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hey it's me

Doctor Q said:
You haven't changed hairstyle since you were two years old! But now you have sideburns too.

haha well it fits me and I can't really style it any other way (fro but that is not good) so this works. =P
max_altitude said:
Cool pic! :)

KT could so be a female co-host/prize presenter/letter flipper on a game show. :D

That is the ultimate job opportunity for a hand model! you have a game show? Would you like to hire a hand model?
You pay for airfare, I could probably sleep in your car, and I charge $50/hr for hand modeling.

I can point real good. :)
markkk! said:
right they sell TVS :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :confused: :confused: :confused:
I think he meant you can't actually walk out with a computer. You buy them at the kiosk's computer and they still ship them to you. I should have taken a pic when I got my new iMac, but I wasn't as happy as Pete and KT. Carrying around a 20" iMac, Epson AIO printer, a bunch of software... and I couldn't find my car in the parking lot! :eek: :mad: :eek: Found it eventually.

Always remember where you park! And apparently, I could have just come back with the car to pick it up in the back. :rolleyes: D'oh.
I was just making fun of the fact Dell actually makes TVs and prolly has really sucky sales on them. the only hardware in that picture that wasn't the MacBook was the tv...that I assumed was dell.
peterparker said:
Couple of MR members having some fun :)]

Dude, some crazy woman's trying to rip that MacBook outta your hand in the photo, did you manage to fight her off?
mpw said:
Dude, some crazy woman's trying to rip that MacBook outta your hand...

Looks like security needs to do a better job of keeping crazy homeless people out of the mall. :p

w_parietti22 said:
"trying to"? what do you mean? I am gangsta. ;) :p

Im actually the least g person that you will ever meet.

Having 1850+ posts on MR pretty much confirms that! :D :p
mpw said:
Dude, some crazy woman's trying to rip that MacBook outta your hand in the photo, did you manage to fight her off?

For the record, that is razzmatazz in the photo with KT, not me. I was behind the camera :) And no I wouldn't fight her off :p
markkk! said:
I was just making fun of the fact Dell actually makes TVs and prolly has really sucky sales on them. the only hardware in that picture that wasn't the MacBook was the tv...that I assumed was dell.
What about the Dell computer sitting right next to the TV? :confused:
skipskop24 said:
Maybe the Dell kiosks are different in different areas. In mine they sell computers too, but maybe where near markkk! lives they only sell tvs.

The point was that you can only order at the Dell can't actually take the product home with you.
mpw said:
Dude, some crazy woman's trying to rip that MacBook outta your hand in the photo, did you manage to fight her off?
Pft. Crazy women don't have hands that look that good.
I think I could outrun razzmatazz... I don't care if one of his legs is longer than I am tall..
Also, I'm a scrappy fighter. No one messes with KT.

Flowbee said:
Looks like security needs to do a better job of keeping crazy homeless people out of the mall. :p
Hey! I represent that!! :p

peterparker said:
For the record, that is razzmatazz in the photo with KT, not me. I was behind the camera :) And no I wouldn't fight her off :p
Heck yea! Free computer #2!! :D
Look, it's KT!

This is the biggerer of the cropped pic from the article. High fivin' and looking at some cute clerks.
It's KT in her natural habitat.. observe quietly, as to not disturb her..


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