisclosed product release.. it's not unreasonable to ask the same questions over and over.* My response on whether to wait on a laptop purchase would vary greatly now vs. last week given new info on the Merom power envelope.* It would also vary depending on what the person wanted to do with the laptop and their circumstances (I need this asap but I don't want to get screwed.. vs. I just want the best laptop that I'll be using for 3 years and I'm in no rush).

Right now, for this person, I'd say buy a Macbook [pro or not] now since I don't see a need for 64bit support (though I've only skimmed posts) and because it appears Merom will sacrafice power for performance.

As always, the best advice is simply buy when you need it.* When there is some flexibility though, people want to look at the available evidence to find out what the alpha-geeks know.* An average joe or jane doesn't look through Intel's cpu specs or their roadmaps, or the competition to see when real chip launches are scheduled.* That's a lot of work that some of us just kind of notice.
xfiftyfour said:
i'd hold your tongue before assuming that those of us who told the OP to do a search are "rude" and not "nice". perhaps you don't come around as often as we do - but i'm *so* sick of reading the "buy now or wait" threads - they are all the same. no one knows the answers. and yet people come to the forums and post expecting that because we're a mac forum, then we must have some inside knowledge. if it ain't out yet, we don't know about it. plain and simple. stop asking.

to those who ask legitimate questions or need genuine advice about something we CAN help with, we're very nice. but i and many other members are gagging on these wait or buy threads and we're a bit sick of newbies posting without reading a few lines down.

honestly, a mod needs to put a sticky at the top with the motto "if you need it now, buy, if not, wait" and let that be the end of it!

Name of this forum is Buying tips, advice and discussion.
It is meant for threads like this. If you dont like that dont visit the forum. And what is the use of searching for old threads with the same question when rumours change all the time...
xfiftyfour said:
i'd hold your tongue before assuming that those of us who told the OP to do a search are "rude" and not "nice". perhaps you don't come around as often as we do - but i'm *so* sick of reading the "buy now or wait" threads - they are all the same. no one knows the answers. and yet people come to the forums and post expecting that because we're a mac forum, then we must have some inside knowledge. if it ain't out yet, we don't know about it. plain and simple. stop asking.

to those who ask legitimate questions or need genuine advice about something we CAN help with, we're very nice. but i and many other members are gagging on these wait or buy threads and we're a bit sick of newbies posting without reading a few lines down.

honestly, a mod needs to put a sticky at the top with the motto "if you need it now, buy, if not, wait" and let that be the end of it!

Im sick of whiny #!@%$ like you who complain about people who post threads asking for help on buying advice. This is "buying tips, advice and disscussion" it not?

But yes, it is a good time to wait. Even if nothing changes (which shouldn't be the case) at least you won't have to regret not waiting.
The new MBs are coming out so soon, it's not a good idea to buy them now. Call it speculation if you want, but we all know that Apple's releasing a Rev B in about half a month.

The "don't look back" advice doesn't hold here.

After all, the new MBs could come out - the price would probably be the same - and if you figure that you don't need the extra speed, just pick up one of the Rev A macbooks. The moment Rev B is announced, the Rev A macbooks will drop in price, maybe $100 pending on how much Apple updates. This will happen regardless of whether or not Rev B is better.

If you really "need it now" then it's a no brainer to get. But if you don't start college for two or three weeks and are able to wait it out, then I don't see a downside to pocketing some free cash.

Definitely don't wait for Leopard. That's half a year.
ZoomZoomZoom, what is the expected difference between Rev A and B MB's?

To threadstarter, If your college doesn't start for a month then I think you can afford to wait. If nothing changes in the macbooks by the time a month rolls on by, then you haven't really lost out on much!
More info please!

ZoomZoomZoom said:
Call it speculation if you want, but we all know that Apple's releasing a Rev B in about half a month.

How do you know Revision B's due out in a month?
And like Meanpeoplesuck, I would also like to know what the difference will be between A & B? Will it be significant.

Thanks in advance!
Okay, I have a new (to me) angle to this question. I had been planning on holding out to see if the MB got Merom or not, but I recently read that Merom actually uses more power than Yonah. Is this a known fact, or is this rumor? All the initial hype said Merom would be a performance boost at the same or lower power. Is there anything concrete on this?

Edit: Woops. It looks like the power concerns have already been voiced. That's what I get for not refreshing a window I opened yesterday.
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