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I have a Mac Pro 1.1 and a ATI Radeon HD 4890 - El Capitan is running but I do not have QE/CI.
Yosemite was no problem at all, I just downloaded the latest QE/CI patch and installed the KEXTs.

But in El Capitan - no chance. It simply does not have proper graphics acceleration. Screen is flickering.

Does anybody run El Cap. with a 4890 and QE/CI is working?
I have a Mac Pro 1.1 and a ATI Radeon HD 4890 - El Capitan is running but I do not have QE/CI.
Yosemite was no problem at all, I just downloaded the latest QE/CI patch and installed the KEXTs.

But in El Capitan - no chance. It simply does not have proper graphics acceleration. Screen is flickering.

Does anybody run El Cap. with a 4890 and QE/CI is working?

I have an idea, disable SIP and then run the patch again. Maybe El Capitan doesn't change the kexts for you cause it has SIP on that protects the drivers and system files.
I have an idea, disable SIP and then run the patch again. Maybe El Capitan doesn't change the kexts for you cause it has SIP on that protects the drivers and system files.

I already disabled SIP from the recovery hd. No idea what else could be wrong.
I got a Sapphire 7950 Boost from ebay for less than $100.00 and after reading here and on Nekas learned to flash it myself. It works great in my 1,1 and supports Metal in El Capitan.

Hello I've bought Sapphire HD7950 3G GDDR5 PCI-E DVI-I / DVI-D / HDMI / DP WITH BOOST Carte Graphique VGA ATI Radeon HD 7950 3 Go PCI express

Can you tell me how to flash and install this card on mac pro 1,1 upgrade 2,1 with el capitan 10.11.1?

Thanks by advance and sorry for my bad english...
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Can't explain it myself, only card I have ever flashed. Seems like a lot to read, but it's really not that hard to do.
Hello I've bought Sapphire HD7950 3G GDDR5 PCI-E DVI-I / DVI-D / HDMI / DP WITH BOOST Carte Graphique VGA ATI Radeon HD 7950 3 Go PCI express

Can you tell me how to flash and install this card on mac pro 1,1 upgrade 2,1 with el capitan 10.11.1?

Thanks by advance and sorry for my bad english...

Il pourrait rendre plus facile à copier et coller tout cela

Hi Kinetos, a link to a 17 page thread that in turn links to 32 page thread is a LOT to read through especially when English is not your first language. I'll put it all in one place and explain what you're doing in italics before I tell you to do it. If it gets too long or you don't care, skip the italics.

First note is that your card will work - unflashed - with El Capitan. Make sure you have the correct extra cable(s) installed and your card will work, you just won't see the boot and loading screens, the desktop will appear after several seconds of black screen. If that's ok for you, you need not do anything. If you want boot screens, read on.

You are smart and/or lucky because your card has a switch on the side that allows you to choose between 2 different BIOS - make sure the switch is in position 2 while you do the flashing. No matter what you do, you can always switch to position 1 and have the original factory rom and your card will work, you just won't have the boot screen.

Here's what I did and it worked for me with a MacPro 1,1 and the Gigabyte version of the 7950. I have a boot screen and I can choose Lion, El Capitan, or Ubuntu Linux. I'm assuming that El Capitan is already installed on your MacPro. If you did that, I'll also assume you can use a terminal. You're gonna need 2 blank CD's. I will not assume you are familiar with DOS.

1. You need to get the original rom (also called BIOS, same thing) for your card.
There are many variations from different vendors, it's important to get the exact rom for your card because, among other possible problems, the code for the ports on your card will be different than the code for cards with different ports. Different ports = different card = some or all of your ports might not work.
  • BEST: If you have Windows thru Boot Camp (VM will not work) on your box or access to a Windows box, put the card in the box and use GPU-Z available here to extract the rom from your card. I don't have Windows, so I can't help you with that software, but it's a GUI app and it shouldn't be hard, there are instructions on the site.
  • NEXT BEST: If you don't have windows, the next best thing is to download the original rom from the manufacturer (I couldn't find it on the Sapphire site) or to get one from here.
  • (It's possible to boot into FreeDOS and use ATIFlash to get the ROM from your card. The problem, for me anyway, was that FreeDOS didn't see the DOS formatted partition on my hard drive or on a USB drive, so there was no way to write the rom to any media. Gigabyte provides their factory roms, so that worked for me.)
2. Download ATI flash from the TechPowerUps site. This is a DOS command-line app that does the actuall flashing. It will run on your Mac when you boot it into FreeDOS.

3. Download the Ultimate BootCD and burn it to a CD. This will boot your MacPro and allow you to run FreeDOS.

4. Download this bundle. The script depends on Java and Python. It includes the Mac EFI part of the BIOS and a shell script that will patch your rom from step 1 and give you the new rom to flash the card in step X below.

5. Extract the bundle to your desktop or another convenient location. Rename a copy of your original rom (from step 1) "cardname.rom" and put it in the same folder. Read the README file and note that there is a typo: 697a should be 679a

6. In terminal, navigate to the bundle folder and enter: ./ --efifile=7950mac.efi --romfile=efiromheader.rom --originalrom=cardname.rom --devid=679a

7. Copy the modified rom file and the ATIFlash.exe file and burn them to a CD.

8. Carefully pull the CD/DVD drive housing out of your MacPro and set it on top of the case. You need access to the eject button to switch the CDs.

9. Put the Ultimate BootCD in the drive, reboot holding the option key, and choose to boot from the UBCD.

10. Choose FreeDOS from the UBCD menu.

11. Eject the UBCD, replace it with the ATIflash & modified rom file CD. That's why you needed to pull it out of the case. The Ultimate BootCD is actually running from a ramdisk.

12. Type "m" in the FreeDOS command line line to display a menu. Select "show all drives" and figure out which is the CD drive. Probably R or Q.

13. In FreeDOS, type "Q: (or R: or whatever DOS is calling the CD drive) atiflash -p 0 myrom.rom (or whatever your modified rom file is called). You have to tell DOS where the .exe files is, that's Q: then the exe filename without the .exe, -p tells atiflash to write your modified rom to the card.

14. As long as there is no error reported you are good to go.

*Be careful putting the CD housing back in the case. Make sure to line up the slots with the pegs and tuck the cables in carefully. Don't force it. I did and tweaked the housing. Be gentle.

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Hello iMattux and really thanks for your reply ! I've tried to flash my gpu card but don't work...
In first I've tried to install my new GPU in the second slot with another gpu in first slot (Radeon 7850 already flashed)
The 7850 is connected to motherboard with 6 pins cable and my 7950 is connected with two cables on molex...
When I boot I can see the apple logo and after freeze and reboot again and again...
Have you a solution for me?
Hello iMattux and really thanks for your reply ! I've tried to flash my gpu card but don't work...
In first I've tried to install my new GPU in the second slot with another gpu in first slot (Radeon 7850 already flashed)
The 7850 is connected to motherboard with 6 pins cable and my 7950 is connected with two cables on molex...
When I boot I can see the apple logo and after freeze and reboot again and again...
Have you a solution for me?

Bonjour, mon ami.

I'm not sure exactly how the flashing of the 7950 went. Were you able to follow the instructions and complete the last step without any errors?

Answer these questions:
1. From where did you get the original 7950 rom? Did you pull it from your card using Windows or get it from another source?
2. Were there any messages when you ran Netkas' script?
3. Were there any messages from ATIflash in DOS mode?

Two video cards in the box is going to make things complicated. First, take the 7950 out and make sure you can boot into El Capitan with the flashed 7850. If that works - with boot screens, your installation is good and we're just talking about getting the right rom on your 7950. I'll assume that works. While you're there, turn on auto-login so you don't have to enter your password to get straight to your desktop.

Shut down and take the 7850 out of the box, and put the 7950 - with the switch in position 1 (the factory rom), in the lowest PCI slot and then boot into El Capitan. You will not see boot screens, but your desktop should show up in 1 minute at the most if you installed EC correctly. As long as that happens, you've proven 2 things: You have a working install and you have a working 7950.

Shut down, move the switch back to position 2, and follow the flashing instructions again. Copy and paste any messages you get along the way.

Let us know your results.
I've pickup the firmware with dos with a copy of original.
I've used terminal for change rom.
I've used dos for flash my card but same things...
When boot, freeze with mid lane white and apple logo or black screen... At this moment the fan take noise and reboot...

My 7850 work great with logo bootscreen
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I've pickup the firmware with dos with a copy of original.
Comment avez-vous fait cela? Lorsque je démarre à partir de DOS, je peux utiliser atiflash pour obtenir le rom, mais il est "coincé" dans le disque virtuel. Je dois aucun moyen d'écrire sur un lecteur USB ou tout autre lieu.
Où êtes-vous capable d'écrire une copie du fichier ROM qui atiflash extraits?
I've used terminal for change rom.
Avez-vous mis le fichier rom extrait dans le dossier "bundle" et exécutez ""?
Quelle a été la sortie dans le terminal lorsque vous avez exécuté ""?
Et puis utiliser atiflash de copier le nouveau fichier rom patchée, à la carte?
I've used dos for flash my card but same things...
Quelle a été la sortie dans le terminal DOS lorsque vous avez utilisé atiflash de patcher le rom sur votre carte?
When boot, freeze with mid lane white and apple logo or black screen... At this moment the fan take noise and reboot...
My 7850 work great with logo bootscreen[/QUOTE]

Répondez à chaque question en français, puis utilisez "" pour traduire vos réponses à l'anglais ;)
Does anyone know how to get my Radeon 7750 card to work with graphics acceleration in El capitan? it worked fine in Yosemite. Yes i've disabled SIP.

I need some help getting a Sapphire Radeon HD 4890 Vapor-X running in a Mac Pro 1,1 running El Capitan 10.11.5.

I also have a GT-120 in the box so I can see anything, because the 4890 shows no video.

System Profiles doesn't recognise it's a 4890, it just says "Display" and also adds "No Kext Loaded".

Where should I start? I've been desperate trying to find kext patches for this setup, but all the links are outdated.
I have no PC around to flash (extract the BIOS) and anyway, Zeus doesn't see the 4890, only the GT-120.

What do I need to have the system at least see it's a HD 4890 in the box?

Any help is much appreciated.
Thx, MVC. Card just got here. It does have a switch. :cool:

Waiting on the 8pin->6pin mini PCI-e connector...:rolleyes:

Did a dry-run with the x1900 last night. Pulled the BIOS with atiflash and looked at it in Hex Fiend. You're right, it's def not rocket-science. Netkas' script vs. manual editing in a GUI is a toss-up for me. Thanks for patiently explaining everything. ;)

While I wait, I'm thinking I might start a fresh thread along the lines of "El Capitan on MacPro 1,1/2,1: Solutions ONLY (Noobs start here)."

I've waded thru thousands of posts on hundreds of pages here and on Netkas. There's so much conflicting info ("any GeForce will work" being my favorite example) and so much that is outdated. I started this adventure on Oct. 2, and I'm not quite finished yet. I'd like to help the next person who comes here wanting top get more life out of a 1,1/2,1. Judging from eBay, there are still MANY out there and running full-fledged El Capitan for ~$500 (or as little as $0 if you're lucky and a friend or family member has upgraded) is a very attractive option.

If you are really lucky, you might find a 3,1 Mac Pro that functions like a champ on eBay for $150 like I did. Granted, it is the quad core model but I will probably buy a processor and heatsink at some point and fill the other processor socket. I've put some money into upgrades (OWC Accelsior S card, SanDisk 240 GB SSD, 32 GB RAM, and a used Radeon HD 4870 PC card that I flashed to Mac (Cheap upgrade for someone who does limited gaming and graphics intensive work and doesn't care about 4K/5K support.) and still am just a little over $300 investment in the machine. That being said, the Mac Pro 1,1 and 2,1 machines are very capable at a (usually) affordable price.
Ive got a 4870 1gb that I flashed, running great in El Capt, no issues full accel and boot screens. Ive also got a 4890 1gb that works flawlessly. They def work in the 1,2 under el capt. One of my gtx570's however has issues in my kids 1,2 under el capt, identical cards, but one has screen tearing?? NFI.. I put it in the 2 hard basket and put a 580 3gb in there instead, just no boot screens but works awesome.

just if someone stumbles upon this. (-;
i am using a R9 380, Gigabyte GV-R938G1 GAMING-4GD currently with a 6to8pin-atx-adapter.
no boot-screen but works unflashed OOB.
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