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Hello everyone. I updated to today’s patch, but after restarting Safari no longer connects to the internet. Nor does the App Store. However other non Apple apps are fine. Unfortunately this leaves me without internet access on my main machine. Is there anything I can do? I have a Mac Pro 3.1.

Also, I tried to access the restore feature but I just get a ‘cancel’ logo. Can anyone help? I’m really stuck

Thank you!

I should clarify, I have the same issue with WiFi and Ethernet. I also tried another router. It’s certainly an issue with the new updates
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does somebody know why the "Automation" tasks of OnyX fix the WebKit issues after updating to macOS 10.13.2?
I'm just curious. It also fixed the issue on my late 2008 MacBook.

Some other issues still remain, like the "Photos" app being displayed without an icon in the Finder (but the application works, nonetheless). Also, when trying to test the "I am root" bug using the users & groups preference pane, the dialog box / sheet, where one has to enter the user credentials, opens multiple times.


Maybe clearing the caches is the key for the fix.
Hello everyone. I updated to today’s patch, but after restarting Safari no longer connects to the internet. Nor does the App Store. However other non Apple apps are fine. Unfortunately this leaves me without internet access on my main machine. Is there anything I can do? I have a Mac Pro 3.1.

Also, I tried to access the restore feature but I just get a ‘cancel’ logo. Can anyone help? I’m really stuck

Thank you!

I should clarify, I have the same issue with WiFi and Ethernet. I also tried another router. It’s certainly an issue with the new updates

If you find only the App Store and Safari is the non working apps, you need to run Onyx automation tasks to clean and rebuild the neccessary caches on your Mac. (this bug is not affects only us, it's happened to me on my HS supported iMac)
Maybe clearing the caches is the key for the fix.

If you find only the App Store and Safari is the non working apps, you need to run Onyx automation tasks to clean and rebuild the neccessary caches on your Mac. (this bug is not affects only us, it's happened to me on my HS supported iMac)

How can I download it without access to the internet? I only have an iPhone and a MacPro
How can I download it without access to the internet? I only have an iPhone and a MacPro

U wrote that only Apple's Safari and App Store are not working. Download it over phone and send over mail? Download it from a patched recovery and/or from the installer usb drive? Download it over terminal with curl? What happened exactly? Ethernet/WiFi driver not loaded? Loaded but the DHCP not working over that? Or only Safari/AppStore/anyOtherAppWithWebview not working?
Maybe clearing the caches is the key for the fix.

If you find only the App Store and Safari is the non working apps, you need to run Onyx automation tasks to clean and rebuild the neccessary caches on your Mac. (this bug is not affects only us, it's happened to me on my HS supported iMac)

I downloaded it on my iPhone and saved it to files. Cool feature.

Unfortunately after running all the scripts in Onyx it has not fixed the problem
Hi all. I had a lot of trouble going from 10.13.1 to 10.13.2. I ended up doing a clean install using the dosdude1 methods since Sierra to keep the old workhorse alive (thanks!). However, now I see iTunes flickering and the Radio and Store are just blank pages. Siri results flicker too. I have a MacPro 3,1 (2008) with ATI Radeon HD 5770. I did not see this under 10.13.1 so wondering what happened. Any suggestions. Thanks all!
No problems here on a MacPro 3,1 but I downloaded the full installer for macOS 10.13.2 on a supported machine and used that to create a patched usb installer in order to do a full install 10.13.2 over 10.13.1.

That seems to be a foolproof method. However, it also means that you have to download and reinstall gigabytes of fonts and dictionaries that are not included in the installer (they had to make room for emojis).

From now on I will have updates disabled and carefully watch the progress of others before making a move.

I think these problems still exist in 10.13.2?? (Mac Pro 3,1)
Is there any new issues?

That bugs occured by the gpu driver. Which GPU did u have?
What did you do to fix it? I’m struggling here, running Onyx didn’t work
What is your exact problem? Have you an IP Address? Pinging works or not? DNS? What is the exact error message?
That bugs occured by the gpu driver. Which GPU did u have?

AMD Radeon HD 7950

I need Mini-DisplayPort (I have Led Cinema Display) so there are not much options to change different GPU.
And no.. there is no cheap adapter DVI - to - Mini-Displayport. Only adapter is Kanex and it is very expensive..
Hello everyone. I updated to today’s patch, but after restarting Safari no longer connects to the internet. Nor does the App Store. However other non Apple apps are fine. Unfortunately this leaves me without internet access on my main machine. Is there anything I can do? I have a Mac Pro 3.1.

Also, I tried to access the restore feature but I just get a ‘cancel’ logo. Can anyone help? I’m really stuck

Thank you!

I should clarify, I have the same issue with WiFi and Ethernet. I also tried another router. It’s certainly an issue with the new updates

I cannot understand why anyone would be using High Sierra as their main day to day OS at this stage of it's developement.
Can't you install Sierra or Yosemite or even Mavericks on another HFS+ HDD ?

If you can you should partition the drive - one partition for Sierra, Yosemite etc for your day to day needs the other for a virgin install of High Sierra 10.13.2. I did this yesterday - everything is working fine.

Please have a look at this
Hello everyone. I updated to today’s patch, but after restarting Safari no longer connects to the internet. Nor does the App Store. However other non Apple apps are fine. Unfortunately this leaves me without internet access on my main machine. Is there anything I can do? I have a Mac Pro 3.1.

Also, I tried to access the restore feature but I just get a ‘cancel’ logo. Can anyone help? I’m really stuck

Thank you!

I should clarify, I have the same issue with WiFi and Ethernet. I also tried another router. It’s certainly an issue with the new updates

[doublepost=1512818781][/doublepost]Same with my MacPro 3.1.
Starting from the dosdude patched HighSierra install USB stick and applying the dd patches again solved the problem
I cannot understand why anyone would be using High Sierra as their main day to day OS at this stage of it's developement.
Can't you install Sierra or Yosemite or even Mavericks on another HFS+ HDD ?

If you can you should partition the drive - one partition for Sierra, Yosemite etc for your day to day needs the other for a virgin install of High Sierra 10.13.2. I did this yesterday - everything is working fine.

Please have a look at this

I am a developer and i am using Sierra and now High Sierra on all of my Macs (supported and unsupported ones) from the day one when the first betas are released. It's always worked fine, only small things appered sometimes but always can be fixed easly).

Running unsupportd os is always a harder way and it requires some skills to use it as a daily device.
@doobydoooby I did a DuckDuckGo search on "continuity activation tool" (wasn't familiar with it) and found it at GitHub. The most current version is a beta for Sierra. Is that what you used?

Mac Pro 3,1 with Nividia GTX 680 'flashed native' graphics card:

Update to 10.13.2 worked with the following steps:
Installed update from App store, upon reboot I could log in as normal but App store said the update had failed to install. App store then failed to connect.

I ran the Onyx automation scripts and continuity activation tool, then rebooted. Everything works and the update was applied to 10.13.2
I've just been reading
in particular the parts talking about MRT (Malware Removal Tool) and XProtect.

I followed the suggestion to check the versions with LockRattler (from that website) and sure enough mine are showing as versions 1.25 and 2096 respectively. If I understand correctly, these were updated by the recent Security Updates but it appears that they have been overwritten (at least for me) by 10.3.2. back to the previous versions.

As I'm running on an unsupported Mac I didn't feel it right to post a comment on that website.

Anyone here know anything about this?

FYI, my MacBook Pro received its silent security update today. I'm now at versions 1.26 and 2097 of the items mentioned above.

If nothing else, I've learned something. I never realised that softwareupdate sometimes installs stuff without user intervention.
For an unknown reason I was able to reset the pram and all my startup disks were once again visible. Including the high sierra startup partition. I still reverted to El Cap and will restore themodified installer to a usb key and retry.

FYI: If making a DMG boot drive under windows you MUST format using the command diskpart and format as GPT before using transmac software to write the dmg on the usb media.
So… this morning I had a thought. It was actually a recurring thought, as I'd considered it before, but just really didn't think it out as far. But then I read this article liked to from

From experiences with iOS jailbreaking, I've known that versions of the firmware of embedded components differing from what Apple's OS code "expects" (they expect the code that OS came with, of course!) can be problematic. Some time ago, the thought crossed my mind that Macs also have an exceedingly long list of embedded components, each with its own firmware, and I have never seen a list of that… much less an exhaustive list, detailed by Mac model and version numbers. But working on this forum and on the 10.12 Sierra Unsupported forum for the past year or so, I have wondered more and more about how various sporadic "bugs" and wonky behavior might be impacted by embedded component firmware. Things like the Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, EFI, even the iSight camera! all have their own embedded firmwares that get updated.

Take for example my MacBookPro5,5. The last macOS version it ran prior to my installing 10.12 using @dosdude1's tool was 10.9.5. It has never seen or had installed 10.10 or 10.11. And, if my recollection is correct, not only does @dosdude1's tool fool the updater into thinking it is OK to install onto a macbookpro5,5, it is unlikely that the 10.12 and 10.13 updaters include any necessary firmware updates for the hardware embedded in my Mac! That means that –IF– 10.10 or 10.11 did include firmware updates applicable to my hardware, my Mac isn't running those firmware versions. I'm guessing—just on my own humble experience with several hundred installed Macs (mine, friends', clients' for which I am responsible)—given how not-so-great 10.10 and 10.11 were UX-wise, that this is probably a likely scenario for a LOT of users running unsupported Macs. My standing advice to my clients has been to avoid 10.10 and 10.11, and many are still on 10.9.5… some are getting Sierra and High Sierra now, but usually (thanks to the unrelenting passage of time and Apple's slow bug-fixing AND slow new-model-release schedule) by new hardware rather than upgrading.

Which has left me wondering… should I maybe take a spare hard drive and some spare time and install 10.10 and then 10.11 just to grab any/all firmware updates those OSes have to offer? Should this perhaps be a "one more thing!" troubleshooting step for some of the users on these forums who have been reporting weirdities like keyboard and display backlighting problems that have no clear cause? (Might could just install 10.11, I'm guessing firmware updates are
encompassing, not "combos"; which would save the time. Also, I'm guessing most firmware updaters would update but not downgrade firmware; so once a Mac has been "touched" by 10.11, even going back to 10.9.5 wouldn't see the various firmwares go back to previous versions… which could lead to odd backwards-compatibility issues as well.)


Additionally, going back to my thought of a site where all of the various firmware/updater version information would/could/should be compiled… does anyone have thoughts about what the best way would be to GET that information? Is there a command-line tool that spits all that out?
(Yeah, I know, I'm kinda doing some "lazy internet" here… I'm more "expert" than that question, I could figure it out if I put some thought/time to it: lspci… ioreg… system_profiler… lshw… just looking for a quick-jump-start, friends. ;))
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So updated to 10.13.2 wreaked all sorts of havoc on my mid-2009 MacBook Pro. First symptom was that Safari would not load web pages however Chrome worked fine. I noticed that Mail and the App store also were not working properly.

I reset PRAM and this re-enabled SIP. Or maybe SIP was already re-enabled by the update somehow and I was only informed of this after the restart after resetting PRAM? So, I tried to disable SIP by starting up on the recovery partition but I got the "do not enter" sign. Pressing the option key while restarting I noticed that the recovery partition was a recovery partition for 10.13.1! I tried to select it manually but got the do not enter sign again. I don't recall seeing any messages that suggested that my update to 10.13.2 was incomplete but perhaps it was.

I saw a few suggestions on this thread to clean things up with OnyX. I haven't used OnyX and it was no longer installed on my machine so I downloaded and ran the Automation script. Well that's was a mistake. This disabled my touchpad and keyboard. Luckily, I was able to log into my MacBook from my iMac via screen sharing. I noticed that safari and mail were working again but it seems that USB and Bluetooth were not.

Finally, I downloaded the full version of High Safari from the app store on my iMac, created an install flash drive. Using this I disabled SIP and went through the High Safari installation process again including installing dosdude1's patch. All is well now.

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