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The attorney general is much too busy trying to keep "secret" (its not really a secret anymore, is it) NSA wiretapping legal to care about MacBook Pros.

Plus, our judicial system is slower than my iBook G4 trying to run four instances of Reaktor (and that is SLOW!) By the time that a court date had been set, you'd had the trial, and been handed down a decision, a new form factor would be out. I gar-onh-teee.

sasquatch98 said:
Sorry I've been at work for 24 hours. Corrected statement " Your an IDIOT" hope everyone is happy now.

Actually, it's "you're an idiot", but thanks for trying.

Your indicates ownership, you're is the contraction for "you are."
bought my mbp on the 31 of january and arrived a month later...

only problem thus far was faulty battery which apple as replaced "apple store london"

and this machine is perfect, its a monster hehe

so not all mbp are screwed cuz their rev A

I don't think anyone will get anywhere with a lawsuit here, but I will say that threads like this make me happy I got a late revision 15" Powerbook. It has served me well with never an issue, and should last me long enough to get a MBP at a later revision. I know the vast majority of MBPs are probably issue free with happy owners, but I am hearing this complaints enought to want to hold off for a while longer, maybe until Leopard. I hope my Mac Pro (ship date reads on or before next Monday!!!) doesn't suffer from the Rev A blues.
We'll my MBP is working great. But if're :) having problems and they are not being fixed, sueing is the only thing these big companies respect. I remember when the iBooks had the logic board problem, and it wasn't until apple started receiving negative publicity, that they decided to start the replacement programs. Sue if u must, but getting someone higher up (i dont know how u can do this), to get your pleas more attention, bring some negative attention to Apple, knock down their stock prices. That's when u will get their attention. That's the way it works. The little guys get treated like **** because he/she really can't do anything to harm the Big companies.

Good luck with your lawsuit.
spencecb said:
we need a better education system in this country.
There's an inconspicuous, little known rule of grammar that says we must capitalize the first letter of each sentence.

Ok, snide remarks aside, I think we've been doing as much as we practically can to improve the educational system in this country. The problem in my view is that many of us simply don't care about grammar. We have our own priorities in life and standards of conduct, and grammar is often not one of them. So in my view the educational system is not to blame. However, if anything is to blame, it is probably the people around us who allow grammatical transgressions to go unchallenged. For fear of being impolite or coming across as arrogant, we often appease ignorance until it becomes the established norm.

Ok, fine, end of rant.
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