I'm home so I can finally respond to some more comments in depth. But first, I wanted to thank everyone again for so many encouraging words. I've been working on this during the weekends on and off for a few months now and it's hard to put into words just how rewarding it is to hear so many people enjoy my little app. Now, on to the replies!
* I've been thinking about alternate dice selection methods. The one I have now is functional, but yeah, I'd like to do something a little nicer. It's a difficult balance between flexibility and simplicity. Once I get the other main features in, I'll look into that some more.
* It's very flattering to even be mentioned in the same posts as Koi Pond. It's hard for me to guess how many hours I've worked on this but I'd guess around 50 to 100. A lot of that was spent trying to learn Xcode and Objective C. Also, I had to manually create each of those dice types (d4, d20, etc.) along with each of their rotations, polygon point lists, etc. Surprisingly, the 3D tilting effect only took about a day to implement but I've got a computer graphics background and I've been thinking about it for a while. Also surprisingly, it took a long while to figure out how to do simple things like getting the buttons to all work right. Hopefully, I'm getting faster at those sorts of things.
* I'm still tweaking the sensitivity necessary to start a roll. But yeah, it might be a bit too sensitive right now.
* I definitely plan to add dice locking and dice moving, hopefully in an intuitive and elegant interface!
* I'd never heard of
C-low before today. I certainly hadn't anticipated that, but hey, I'm glad my app is useful for something else, too.
* Definitely plan to have more dice colors and backgrounds! Hopefully, I can make use of the camera for some of that.
* Sadly, the anti-aliasing on the dice is due to the implementation of OpenGL. But more subtle colors might help with that. I'd like to improve my default background. Perhaps I'll be able to afford Photoshop some day.
* I'll try some experiments with a "deeper well" effect
* Swiping to roll dice might interfere with something else I'm planning, but I'll look into that and multi-touch zoom.
Finally, about updates: updates are free! So if you buy now, you'll get any future updates for free, even if I change the price to $999. Of course, I'd never do that... Or would I?! Who knows? So you'd better buy it now while it's only 99 cents!
(Seriously, though, I don't plan to ever raise the price on this app. As flattering as it is to hear that people would have paid more for it, I think a dollar is the right price. I like having more people enjoy it and hopefully, I'll still be able to make a profit.)