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macrumors 6502
Apr 11, 2019
Fontana, CA
Found one! Apparently Akai does something really weird that nobody else does with their fonts so all the text in the MPC Software, and both VST and AU plugin versions is missing. I had to update mine (I never use the software version, just stick to the hardware) and the fonts are even missing in the apps own installer. Luckily the drivers for the MPC are already installed or that would be fun navigating it without any text.

Also, Audio Hijack doesnt work anymore, but I should've known that as every major update breaks it.


macrumors 6502
Apr 11, 2019
Fontana, CA
Found a couple more 'issues'.. Plugins from Minimal Audio, specifically Rift Filter and the new MorphEQ aren't able to complete their authorizations for some weird issue neither I or Minimal can figure out at the moment (they dont have access to the beta themselves). The plugins install, but the first time you open them in a DAW, they require you to login to activate. Rift Filter and Rift Filter Lite have already been activated, and their licenses are right there in Library/App Support/Minimal but there is some weird permission thing going on that doesn't let the plugins 'talk' to them or see them. MorphEQ just came out two days ago, and I bought it right away, that one isn't able to create its license and there is also a folder its supposed to create in ~/Library/App Support/Minimal and it won't do it. All three just keep asking you to login every time you open the GUI, despite the fact the login actually works (if I put the wrong password in it notifies me). Whatever is blocking the licenses is also blocking the rest of the App Support/Minimal folder because none of them are showing the presets that are in those folders as well.

Might actually have to roll back to my Monterey backup at this point. The filters are pretty critical to me (one of my most used tools) and the little I've gotten to play with MorphEQ looks like that is going to quickly be a top tool as well. It's like the Z Plane filters in my EMU sampler on crack!

Their support team is awesome though. They were stoked to hear feedback on Ventura and are trying to help as best they can to see if we can get it to work heh.


macrumors G4
Jul 16, 2010
ny somewhere
yes, it's not all fun times. i cannot open a newly-installed sublab XL; the plugin lets me log in, but won't open to the GUI. so, definitely something in ventura that's not allowing some plugins to open. i have reported it in feedback assistant, you should do the same. apple needs to know about this, and will hopefully sort it out in an upcoming beta (hopefully).


macrumors 6502
Apr 11, 2019
Fontana, CA
There's quite a few folks using TB3-TB2-FW adapters for old MOTU devices and whatnot. My old 828mk2 technically still works with my Mac mini on Monterey, but its $100 for the cable and converters to do it. Luckily I replaced that with an 828x right before I bought my Mini.

I had a feeling this might be coming, MOTU finally dropped the firewire devices from the last driver update too. They still work but its like YMMV now and they aren't supporting it anymore. They were always kind of iffy with the firewire devices letting everyone know Apple doesn't really support it anymore but its there, and they could take it away and break it at any time.


macrumors G4
Jul 16, 2010
ny somewhere
There's quite a few folks using TB3-TB2-FW adapters for old MOTU devices and whatnot. My old 828mk2 technically still works with my Mac mini on Monterey, but its $100 for the cable and converters to do it. Luckily I replaced that with an 828x right before I bought my Mini.

I had a feeling this might be coming, MOTU finally dropped the firewire devices from the last driver update too. They still work but its like YMMV now and they aren't supporting it anymore. They were always kind of iffy with the firewire devices letting everyone know Apple doesn't really support it anymore but its there, and they could take it away and break it at any time.
it's been a full decade since firewire vanished from macs, so not surprising it's not working in ventura (and somewhat surprising that someone could work with it in monterey).

my uncle's still trying to plug his SCSI umax scanner into his mac mini 🤣
  • Haha
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macrumors 6502a
Oct 18, 2007
it's been a full decade since firewire vanished from macs, so not surprising it's not working in ventura (and somewhat surprising that someone could work with it in monterey).

my uncle's still trying to plug his SCSI umax scanner into his mac mini 🤣
Well there are still music studies I know of, which have pretty expensive FireWire gear such as sound cards, effect machines and so on for tens of thousands of dollars - Plus they still sell FireWire dongles Because of that


macrumors G4
Jul 16, 2010
ny somewhere
Well there are still music studies I know of, which have pretty expensive FireWire gear such as sound cards, effect machines and so on for tens of thousands of dollars - Plus they still sell FireWire dongles Because of that
then it's time for them to move into the modern world; they've had a decade to upgrade. (or, of course, they can stay on monterey or whatever works). but at some point (especially when the time comes for a new mac), they'll have to upgrade.


macrumors member
Sep 8, 2008
Volcano, Hi
Loaded the released 13.0 build on an M1 Mini and virtually everything I've tried has worked within Cubase 12 Pro

Arturia Analog Lab and associated synths
Native Instruments Komplete 14 (tried at least Kontakt 7)
Spectrasonics Trillian, OmniSpheere
UAD-2 Satellite thru an Apple T2 to T3 adaptor into a Plugable T3 hub thru an LG display

Still trying other things, but this looks pretty darned stable to me.
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macrumors G4
Jul 16, 2010
ny somewhere
just wanted to drop in here and point out some issues I'm having :

I use Ableton (latest version) & a few random VSTs.

I've noticed since the new update that a few VSTs are broken (nothing can be clicked and they stop outputting audio)

- Kick 2
- Shaperbox
check with the developers, make sure you're up-to-date.

shaperbox just came out with a new version, reallllllly nice (btw). that (and the previous version) have been fine (as AUs) in logic pro...
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macrumors 6502
Apr 11, 2019
Fontana, CA
Well everything here is fine for the most part. Akai already updated their MPC Software a few weeks back to catch that GUI bug their software had, but unfortunately the Minimal Audio plugins still aren't working. Same as before, for some reason they can't 'see' their licenses in ~/Library/Application Support/Minimal, and when I tried to remove them last night, it doesn't even bother trying to create a new folder in the directory for it. They just kinda halfway log you into your account and never finish pulling any info or reading the licenses (and don't work)..

I wasted a whole day rolling back the PB to my Monterey backup but I think this time I'll wait for them to update.

Other than that, Cubase 12 has picked up right where my Monterey install left off, my MOTU 828x is working great, Live seems to open a bit quicker than it did before, Wavelab perfectly intact, etc.. And most importantly, my MPC Live still connects to the Mac so I can backup the internal SSD!!!

EDIT: Heard back from Minimal Audio last night, they figured it out and are working on a new installer already..
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macrumors newbie
Apr 12, 2016
Hello! Anyone got Output Arcade to work under Ventura? It crashes both in stand alone and VST. Other than that all of my plugins work fine



macrumors 68000
Sep 7, 2011
Sep 7, 2011
Has anybody who uses their Mac for music creation installed the first Developer Beta? If so, which pro music apps/plugins are currently confirmed working?

Here are some that it would be great to pool information on (given that each year it's a toss up if they stay working):

  • Logic Pro X
Works. I am using it professionally with very large sessions. For some it will work better running it in Rosetta mode for the time being (get info on the Logic app and checking the box). The latest versions of Logic (M1) runs the AU host as a sandboxed service, this disables that behavior
  • UAD Console/Meter & Control Panel
No experience, ditched UAD a decade ago. Pity, really dug some of these plugins.
  • Ableton Live
9 doesn't run for me at all. 10 runs. 11.1 or 11.2 is M1 native and works fine here.
  • XLN Addictive Drums
  • Antares Autotune
I do not use these two.

An aside: Melodyne ARA doesn't work with Logic in M1 mode though. Ceremony's website discusses this.
  • Native Instruments Komplete
    • Kontakt
Runs ok but occasionally crashes Logic in M1 mode (Sandboxed AU Service) when opening a project. Have to load songs 2x times occasionally, 2nd time is fine. We'll all have to go to Kontakt 7 shortly imo.
Massive is M1 native as of a week or so. massive X is still Intel
Dunno. There is a compatibility list on Native Instruments's website that shows the status of this.
  • Spitfire Audio Instruments
Check out their website. Most of their proprietary plugin engine libraries work fine but there are a handful that currently only run if you're using the Beta versions they are providing. Have to jump through a few hoops in terminal for these.
  • Waves Plugins
Given up on Waves years ago.

And to save folks time in the goes without saying that this is a developer beta, nothing should assume to work at all, don't install on any computer you rely on for work, not on these developers to support betas, etc etc etc.
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macrumors 68000
Sep 7, 2011
Sep 7, 2011
ok... life isn't as perfect as i thought. seen this twice in logic pro, and there are others reporting it as well:

sometimes bouncing a mix and overwriting a previous bounce causes logic to crash. am going to (for now) not overwrite bounces, but save to the desktop, then just replace the previous saved bounce.

so, a workaround for now, and reported on the beta feedback app.
Yeah, same for me. Overwriting Bounces and or Logic Song files is a mess currently.
At the moment, guys, just dont try.


macrumors 68000
Sep 7, 2011
Sep 7, 2011
Looking for info on:

iZotope RX 9, Ozone 9, Neutron 4
Spitfire Player and Instruments
Kontakt (full)
UVI Workstation

Has anybody tried any of these?

OZ 9 and NU 3 were working fine for me. I bough OZ 10 and NU 4, installed on Ventura and neither would work for me after install. OZ 10- all the text in the plugin windows showed as "??????" and NU 4 just crashed the plugin manager.

Spent a few weeks with Izotope support and they had me scan and delete all problematic fonts in Font Book, lol. Funny, but it worked. All good now.

See my earlier posts re Spitfire and Kontakt.


macrumors G4
Jul 16, 2010
ny somewhere
ozone 10 is good here in logic; am on an intel mac, tho. really, ALL my 3rd-party plugins work (and have worked thru the beta cycle), and 98% of what i use in logic is 3rd-party....


macrumors regular
Aug 22, 2010
Reaper works great, even though I don't believe they have official support listed. I've been using it all day.


macrumors G4
Jul 16, 2010
ny somewhere
logic 10.7.5 is out, and fixes the 'overwrite bounce/crash' issue, and also fixes the bounce measure display. lots of other fixes and enhancements as well.

the bounce overwrite thing is a big one for ventura users...
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