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macrumors 68000
Mar 16, 2011
What version of CCC would a person use to back up their Mojave drives, upgrade to Monterey, then restore quickly back to Mojave if all goes south?


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
"What version of CCC would a person use to back up their Mojave drives, upgrade to Monterey, then restore quickly back to Mojave if all goes south?"

Looks like either version 5 or 6 would do it.


macrumors 68040
Sep 2, 2013
North Vancouver
What version of CCC would a person use to back up their Mojave drives, upgrade to Monterey, then restore quickly back to Mojave if all goes south?

AFAIK - for Mojave you will need Version 5.1.28

CCC Version 6 is for Catalina and above

Good news is - if you purchased CCC5 after February 2021 - you are eligible for a free upgrade to CCC 6 so you will have both versions

See this post for more info and links to CCC info
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macrumors G4
Original poster
Nov 9, 2015
Silicon Valley, CA
Verified that a 3 TB HDD was wiped/formatted with APFS, then backed up with the build 7225 of CCC 6.0.4 using official release of MacOS 12.0.1 and was bootable.

Thats not to say the CCC restore is M1 usable, as I use Migration Assistant instead for a network reinstall from boot recovery menu. Interested to know if anyone has found to work with Monterey after its official release.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 12, 2015
Odd. I get CCC reporting time machine versions on a hard drive not used for time machine. Cannot see them with finder (hidden folders enabled).
For some reason as well all my time machine backups are 901gb on the Time Machine volume but a minute out from the CCC report for the non TM volume, the CCC report (for the wrong drive) has sensible 50mb or 700 mb etc.


macrumors G4
Original poster
Nov 9, 2015
Silicon Valley, CA
Odd. I get CCC reporting time machine versions on a hard drive not used for time machine. Cannot see them with finder (hidden folders enabled).
For some reason as well all my time machine backups are 901gb on the Time Machine volume but a minute out from the CCC report for the non TM volume, the CCC report (for the wrong drive) has sensible 50mb or 700 mb etc.
Use the "report a problem" under CCC help menu about that. Likely something not discussed before.



macrumors G4
Original poster
Nov 9, 2015
Silicon Valley, CA
Carbon Copy Cloner 6.0.5-b1 available if you have beta downloads enabled.
  • New
    We added a new "macOS Downgrade Assistant" feature, accessible via CCC's Utilities menu. The Downgrade Assistant can assess a backup volume's compatibility with Migration Assistant, and will create macOS Installer media using a specified volume and installer application.
  • New
    We added another small new feature in the source and destination selectors. If the selected source or destination is a network volume, or a folder on a network volume, you can hold down the Option key to reveal a "Switch to AFP" or "Switch to SMB" menu item. We frequently see slow performance and errors from SMB-mounted volumes, and we often recommend that people try "the other" protocol when the current protocol isn't working out. Now we've made it really simple to switch between the two to see if using a different protocol will yield better results.
  • Changed
    Tasks in the sidebar can once again be arranged when the sidebar sorting is configured as "Manual".
  • Changed
    Made some adjustments that should improve performance when a task is writing large files to a rotational destination. Made a separate adjustment that should improve performance when writing to ExFAT-formatted volumes.


macrumors 604
Nov 23, 2012
^^^^I keep the install files for all the apps I run. With this beta of CCC I can't find the zip file of the installer from the Bombich site. I can update from the app which I choose not to do.



macrumors newbie
Oct 27, 2021
Verified that a 3 TB HDD was wiped/formatted with APFS, then backed up with the build 7225 of CCC 6.0.4 using official release of MacOS 12.0.1 and was bootable.

Excellent news ! I will install Monterey today and try exactly this. The restore using migration assistant works fine but a restore takes much longer obviously compared to "booting from the external" and then CCC restore to a fresh AFPS container.


macrumors G4
Original poster
Nov 9, 2015
Silicon Valley, CA
Note CCC 6.0.5-b1 was missing the "your up to date" dialog when checking for updates, reported, The next beta build has that corrected.


macrumors G4
Original poster
Nov 9, 2015
Silicon Valley, CA
CCC 6.0.5-b2 is now available (build 7234) to download, so you can update to that. Yes this corrects the checking for updates dialog not working.

Note if you already updated to CCC 6.0.5-b1, just reinstall the 6.0.4 again, then you can update to CCC 6.0.5-b2.
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macrumors 6502a
Sep 12, 2015
Odd. I get CCC reporting time machine versions on a hard drive not used for time machine. Cannot see them with finder (hidden folders enabled).
For some reason as well all my time machine backups are 901gb on the Time Machine volume but a minute out from the CCC report for the non TM volume, the CCC report (for the wrong drive) has sensible 50mb or 700 mb etc.
Right. Reply received.
Seems I have been tripped up by Time Machine keeping snapshots on the drive being backed up. Something I didn't think happened, I thought TM kept everything on TM hard drive.
Though the mystery now is why the size of main backup files reported in finder for Time Machine differ from CCC but that I think is Apples issue.

Off to play with the new version of CCC.


macrumors 68040
Apr 23, 2013
I have an external drive with two APFS volumes. One is for general data and the other CCC - Data. Under Big Sur when I plugged in the drive both the general data and CCC - Data volumes would show in the left hand column of Finder. Under Monterey when I plug in the drive only the general data volume shows in Finder. The CCC - Data volume is still there, it can be seen using Disk Utility and CCC still successfully backs up to it.

Has anybody else observed this? Any ideas on how I can get the CCC - Data volume to show in Finder? I can imagine it might be preferable to have that volume hidden, but then I can’t just navigate to pick up a file from my backup if I need it.


macrumors G4
Original poster
Nov 9, 2015
Silicon Valley, CA
I have an external drive with two APFS volumes. One is for general data and the other CCC - Data. Under Big Sur when I plugged in the drive both the general data and CCC - Data volumes would show in the left hand column of Finder. Under Monterey when I plug in the drive only the general data volume shows in Finder. The CCC - Data volume is still there, it can be seen using Disk Utility and CCC still successfully backs up to it.

Has anybody else observed this? Any ideas on how I can get the CCC - Data volume to show in Finder? I can imagine it might be preferable to have that volume hidden, but then I can’t just navigate to pick up a file from my backup if I need it.
Maybe you need to run the terminal command to make the hidden volume show under finder? See the last part of this article

sudo SetFile -a v /Volumes/"Drive Name"
Note the lower-case “v” in this command as opposed to the upper-case in the hiding command. This is the attribute controlled by “-a”; “V” means “invisible”, and “v” means “visible”.


macrumors 65816
Nov 9, 2009
I have a task configured that runs a Backup automatically when I plug an external drive in to my M1 MBA. This has worked perfectly until Monterey. Now I plug my external drive in and nothing happens, I have to start the backup automatically.

I've deleted and recreated the task, it's still the same.

Running 6.0.4 (7225).

Has anyone experienced this?


macrumors regular
Nov 2, 2009
Anyone else's CPU running hotter with CCC 6? Upgraded to Monterey a few days ago. Suspended my daily clone for a couple of days to preserve my latest Big Sur clone, just to check out Monterey. Forgot to suspend the clone yesterday, so the trial version of CCC 6 (I have CCC 5) cloned my drive. I have iStat Menus, and today I noticed that my CPU was running about 15 ˚C hotter than normal, beginning exactly when the last task suspension ended. I suspended the task again, and my CPU temperature returned to normal.


macrumors G4
Original poster
Nov 9, 2015
Silicon Valley, CA
Making full clones is getting really difficult. ☹️
Even though we all ran into what Big Sur introduced, that still didn't completely stymie us from make partial clones for restoration of the ID, settings/data for doing a reinstall the the MacOS 11 using Migration Assistant. Eventually Apple got its APFS replication utility to work well enough that you could make bootable backstops, although only on the first cloning attempt, you could not perform incremental cloning of the system anymore.
All on its own, Big Sur introduced a significant new change to the creation of an external boot device. The operating system now resides on a cryptographically sealed "Signed System Volume"(link is external) that can only be copied by an Apple-proprietary utility, "Apple Software Restore" (ASR).
When Monterey first came out we were back to the signed system volumes and the APFS replication utility not working for creating bootable clones. But Apple did fix it a bit later to it being usable again after a few betas. Later in Monterey beta cycle they added security that requires a admin level user to use their passcode to allow a external clone of that cryptographically sealed "Signed System Volume to be able to boot and see other volumes. You still are stuck with the first cloning attempt working limitation.

Hopefully Apple has taken this as far as it needs to go now. :)
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macrumors G4
Original poster
Nov 9, 2015
Silicon Valley, CA
Anyone else's CPU running hotter with CCC 6? Upgraded to Monterey a few days ago. Suspended my daily clone for a couple of days to preserve my latest Big Sur clone, just to check out Monterey. Forgot to suspend the clone yesterday, so the trial version of CCC 6 (I have CCC 5) cloned my drive. I have iStat Menus, and today I noticed that my CPU was running about 15 ˚C hotter than normal, beginning exactly when the last task suspension ended. I suspended the task again, and my CPU temperature returned to normal.
CCC 6 file copier was rewritten, resulting in faster backups. If the backup takes a few minutes the computer will be slightly warmer.


macrumors regular
Nov 2, 2009
CCC 6 file copier was rewritten, resulting in faster backups. If the backup takes a few minutes the computer will be slightly warmer.
The temperature remained higher from the moment the task was unsuspended to when I shut down the computer at the end of the day (Thursday), a period of 2-3 hours. The temperature was back to normal when I started the computer Friday morning, remained normal for 3-4 hours, but then increased again. It remained higher until I noticed it in iStat Menus on Friday afternoon (a period of 7-8 hours), investigated the timing, and noticed the connection with the cloning on Thursday evening. I then resuspended the task, immediately after which the temperature returned to normal. What triggered the higher temperature Friday morning is unknown, but the connection between the higher temperature and the unsuspension of the task on Thursday evening and the connection between the lower temperature and the resuspension of the task on Friday afternoon are clear. I doubt I will be upgrading to CCC 6, so this issue will not be a problem for me, I was just curious if anyone else has had this issue.


macrumors regular
Nov 2, 2009
Update. After my last post, I ran a test. I unsuspended the cloning task (the only CCC task I run), and the temperature immediately increased, as expected, but remained high for 30 minutes (with not using the computer for any other purpose). I noticed that the activity light on the external SSD I use for CCC was continuously flashing during that period (reading only, no writing, according to iStat Menus). I then resuspended the task, but the higher temperature and the SSD activity continued. I then closed open applications one at a time. Turning off Bitdefender Shield stopped the SSD activity, and the temperature returned to normal. Culprit identified. I reactivated Bitdefender Shield, but all remained normal. (I know some will decry my use of an antivirus programme, but I run a small business for editing Word documents, most of which are created on Windows machines and many of which come from potentially problematic countries. I fear passing along nasties to other clients.)


macrumors 68040
Sep 2, 2013
North Vancouver
Update. After my last post, I ran a test. I unsuspended the cloning task (the only CCC task I run), and the temperature immediately increased, as expected, but remained high for 30 minutes (with not using the computer for any other purpose). I noticed that the activity light on the external SSD I use for CCC was continuously flashing during that period (reading only, no writing, according to iStat Menus). I then resuspended the task, but the higher temperature and the SSD activity continued. I then closed open applications one at a time. Turning off Bitdefender Shield stopped the SSD activity, and the temperature returned to normal. Culprit identified. I reactivated Bitdefender Shield, but all remained normal. (I know some will decry my use of an antivirus programme, but I run a small business for editing Word documents, most of which are created on Windows machines and many of which come from potentially problematic countries. I fear passing along nasties to other clients.)

Are you able to disconnect the destination drive and eliminate CCC as part of the issue?
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