Since ugrade from 15.0 to 15.0.1, sometimes when MBPro M2 Max is wakeup, I get a kernel panic (and always the same):
panic(cpu 2 caller 0xfffffe0018425068): busy timeout[0], (60s): 'AppleAPFSMediaBSDClient' (1,1810001) @IOService.cpp:5811
Debugger message: panic
Memory ID: 0x6
OS release type: User
OS version: 24A348
Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 24.0.0: Tue Sep 24 23:37:36 PDT 2024; root:xnu-11215.1.12~1/RELEASE_ARM64_T6020
Fileset Kernelcache UUID: 78265DF5367DA7B9ED2EE24B23C06FF5
Kernel UUID: 6ED5CB32-FFA1-3931-A108-B72DE9FB1A51
Boot session UUID: 8B266ECC-C77A-434C-BB8B-DFA7685CB613
iBoot version: iBoot-11881.1.1
secure boot?: YES
roots installed: 0
Paniclog version: 14
KernelCache slide: 0x000000000f5a0000
KernelCache base: 0xfffffe00165a4000
Kernel slide: 0x000000000f5a8000
Kernel text base: 0xfffffe00165ac000
Kernel text exec slide: 0x0000000010ca0000
Kernel text exec base: 0xfffffe0017ca4000
mach_absolute_time: 0xc9e85e969c
Epoch Time: sec usec
Boot : 0x670eb6b8 0x00057849
Sleep : 0x67100ba7 0x0000fb93
Wake : 0x67100bc2 0x000e057f
Calendar: 0x67100c00 0x000a004e
Zone info:
Zone map: 0xfffffe18237b0000 - 0xfffffe38237b0000
. VM : 0xfffffe18237b0000 - 0xfffffe1cf047c000
. RO : 0xfffffe1cf047c000 - 0xfffffe1e89e14000
. GEN0 : 0xfffffe1e89e14000 - 0xfffffe2356ae0000
. GEN1 : 0xfffffe2356ae0000 - 0xfffffe28237ac000
. GEN2 : 0xfffffe28237ac000 - 0xfffffe2cf0478000
. GEN3 : 0xfffffe2cf0478000 - 0xfffffe31bd144000
. DATA : 0xfffffe31bd144000 - 0xfffffe38237b0000
Metadata: 0xfffffe405cccc000 - 0xfffffe4064ccc000
Bitmaps : 0xfffffe4064ccc000 - 0xfffffe40709c4000
Extra : 0 - 0
TPIDRx_ELy = {1: 0xfffffe23555a27d0 0: 0x0000000000000002 0ro: 0x000000016f2630e0 }
CORE 0 PVH locks held: None
CORE 1 PVH locks held: None
CORE 2 PVH locks held: None
CORE 3 PVH locks held: None
CORE 4 PVH locks held: None
CORE 5 PVH locks held: None
CORE 6 PVH locks held: None
CORE 7 PVH locks held: None
CORE 8 PVH locks held: None
CORE 9 PVH locks held: None
CORE 10 PVH locks held: None
CORE 11 PVH locks held: None
CORE 0: PC=0x000000019b019590, LR=0x000000019b018d8c, FP=0x000000016daa0770
CORE 1: PC=0xfffffe0017d3b44c, LR=0xfffffe0017d3b44c, FP=0xfffffe8024647ed0
CORE 2 is the one that panicked. Check the full backtrace for details.
CORE 3: PC=0xfffffe0017d3b44c, LR=0xfffffe0017d3b44c, FP=0xfffffe8023eb3ed0
CORE 4: PC=0xfffffe0017d3b44c, LR=0xfffffe0017d3b44c, FP=0xfffffe8023573ed0
CORE 5: PC=0xfffffe0017d3b44c, LR=0xfffffe0017d3b44c, FP=0xfffffe8023177ed0
CORE 6: PC=0xfffffe0017d3b44c, LR=0xfffffe0017d3b44c, FP=0xfffffe8023c5bed0
CORE 7: PC=0xfffffe0017d3b44c, LR=0xfffffe0017d3b44c, FP=0xfffffe802455fed0
CORE 8: PC=0xfffffe0017cb6f18, LR=0xfffffe0017e6fd00, FP=0xfffffe802345fe20
CORE 9: PC=0xfffffe0017cb6f18, LR=0xfffffe0017e6fd00, FP=0xfffffe8022c13e20
CORE 10: PC=0xfffffe0017cb6f18, LR=0xfffffe0017e6fd00, FP=0xfffffe8022f7fe20
CORE 11: PC=0xfffffe0017cb6f18, LR=0xfffffe0017e6fd00, FP=0xfffffe802452fe20
Compressor Info: 0% of compressed pages limit (OK) and 1% of segments limit (OK) with 0 swapfiles and OK swap space
Panicked task 0xfffffe31bc684f18: 259 pages, 4 threads: pid 327: watchdogd
Panicked thread: 0xfffffe23555a27d0, backtrace: 0xfffffe8023f8f470, tid: 657547
lr: 0xfffffe0017cfef6c fp: 0xfffffe8023f8f500
lr: 0xfffffe0017e565cc fp: 0xfffffe8023f8f570
lr: 0xfffffe0017e54a8c fp: 0xfffffe8023f8f630
lr: 0xfffffe0017cab8b0 fp: 0xfffffe8023f8f640
lr: 0xfffffe0017cfe884 fp: 0xfffffe8023f8fa10
lr: 0xfffffe001855794c fp: 0xfffffe8023f8fa30
lr: 0xfffffe0018425068 fp: 0xfffffe8023f8fb10
lr: 0xfffffe0017e1ebf4 fp: 0xfffffe8023f8fb40
lr: 0xfffffe0017d069c4 fp: 0xfffffe8023f8fbe0
lr: 0xfffffe0017cdcd8c fp: 0xfffffe8023f8fc40
lr: 0xfffffe0017cf06e8 fp: 0xfffffe8023f8fca0
lr: 0xfffffe0017cf0b08 fp: 0xfffffe8023f8fda0
lr: 0xfffffe0017e48ee4 fp: 0xfffffe8023f8fe50
lr: 0xfffffe0017e54f7c fp: 0xfffffe8023f8ff10
lr: 0xfffffe0017cab8b0 fp: 0xfffffe8023f8ff20
lr: 0xfffffe0017cab874 fp: 0x0000000000000000
last started kext at 185367821542: 1.0.0 (addr 0xfffffe0016c84a70, size 6648)
Don't know if I'm alone in this case and how to fix it.