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Ha! Yeah, it does look like those worm things from Tremors. The ones from the original movie, not the ones the looked like large deformed chickens from the sequels. Odd, how photos of real things can be interpreted differently.
Pentax Optio S4, no retouching.


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can someone tell me why its called macro photography and not micro photography? i am asking because, well, look at the difference between macro and micro economics. micro is looking at a closeup and macro is looking at the bigger picture economically.
is it called macro photography because you are using a bigger lense...a "macro" lens so to speak?
evil said:
can someone tell me why its called macro photography and not micro photography? i am asking because, well, look at the difference between macro and micro economics. micro is looking at a closeup and macro is looking at the bigger picture economically.
is it called macro photography because you are using a bigger lense...a "macro" lens so to speak?

i dont know the real answer off hand, but from what i know about photography, i believe the reason its called macro photography, is because the focusing element of the lens is farthest away from the focal plane when shooting super close-up objects, (hence the use of extension tubes to achieve even closer images, moving the focusing element even farther away from the focal plane). This may be why its called macro photography instead of micro.

Can anyone confirm this?
brett33 said:
Here's a few of mine: Canon D30+28-80 Lens+Extension tube+off Camera lighting


I really dig that picture especially of how you framed the flower and how you captured the pattern of the pedals. I could see that on wedding photographers website. Very nice and elegant :)
If you guys wouldn't mind, I'd love to use some of these as my desktop patterns, I love that water faucet one, as well as your pictures brett. Post some links or I suppose you could email the full rez versions if your willing to let me use it.

can someone tell me why its called macro photography and not micro photography?

I think macro refers to the image size winding up about the same or somewhat larger than the object (subject.)
JDar said:
I think macro refers to the image size winding up about the same or somewhat larger than the object (subject.)

I've read that myself on a website. However I'm not sure if that's the whole definition because I have a lot of macro shots I've taken of flowers that are like 5x larger than true size of the flower; I took a macro shot of a flower (concentrating on the inner part of it), the flower itself was roughly the size of my hand - maybe a bit smaller, but the size of the flower on screen is bigger than my 20" Apple Dislplay. The mega pixels also plays a factor into how big the picture would be. So if my digi cam was 1 mp, the flower would have been closer to 1:1 scale. But since I have a 5mp digi cam, the flower is about 5x larger. But the way I see it, a macro shot is a very close-up and detailed shot of a subject; it doesn't neccessarily have to be the same size (1:1 ratio), but just allow very close up focus and detail.

I think I just confused myself more :confused: :p But whatever it is, I really like the effect :)
I have always been told that macro was anything that could be seen with the naked eye and that macro photography was doing that up close and larger through various visual enhancements, such as lenses and extension tubes.
And a couple more

A soldier crab (about the size of your thumbnail), a tiny cactus flower and a larger succulent.


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Cool thread, I used to be into macro photography a little bit. Here's some pics. Now I pretty much just stick with people photography.








nice series of macros--the depth of field is unusually great and side to side nice and sharp. Tell us something about camera and lenses and techniques you used, please.
JDar said:

nice series of macros--the depth of field is unusually great and side to side nice and sharp. Tell us something about camera and lenses and techniques you used, please.

Thanks, I used a Canon EOS D60 to shoot these and a cheapo Canon 35-80mm zoom lens and I then cropped a little bit to give some more magnification.
Only real thread that I could find with MACRO in the title... so im ressurrecting it!

here is a pic of my G/F's cat's eye. I actually focused on the rear of the inside of the eyeball. you can see the tissue's texture inside. see the 100% crop from the middle of the eye.


100% crop
Here's a few from my library.


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