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Originally posted by shadowfax
wow, this has been the most successful pic thread i have seen on macrumors... you people aren't too shy, eh?

true777--on a forum that's mostly guys, the danger of posting your pic is that you might get a guy that thinks, "hey, you're cute!"

which is harmless in itself, but then all of a sudden you're getting all kinds of emails and IMs, and then he's talking about driving down to your area to meet you, and suddenly you come home one night and he's sitting on your couch in the dark, waiting, with a pair of your undergarments in his hands...

hey, you're cute ;) :eek:

For some reason, I can picture you doing that! :p
Originally posted by jelloshotsrule
v- don't apologize to me????? ouch!

Well, when you look like

rather than
Originally posted by Powerbook G5
For some reason, I can picture you doing that! :p
if i did that though, i would be in Japan chasing Rena Tanaka, not in this craphole--i mean, beautiful city--of norman, OK....
Originally posted by shadowfax
which is harmless in itself, but then all of a sudden you're getting all kinds of emails and IMs, and then he's talking about driving down to your area to meet you, and suddenly you come home one night and he's sitting on your couch in the dark, waiting, with a pair of your undergarments in his hands...

hey, you're cute ;) :eek:

behave... or I'm calling the feds!! :p :p :p

Here's me, I don't give a stuff, (which is evident in the pictures really... heh!) left = me relatively recently.... right = me a couple of years ago waiting to audition for the Muppet Show so it would seem. :D

Remember folks, when I'm on my travels this is the kind of person they let into your country!! :p :p :p
Originally posted by scem0
I have a million (ok... 8 :rolleyes: ;)) pictures of me on the pictures page on my site from


I would be honored if someone spent time to put my head on someone (something ;)) else's body. :D


Nice pictures scemo, thank you for sharing. I remember some of those from you first trip to the Apple Store! ;)
Originally posted by iGAV
right = me a couple of years ago waiting to audition for the Muppet Show so it would seem. :D
haha, man, you look totally evil there. that smile is classically deviant. good show, good show.
Originally posted by übergeek
wow jacob that's the best pic of you that i've ever seen :p
i'm guessing this thread got started because of that stupid thing in MacFormat magazine :p
So's a better, more close up pic of me and josh (ibookin')

Hey, just cause I don't care how I look when I'm seeing you... =P

Edit: Fixed quote
Originally posted by Mercury
Hey, just cause I don't care how I look when I'm seeing you... =P i have 10 or so pics of you, and you look like crap in every single one of them except the one where you and josh are wearing your mac genius t-shirts.
That pic actually looks decent.

ALL YOU PEOPLE ARE SO SHY!!!!! it's only like 50 or so pics and thousands of members!!!
come on you can post more! its not hard!
Originally posted by übergeek i have 10 or so pics of you, and you look like crap in every single one of them except the one where you and josh are wearing your mac genius t-shirts.
That pic actually looks decent.

Well, where did you get them from? I rarely pose for pictures, so it's no wonder they look like crap...sheesh.
here is me

i'm not sure if this picture will appear. Can someone post on how to post pics?


  • threequarter1.jpg
    32.1 KB · Views: 2,036
I'm impressed by the number of people that replied with a photo. Can't find a good picture of myself right now, but the best picture of me wasn't taken by a camera anyway, but by a good friend:


  • crenz.png
    16.3 KB · Views: 4,038

Well, I'm impressed. There hasn't been really any abuse here. I'm really enjoying putting faces to those I've conversed with so often. I hope we can keep it clean, and that will encourage others to post.

And to the women who've posted, my hat is off to you. I know how scary it can be out there, and I'm glad you can trust us here.

And, because we are doing so well, here's an older pic of me:


  • patrickcaptemp.jpg
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Originally posted by patrick0brien

Well, I'm impressed. There hasn't been really any abuse here. I'm really enjoying putting faces to those I've conversed with so often. I hope we can keep it clean, and that will encourage others to post.
you just missed the war P-Worm and i had, heh. stricken from the annals of MR history... as to your picture, though, i think it looks like you're some kind of spy or something. i'm afraid now.
Originally posted by shadowfax
you just missed the war P-Worm and i had, heh. stricken from the annals of MR history... as to your picture, though, i think it looks like you're some kind of spy or something. i'm afraid now.

Ahh yes, Male Striper shadowfax.

Originally posted by jelloshotsrule
good. cell phones suck. yours was the worst i've ever heard (ie, ringing off the freaking hook...) even though i know well enough to realize that you just had your wife call a bunch of times to make it seem like you were cool.

i hate you too

Speaking of my wife....I understand you got chatting to her online the other day. She seemed kind of freaked out when I explained who you were and what your intentions were :p
Originally posted by wdlove
Nice pictures scemo, thank you for sharing. I remember some of those from you first trip to the Apple Store! ;)

why thankyou!

BTW - do the images in my first post (on page 4) display for everyone? They only sometimes display on Mozilla on my PC.

I guess I'll play. Here i am with my youngest daughter almost 4 years ago.


  • hannahdad.jpg
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Originally posted by britboy
Speaking of my wife....I understand you got chatting to her online the other day. She seemed kind of freaked out when I explained who you were and what your intentions were :p

she said "i'm britboy's wife". so i already knew it was a lie.

but, then i told her i was your "american friend".. she said nothing. i wept.
Re: Pictures of me and my toe surgery (extreme "piercing"

Originally posted by Javdogjavdog
Here is a picture of me and the results of having a pin in my toe.


Thank you Javdogjavdog for sharing the pictures of the pin placement for a of your dislocated 4th toe. I'm probably one of the only ones on the forum that liked and understood the photo's. Being in the medical profession, I found them to be very interesting! Have you made a full recovery?
the best pixs from everybody in the last several attempts at people rock

it is fun to see so many people finally post their pictures for a change

i especially like the black and white pictures here...some of them look professional

like the old timers know, and i posted two or three times in the past here, i am the singer dude in the pix from the 1996-1998 gallery of this band,
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