I’ve bought a new Macbook Pro 16”. There is stuttering right after I have my external monitor plugged in. Stuttering is observed on both displays (on the internal Retina and the external LG display) while having connected the external LG display. Stuttering stops immediately right after ejecting the LG display.
I once had this same problem with some version of BetterTouchTool running. I made a shortcut key to restart BetterTouchTool itself, that made the stuttering go away. And a later version then got rid of the issue. Boy, it was difficult to diagnose at the time.
Some people still have that issue with newer versions. https://community.folivora.ai/t/stuttery-and-laggy-window-movement-when-using-btt/15941
I don't want to point any shame towards BTT, it's an awesome tool I use every minute, but if you have it running, try turning it off and see if it makes a difference. Just a hip shot idea.