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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 2, 2006
Jakarta, Indonesia
I'm Mac newbie, and I bought MacBook last month.
I use it for iTunes, iPhoto, MySQL, Apache, Firefox, and long hours code on Smultron.
I never experience sudden shutdown before I upgrade the OSX to 10.4.7 (I think)

The 1st sudden shutdown is when I was working with Photoshop CS2, I heard fan starting to roar just before the sudden shutdown. I thought maybe the Rosetta got a flu or something.
I press the power button, it starts with blank screen, blinking sleep indicator, fan starts, and then it shutdown again.
I have to press the power button for about 5sec and successfully boot it again.

The 2nd sudden shutdown is when i just play around with Firefox.
The 3rd sudden shutdown is when i just play around with the Dock, I make it big & small fastly, and then the screen goes black.

Then I reinstall OSX (tried both archive & clean), the problem still the same, the sudden shutdown is still happened, just after the fan roar sound starts.

I ran the Hardware Test, and the result is OK

Help me pls, thx in advance.

And the below is the System log:

Jul 7 11:42:09 felix-widjajas-computer shutdown: reboot by felixwidjaja:
Jul 7 11:42:11 felix-widjajas-computer kernel[0]: (1263: ps)tfp: failed on 0:
Jul 7 11:42:11 felix-widjajas-computer SystemStarter[1248]: authentication service (1256) did not complete successfully
Jul 7 11:42:11 felix-widjajas-computer kernel[0]: (1263: ps)tfp: failed on 0:
Jul 7 11:42:15 felix-widjajas-computer kernel[0]: (1293: ps)tfp: failed on 0:
Jul 7 11:42:15 felix-widjajas-computer SystemStarter[1248]: The following StartupItems failed to properly start:
Jul 7 11:42:15 felix-widjajas-computer kernel[0]: (1293: ps)tfp: failed on 0:
Jul 7 11:45:17 localhost kernel[0]: hi mem tramps at 0xffe00000
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: PAE enabled
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: standard timeslicing quantum is 10000 us
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: vm_page_bootstrap: 118793 free pages
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: mig_table_max_displ = 71
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: Enabling XMM register save/restore and SSE/SSE2 opcodes
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: ACPI CA 20051117 [debug level=0 layer=0]
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorApicId=0 LocalApicId=0 Enabled
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorApicId=1 LocalApicId=1 Enabled
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: using 1262 buffer headers and 1262 cluster IO buffer headers
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: Enabling XMM register save/restore and SSE/SSE2 opcodes
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: Started CPU 01
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: IOAPIC: Version 0x20 Vectors 0:23
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: ACPI: System State [S0 S3 S4 S5] (S3)
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: Security auditing service present
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: BSM auditing present
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: disabled
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: rooting via boot-uuid from /chosen: B58A11B8-BC18-474A-9AB5-4F5DEC971DA0
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: Waiting on <dict ID="0"><key>IOProviderClass</key><string ID="1">IOResources</string><key>IOResourceMatch</key><string ID="2">boot-uuid-media</string></dict>
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: USB caused wake event (EHCI)
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) Lucent ID 5811 PCI now active, GUID 0016cbfffe6a73c8; max speed s400.
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: Got boot device = IOService:/AppleACPIPlatformExpert/PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/SATA@1F,2/AppleAHCI/AppleAHCIPort@2/IOAHCIDevice@0/AppleAHCIDiskDriver/IOAHCIBlockStorageDevice/IOBlockStorageDriver/ST96812AS Media/IOGUIDPartitionScheme/Apple_HFS_Untitled_1@2
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: BSD root: disk0s2, major 14, minor 2
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: jnl: replay_journal: from: 8157696 to: 1897472 (joffset 0x1bf000)
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: CSRHIDTransitionDriver::probe:
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: CSRHIDTransitionDriver::start before command
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: Extension "" has no kernel dependency.
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: Extension "" has no kernel dependency.
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: CSRHIDTransitionDriver::stop
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: IOBluetoothHCIController::start Idle Timer Stopped
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: Jettisoning kernel linker.
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: Resetting IOCatalogue.
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 4
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 4
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 4
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 4
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 4
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: AppleACPILPC:: waiting for platform plugin
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: mac 10.3 phy 6.1 radio 10.2
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: AppleACPILPC:: register successful
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: Previous Shutdown Cause: -72
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: IPv6 packet filtering initialized, default to accept, logging disabled
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: display: Not usable
Jul 7 11:45:14 localhost mDNSResponder-108 (Jan 14 2006 02: 59:21)[56]: starting
Jul 7 11:45:15 localhost memberd[63]: memberd starting up
Jul 7 11:45:16 localhost lookupd[67]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Fri Jul 7 11:45:16 2006
Jul 7 11:45:19 localhost diskarbitrationd[62]: disk0s2 hfs 31EF6984-0851-3AB1-B701-9F39C637ACA7 Macintosh HD /
Jul 7 11:45:20 localhost DirectoryService[75]: Launched version 2.1 (v353.2)
Jul 7 11:45:27 localhost kernel[0]: yukonosx: Ethernet address 00:16:cb:a5:34:79
Jul 7 11:45:27 localhost kernel[0]: AirPort_Athr5424: Ethernet address 00:16:cb:b8:51:8d
Jul 7 11:45:28 felix-widjajas-computer configd[60]: setting hostname to "felix-widjajas-computer.local"
Jul 7 11:45:30 felix-widjajas-computer mDNSResponder: Adding browse domain local.
Jul 7 11:45:31 felix-widjajas-computer lookupd[92]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Fri Jul 7 11:45:31 2006
Jul 7 11:45:32 felix-widjajas-computer kernel[0]: [HCIController][setupHardware] AFH Is Supported
Jul 7 11:45:33 felix-widjajas-computer kernel[0]: (68: SystemStarter)tfp: failed on 0:
Jul 7 11:45:41 felix-widjajas-computer launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[92]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jul 7 11:45:41 felix-widjajas-computer configd[60]: executing /System/Library/SystemConfiguration/Kicker.bundle/Contents/Resources/enable-network
Jul 7 11:45:41 felix-widjajas-computer configd[60]: posting notification
Jul 7 11:45:41 felix-widjajas-computer lookupd[147]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Fri Jul 7 11:45:41 2006
Jul 7 11:45:47 felix-widjajas-computer mDNSResponder: NOTE: Wide-Area Service Discovery disabled to avoid crashing defective DNS relay
Jul 7 11:45:52 felix-widjajas-computer /System/Library/CoreServices/ Login Window Application Started
Jul 7 11:45:55 felix-widjajas-computer loginwindow[163]: Login Window Started Security Agent
Jul 7 11:46:04 felix-widjajas-computer /System/Library/CoreServices/UserAccountUpdater: unable to open directory /Users/felixwidjaja/Library/Widgets/
Jul 7 11:46:14 felix-widjajas-computer KernelEventAgent[55]: tid 00000000 received unknown event (12)
Jul 7 11:47:01 felix-widjajas-computer configd[60]: target=enable-network: disabled
i suck at log also
i dont have any 3rd party ram, im using the original 512mb
pheriperials is just a mouse
and after i deep search on google, there is a lot ppl after updating 10.4.7 experiencing random shuts down just like me.
A few people are getting random shutdowns when they run form battery power on the new Intel machines. Apple seems to be replacing batteries to fix the problem. I don't think this is related to 10.4.7 necessarily but you might want to contact Apple all the same. :)
as far as i remember, my mac random shutdown when using power plug
never on battery power
im on 10.4.6 now, and let's see...

there is no apple center in my country :(
mine has shutdown using both and I called apple today and they are sending a box to send it back for repairs. Hopefully it won't be gone to long.
fekimoki said:
as far as i remember, my mac random shutdown when using power plug
never on battery power
im on 10.4.6 now, and let's see...

there is no apple center in my country :(

Even a reseller?(sometimes they can help)

I looked through your logs and allot seem to be going wrong. This is your last boot log i'm guessing. It looks somewhat similar to verbose logging on startup (not mine, mind you). It could be an extension problem as is causes overall system and network problems.

Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: Extension "" has no kernel dependency.
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: Extension "" has no kernel dependency.
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: CSRHIDTransitionDriver::stop
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: IOBluetoothHCIController::start Idle Timer Stopped <- Important too [EDIT: I'm an idiot]

Jul 7 11:45:41 felix-widjajas-computer launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[92]: exited abnormally: Hangup
This is bad, flush the lookupd cache using main menu
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: [B]Extension[/B] "" has no kernel dependency.
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]:[B] Extension[/B] "" has no kernel dependency.
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: CSRHIDTransitionDriver::stop
Jul 7 11:45:24 localhost kernel[0]: [B]IOBluetoothHCIController[/B]::start Idle Timer Stopped <- Important too

Actually these are all "normal" and not indicative of the problem.

You're missing the important part of the logs, the part that happened BEFORE the shutdown. What you've shown us is immediately after the reboot, which doesn't really tell us anything.

Unfortunately, according to this:

Jul 7 11:42:09 felix-widjajas-computer shutdown: reboot by felixwidjaja:

You told it to reboot.

Currently, I'm more concerned with:

Jul 7 11:42:11 felix-widjajas-computer SystemStarter[1248]: [B]authentication service (1256) did not complete successfully[/B]
Jul 7 11:42:11 felix-widjajas-computer kernel[0]: (1263: ps)[B]tfp: failed on 0[/B]:

Google-rumor has this (tfp failure) to be a problem with QT 7, and/or the RSS feed, and/or MS Office apps.
i think the problem is:
Previous Shutdown Cause: -72
does any1 know what this is mean? i did google search, found nothing

system log again:

Jul 10 09:36:02 felix-widjajas-computer kernel[0]: System SafeSleep
Jul 10 09:36:02 felix-widjajas-computer kernel[0]: hibernate_page_list_setall start
Jul 10 09:36:02 felix-widjajas-computer kernel[0]: hibernate_page_list_setall time: 59 ms
Jul 10 09:36:02 felix-widjajas-computer kernel[0]: pages 92201, wire 38528, act 15838, inact 5414, zf 856, could discard act 19990 inact 11575
Jul 10 09:36:02 felix-widjajas-computer kernel[0]: hibernate_page_list_setall found pageCount 92201
Jul 10 09:36:02 felix-widjajas-computer kernel[0]: IOHibernatePollerOpen, ml_get_interrupts_enabled 0
Jul 10 09:36:02 felix-widjajas-computer kernel[0]: IOHibernatePollerOpen(0)
Jul 10 09:36:02 felix-widjajas-computer kernel[0]: writing 91055 pages
Jul 10 09:36:02 felix-widjajas-computer kernel[0]: image1Size 64042496
Jul 10 09:36:02 felix-widjajas-computer kernel[0]: all time: 2686 ms, comp time: 617 ms, deco time: 0 ms, 
Jul 10 09:36:02 felix-widjajas-computer kernel[0]: image 112729088, uncompressed 243671040 (59490), compressed 108456920 (44%), sum1 a353ccfa, sum2 74e51cc3
Jul 10 09:36:02 felix-widjajas-computer kernel[0]: hibernate_write_image done(0)
Jul 10 09:36:02 felix-widjajas-computer kernel[0]: sleep
Jul 10 09:36:02 felix-widjajas-computer kernel[0]: Enabling XMM register save/restore and SSE/SSE2 opcodes
Jul 10 09:36:02 felix-widjajas-computer kernel[0]: Started CPU 01
Jul 10 09:36:02 felix-widjajas-computer kernel[0]: IOBluetoothHCIController::restartShutdownWL this is a wake from sleep
Jul 10 09:36:02 felix-widjajas-computer kernel[0]: System Wake
Jul 10 09:36:03 felix-widjajas-computer lookupd[464]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Mon Jul 10 09:36:03 2006
Jul 10 09:36:06 felix-widjajas-computer launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[464]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jul 10 09:36:06 felix-widjajas-computer configd[62]: posting notification
Jul 10 09:36:06 felix-widjajas-computer lookupd[469]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Mon Jul 10 09:36:06 2006
Jul 10 09:36:11 felix-widjajas-computer mDNSResponder: NOTE: Wide-Area Service Discovery disabled to avoid crashing defective DNS relay
Jul 10 09:39:39 localhost kernel[0]: hi mem tramps at 0xffe00000
Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: PAE enabled
Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: standard timeslicing quantum is 10000 us
Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: vm_page_bootstrap: 121155 free pages
Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: mig_table_max_displ = 71
Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: Enabling XMM register save/restore and SSE/SSE2 opcodes
Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: 83 prelinked modules
Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: ACPI CA 20051117 [debug level=0 layer=0]
Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorApicId=0 LocalApicId=0 Enabled
Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorApicId=1 LocalApicId=1 Enabled
Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: using 1262 buffer headers and 1262 cluster IO buffer headers
Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: Enabling XMM register save/restore and SSE/SSE2 opcodes
Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: IOAPIC: Version 0x20 Vectors 0:23
Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: Started CPU 01
Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: ACPI: System State [S0 S3 S4 S5] (S3)
Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: Security auditing service present
Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: BSM auditing present
Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: disabled
Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: rooting via boot-uuid from /chosen: B58A11B8-BC18-474A-9AB5-4F5DEC971DA0
Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: Waiting on <dict ID="0"><key>IOProviderClass</key><string ID="1">IOResources</string><key>IOResourceMatch</key><string ID="2">boot-uuid-media</string></dict>
Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: USB caused wake event (EHCI)
Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) Lucent ID 5811 PCI now active, GUID 0016cbfffe6a73c8; max speed s400.
Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: Got boot device = IOService:/AppleACPIPlatformExpert/PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/SATA@1F,2/AppleAHCI/AppleAHCIPort@2/IOAHCIDevice@0/AppleAHCIDiskDriver/IOAHCIBlockStorageDevice/IOBlockStorageDriver/ST96812AS Media/IOGUIDPartitionScheme/Apple_HFS_Untitled_1@2
Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: BSD root: disk0s2, major 14, minor 2
Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: jnl: replay_journal: from: 371200 to: 6387200 (joffset 0x1bf000)
Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: CSRHIDTransitionDriver::probe: 
Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: CSRHIDTransitionDriver::start before command
Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: CSRHIDTransitionDriver::stop
Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: IOBluetoothHCIController::start Idle Timer Stopped
Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: HFS: Removed 3 orphaned unlinked files
Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: Jettisoning kernel linker.
Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: Resetting IOCatalogue.
Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 4
Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 4
Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 4
Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 4
Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 4
Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: AppleACPILPC:: waiting for platform plugin
Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: AppleACPILPC:: register successful
Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: Previous Shutdown Cause: -72
Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: mac 10.3 phy 6.1 radio 10.2
Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: IPv6 packet filtering initialized, default to accept, logging disabled
Jul 10 09:39:37 localhost memberd[43]: memberd starting up
Jul 10 09:39:37 localhost mDNSResponder-108 (Jan 14 2006 02: 59:21)[36]: starting
Jul 10 09:39:39 localhost lookupd[47]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Mon Jul 10 09:39:39 2006
Jul 10 09:39:44 localhost kernel[0]: yukonosx: Ethernet address 00:16:cb:a5:34:79
Jul 10 09:39:44 localhost kernel[0]: AirPort_Athr5424: Ethernet address 00:16:cb:b8:51:8d
Jul 10 09:39:44 localhost mDNSResponder: Couldn't read user-specified Computer Name; using default “Macintosh-0016CBA53479” instead
Jul 10 09:39:44 localhost mDNSResponder: Couldn't read user-specified local hostname; using default “Macintosh-0016CBA53479.local” instead
Jul 10 09:39:44 localhost mDNSResponder: Adding browse domain local.
Jul 10 09:39:44 felix-widjajas-computer configd[40]: setting hostname to "felix-widjajas-computer.local"
Jul 10 09:39:45 felix-widjajas-computer lookupd[60]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Mon Jul 10 09:39:45 2006
Jul 10 09:39:45 felix-widjajas-computer diskarbitrationd[42]: disk0s2    hfs      AF537F95-9A1F-329A-8EB6-1097982FF7F8 Macintosh HD            /
Jul 10 09:39:45 felix-widjajas-computer DirectoryService[48]: Launched version 2.1 (v353.2)
Jul 10 09:39:48 felix-widjajas-computer kernel[0]: [HCIController][setupHardware] AFH Is Supported
Jul 10 09:39:49 felix-widjajas-computer kernel[0]: display: Not usable
Jul 10 09:39:49 felix-widjajas-computer /System/Library/CoreServices/ Login Window Application Started
Jul 10 09:39:51 felix-widjajas-computer loginwindow[80]: Login Window Started Security Agent
Jul 10 09:39:54 felix-widjajas-computer configd[40]: executing /System/Library/SystemConfiguration/Kicker.bundle/Contents/Resources/enable-network
Jul 10 09:39:54 felix-widjajas-computer configd[40]: posting notification
Jul 10 09:39:54 felix-widjajas-computer lookupd[127]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Mon Jul 10 09:39:54 2006
Jul 10 09:39:57 felix-widjajas-computer configd[40]:   target=enable-network: disabled
Jul 10 09:39:59 felix-widjajas-computer mDNSResponder: NOTE: Wide-Area Service Discovery disabled to avoid crashing defective DNS relay
yellow said:
Where did it crash in this log? What timestamp?

Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: Previous Shutdown Cause: -72

im so pissed off by macbook
this product is not good
discoloration & now its logic board, whats next?
my macbook sent to reseller yesterday, they said it'll take a week.

and i have a strong feeling that when i get my macbook back, it'll go shutdown again, and i have to send it again, takes a week again, and so on.

My story

Let me give my two cents...

The exact same thing was happening to me last week. I have a 2GHz MacBook with 2GB of RAM I bought from and the 120GB HDD from Apple.

The screen would go black, but the fan would keep spinning. The screen would have crazy colors, and then kernel panic. All sorts of wild things. At first it was when I picked it up with just one hand, but then it started happening all the time. It was totally unacceptable.

I took my MacBook to the local Apple store on a saturday and showed them exactly the problem. They said they will ship it out on Monday and it would be back in a week. Needless to say I was pretty upset at the situation. I came home and realized that this is total crap from Apple and I was going to demand a replacement machine (i.e. I don’t want to keep a machine that needed to be repaired a month after purchase, that could just be bad news bears in the future).

That night I went in and asked about replacements, they said they weren’t authorized to do that, but I could call Applecare. I took the computer and went home and then tried using it. Shut down about 4 times in ten minutes and the sleep light would blink incessantly. I called Applecare sunday afternoon and it was about an hour phone call (45 minutes of that was me on hold). They said they would not replace it, but would ship a box out to me so I could send it in. I just decided to take it back to Applecare.

That night I was just tinkering around with it and then put my stock RAM back in the machine. I booted it up and it was fine, running without crashes. It was amazing. I used that painfully for awhile (coming from 2GB, 512 feels pretty slow), and then decided to put my 2GB back in the machine. I did this, suddenly it worked perfectly. Act of God? Who knows.

I made sure I put the RAM in perfectly, but what I feel did the trick was that I pulled the HDD out (no apparent reason, just wanted to see how easy it was to pull out). I slid the HDD back in and plugged it in nicely.

I, personally, believe I fixed it by pulling out the HDD and plugging it back in. It could be the RAM, who knows.

Anyway, hope I helped somehow.

fekimoki said:
Jul 10 09:39:43 localhost kernel[0]: Previous Shutdown Cause: -72

But that's not exactly where it's crashing and shutting down.
That log entry is 5 seconds AFTER the computer is rebooted.
The reboot start here:

Jul 10 09:39:39 localhost kernel[0]: hi mem tramps at 0xffe00000

So, does that mean it's crashing directly before the reboot? If so, then your issues is THIS:

Jul 10 09:36:11 felix-widjajas-computer mDNSResponder: NOTE: Wide-Area Service Discovery disabled to avoid crashing defective DNS relay

Which looks like there's a problem with your Mac and your Router.
@dav: your 'unperfectly' seated RAM solution is similiar to one of the reply on the
and yes, i feel this macbook is peace of crap also.

but anyway, its not about RAM or HDD, its about the logic board. there are lots of people experiencing random shutdown, look at the above apple discussion thread URL, it even has 3000++ page view

inspite that there are no patterns about the cause of shutdown (it can go 5minutes after power on, and even no issue in 2 days), there is no week batch production pattern also about this problem, mine is 17, my friend is 18 and working fine. but people reporting that week 18 also has the issue, week 21, 23, etc.

i will not have the new machine replacement for the crap, they say.
they only replace the mother board.

i saved a lot of cash as a daily worker to buy macbook (i live in indonesia, salaries are low), and i waited so long. and this is what i got? thanks apple

i bet that my white crap will get dirty and scratches all around its very fragile case after they repaired it.

ill update the result next week, lets see what will happened
yellow said:
But that's not exactly where it's crashing and shutting down.
That log entry is 5 seconds AFTER the computer is rebooted.
The reboot start here:

Jul 10 09:39:39 localhost kernel[0]: hi mem tramps at 0xffe00000

So, does that mean it's crashing directly before the reboot? If so, then your issues is THIS:

Jul 10 09:36:11 felix-widjajas-computer mDNSResponder: NOTE: Wide-Area Service Discovery disabled to avoid crashing defective DNS relay

Which looks like there's a problem with your Mac and your Router.

thx for the analysis, but i dont think router is the cause of the shutdown.
because it suddenly went shutdown also in the front of the genius at the shop that i bought this crap.

the genius plugs usb flash disk, and aprox. 10secs when he plays around the Finder, the white crap went dead.
That's fine.. but that's all I can tell you from the logs. That's the last entry there.

So, maybe it's a wireless card problem, maybe a logic board problem, hope they get it fixed for you.
fekimoki said:
whoa i just notice that you are the ipod-shuffle avatar at that url thread.
and you were mirror posting :D

yeah sorry about that, I just wanted to spread my personal experience.
Just take it to the apple store and they will fix it. When my macbook had random shut-downs i took it to the apple store and they did some "things" to my computer and now it never shuts-down ranomly, only on my command. So the apple store the is way to go!!!!!!
oldnavy1918 said:
Just take it to the apple store and they will fix it. When my macbook had random shut-downs i took it to the apple store and they did some "things" to my computer and now it never shuts-down ranomly, only on my command. So the apple store the is way to go!!!!!!

wow, its good to hear they fixed yours
well, the sad thing is there are no apple center in my country.
Well..just call apple and ask them if you can send it in. Thats the best you can do. I sure hope they make an Apple store in Indonisia...:) for you sake:)
they replaced the mainboard (yes, just the mainboard, and dont forget those little scratches addition that surround the body of the macbook as a bonus from the technician lab) and its running well for about nearly a month.

but it starts shutdown again 3days ago. and today its 3 times in a day.
damn this thing is wasting my mind and my time, i have to do backup again and again. and i forgot backingup my database structure 3times.

Mine's doing it again... I've already called Apple and they gave me a case number - but I'm going to wait until there's an official fix from Apple. Right now it seems people are getting new logic boards but within a week the shutdown problem came back. Those with new entirely replaced machines say they have no problems, but if you recall our macbooks didn't get this error until after a month of purchase. So these new books are probably just too new to showcase any of the problems.

I hope it's something as simple as a firmware update from Apple to stop the shutdowns. Here is to waiting and making sure I do NOTHING important on my macbook until then. I barely got a client email out when it shutdown last.

Oh and removing the battery + poweradapter and resetting the PRAM seems to make at least mine stable for a couple of days - though there is a potential for it to get worse.


EDIT: PS, I wouldn't have bought a toshiba maybe a sony :p
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