Good to know. Thanks for the info.This will make it boot, but just the SSN solves nothing if you use iCloud/FaceTime/Messages. There are 7 different hardwareIDs that differentiate one Mac Pro from another.
Good to know. Thanks for the info.This will make it boot, but just the SSN solves nothing if you use iCloud/FaceTime/Messages. There are 7 different hardwareIDs that differentiate one Mac Pro from another.
It didn't. 5,1 firmware cannot be updated "inline" with system updates the way newer Macs can.Curious if the MP5,1 got a firmware update today. My 2012 MacBook Pro got one with the security update. It's version 421.
Well there's probably a new full installer available to download.It didn't. 5,1 firmware cannot be updated "inline" with system updates the way newer Macs can.
Nope.Well there's probably a new full installer available to download.
You have to remove the backplane from the case, it's not possible to desolder it inside the case.
While it's easy to desolder it, see the SMD removal with ChipQuick low-point solder desolder method for example, if you can't do yourself and can find someone to do it cheap, go for it. Backplanes are becoming expensive lately.
Well done!I ended up buying some of that desoldering stuff and doing it myself. That was by far the most nerve-wrecking thing I have ever done to my Mac Pro.Everything seemed to go perfectly, though! I flashed my rebuilt v140 boot ROM to the new chip, desoldered the old one, cleaned up the pads, then the new chip seemed to go on just fine. I did a final firmware update back up to v144, and we're back in business.
Thanks for all the guidance! Long live the MacPro5,1!
View attachment 1724026
Very impossible, the 5,1 is an obsolete model now. There should be no more support from Apple. Even they know there is a significant security flaw in the firmware, most likely still won't do anything.Curious if the MP5,1 got a firmware update today. My 2012 MacBook Pro got one with the security update. It's version 421.
Nicely done!I ended up buying some of that desoldering stuff and doing it myself. That was by far the most nerve-wrecking thing I have ever done to my Mac Pro.Everything seemed to go perfectly, though! I flashed my rebuilt v140 boot ROM to the new chip, desoldered the old one, cleaned up the pads, then the new chip seemed to go on just fine. I did a final firmware update back up to v144, and we're back in business.
Thanks for all the guidance! Long live the MacPro5,1!
View attachment 1724026
I used a stick of that low melting point stuff (don’t know the technical term), similar to what you linked me to, and some desoldering wick. That was actually my first time using ether of those tools. I don’t have a hot air station unfortunately, so I just used my pencil soldering iron. I was hesitant to even try it with my very limited tools and experience, but all that being said, I am very happy how it worked out.Nicely done!
Did you went for indium desolder wire and desolder braid or did you got a hot air station? I've use both techniques, but it's a lot cheaper to use the hot air station, if you have one.
8D2BF1FF 96768B4C A9852747 075B4F50 00000300 00000000 5F465648 FF8EFFFF 4800387A 01000001 03000000 00000100
8D2BF1FF 96768B4C A9852747 075B4F50 00000300 00000000 5F465648 FF8EFFFF 4800397A 00000001 03000000 00000100
Thank you so much for the info.I've started to notice in the last few weeks that some dumps people send me have the first store of the NVRAM header invalid. At first, I thought that was just a fluke, then slowly some more cases started to creep in.
I don't have enough cases to track what is causing it, but it's happening and it's not related to the NVRAM being full like when the first store overrun the second one, this one below (corrupt is on the left, cleaned/reconstructed one on the right) still have 34976 bytes free inside of the first store:
View attachment 1725491
Invalid:Code:8D2BF1FF 96768B4C A9852747 075B4F50 00000300 00000000 5F465648 FF8EFFFF 4800387A 01000001 03000000 00000100
Code:8D2BF1FF 96768B4C A9852747 075B4F50 00000300 00000000 5F465648 FF8EFFFF 4800397A 00000001 03000000 00000100
If you still don't have a backup of your BootROM safely stored, do it.
0 0x0 UEFI PI Firmware Volume, volume size: 524288, header size: 1, revision: 0, EFI Firmware File System, GUID: 7A9354D9-0468-444A-CE81-0BF617D890DF
24972 0x618C CRC32 polynomial table, little endian
35787 0x8BCB mcrypt 2.2 encrypted data, algorithm: blowfish-448, mode: CBC, keymode: 8bit
243907 0x3B8C3 BIOS version: MP51.88Z.F000.B00.1904121248
524288 0x80000 UEFI PI Firmware Volume, volume size: 524288, header size: 1, revision: 0, EFI Firmware File System, GUID: 7A9354D9-0468-444A-CE81-0BF617D890DF
549260 0x8618C CRC32 polynomial table, little endian
560075 0x88BCB mcrypt 2.2 encrypted data, algorithm: blowfish-448, mode: CBC, keymode: 8bit
768195 0xBB8C3 BIOS version: MP51.88Z.F000.B00.1904121248
1048576 0x100000 UEFI PI Firmware Volume, volume size: 16384, header size: 1, revision: 0, EFI Firmware File System, GUID: 7A9354D9-0468-444A-CE81-0BF617D890DF
1064960 0x104000 UEFI PI Firmware Volume, volume size: 49152, header size: 1, revision: 0, GUID: 153D2197-29BD-44DC-59AC-887F70E41A6B
1065216 0x104100 Intel x86 or x64 microcode, sig 0x000106a5, pf_mask 0x03, 2018-05-11, rev 0x001d, size 12288
1077504 0x107100 Intel x86 or x64 microcode, sig 0x000206c0, pf_mask 0x13, 2009-08-20, rev 0x-ffea, size 8192
1085696 0x109100 Intel x86 or x64 microcode, sig 0x000206c2, pf_mask 0x03, 2018-05-08, rev 0x001f, size 11264
1114112 0x110000 UEFI PI Firmware Volume, volume size: 16384, header size: 1, revision: 0, EFI Firmware File System, GUID: 7A9354D9-0468-444A-CE81-0BF617D890DF
1130496 0x114000 UEFI PI Firmware Volume, volume size: 49152, header size: 1, revision: 0, GUID: 153D2197-29BD-44DC-59AC-887F70E41A6B
1130752 0x114100 Intel x86 or x64 microcode, sig 0x000106a5, pf_mask 0x03, 2018-05-11, rev 0x001d, size 12288
1143040 0x117100 Intel x86 or x64 microcode, sig 0x000206c0, pf_mask 0x13, 2009-08-20, rev 0x-ffea, size 8192
1151232 0x119100 Intel x86 or x64 microcode, sig 0x000206c2, pf_mask 0x03, 2018-05-08, rev 0x001f, size 11264
1179648 0x120000 UEFI PI Firmware Volume, volume size: 196608, header size: 1, revision: 0, Variable Storage, GUID: FFF12B8D-7696-4C8B-85A9-2747075B4F50
1179688 0x120028 NVRAM start of the 1st VSS store
1179766 0x120076 NVRAM MemoryConfig type: (i)
1181814 0x120876 NVRAM MemoryConfig type: (j)
1184252 0x1211FC NVRAM PanicInfo Log
1191827 0x122F93 NVRAM bluetoothActiveControllerInfo
1194597 0x123A65 NVRAM MemoryConfig type: (g)
1196645 0x124265 NVRAM MemoryConfig type: (h)
1201145 0x1253F9 NVRAM MemoryConfig type: (g)
1203193 0x125BF9 NVRAM MemoryConfig type: (h)
1207693 0x126D8D NVRAM MemoryConfig type: (g)
1209741 0x12758D NVRAM MemoryConfig type: (h)
1213497 0x128439 NVRAM MemoryConfig type: (g)
1215545 0x128C39 NVRAM MemoryConfig type: (h)
1220045 0x129DCD NVRAM MemoryConfig type: (g)
1222093 0x12A5CD NVRAM MemoryConfig type: (h)
1225790 0x12B43E NVRAM bluetoothActiveControllerInfo
1225957 0x12B4E5 NVRAM MemoryConfig type: (g)
1228005 0x12BCE5 NVRAM MemoryConfig type: (h)
1230860 0x12C80C NVRAM SIP state, type: (w)
1231392 0x12CA20 NVRAM MemoryConfig type: (g)
1233440 0x12D220 NVRAM MemoryConfig type: (h)
1245255 0x130047 NVRAM start of the 2nd VSS store **HEADER CORRUPTED**
1245302 0x130076 NVRAM MemoryConfig type: (i)
1247350 0x130876 NVRAM MemoryConfig type: (j)
1249788 0x1311FC NVRAM PanicInfo Log
1257363 0x132F93 NVRAM bluetoothActiveControllerInfo
1260133 0x133A65 NVRAM MemoryConfig type: (g)
1343518 0x14801E HardwareID Base_xx: 17
1343538 0x148032 bzip2 compressed data, block size = 100k
1345160 0x148688 HardwareID 11-digits SSN: G89xxxxx4PD
1345177 0x148699 HardwareID 3-digit HWC model: 4PD
1376256 0x150000 UEFI PI Firmware Volume, volume size: 2686976, header size: 1, revision: 0, EFI Firmware File System, GUID: 7A9354D9-0468-444A-CE81-0BF617D890DF
1416827 0x159E7B BIOS version: MP51.88Z.F000.B00.1904121248
1614976 0x18A480 Apple NVMe EFI Module
4063232 0x3E0000 UEFI PI Firmware Volume, volume size: 65536, header size: 1, revision: 0, GUID: E3B980A9-5FE3-48E5-929B-2798385A9027
4128768 0x3F0000 UEFI PI Firmware Volume, volume size: 65536, header size: 0, revision: 0, Apple Boot Volume, GUID: 04ADEEAD-61FF-4D31-BAB6-64F8BF901F5A
4128867 0x3F0063 BootBlock version: AAPLEFI1.88Z.0005.I00.1010071430
4194000 0x3FFED0 HardwareID MLB/LBSN: J59xxxxxxx1LTB, BuildDate: 09xxxx09xxxx
Old ageBut what is causing this?
I've started to notice in the last few weeks that some dumps people send me have the first store of the NVRAM header invalid. At first, I thought that was just a fluke, then slowly some more cases started to creep in.
I don't have enough cases to track what is causing it, but it's happening and it's not related to the NVRAM being full like when the first store overrun the second one, this one below (corrupt is on the left, cleaned/reconstructed one on the right) still have 34976 bytes free inside of the first store:
View attachment 1725491
Invalid:Code:8D2BF1FF 96768B4C A9852747 075B4F50 00000300 00000000 5F465648 FF8EFFFF 4800387A 01000001 03000000 00000100
Code:8D2BF1FF 96768B4C A9852747 075B4F50 00000300 00000000 5F465648 FF8EFFFF 4800397A 00000001 03000000 00000100
If you still don't have a backup of your BootROM safely stored, do it.
binwalk * | grep Invalid
16 0x10 "Invalid VSS Store Header"
16 0x10 "Invalid VSS Store Header"
16 0x10 "Invalid VSS Store Header"
Old age+ the cross-flashing process.
Yep, the circular log is not robust enough for 12 years of usage.
I'm answering this more generically and not just for you.Wondering if you think MP5,1 & MP4,1>5,1’s that have not been updated or really touched in 6-9+ months would be impacted. Most are rocking official Mojave installs.
Several offices still have these from pre-COVID, before work from home situations became the norm. Most official MP5,1 are/were 2012 models. Really do wonder if it is even worth the effort for some of them that are not.
Very, very true. I see certain GPUs for MPs (ones that aren't even Metal capable) going for more than the computers themselves. No one needs to pay $300 for a x1900. I would love to pick up a better GPU for mine but the ones I've looked at cost more than I paid ($150) for the computer itself. Other parts are quite pricey too. Sorry for minor thread hijack.Mac Pros are very cheap to buy nowadays in some markets, but the parts and maintenance are still expensive everywhere - people constantly forget this