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makisushi said: are a guy?
Yes. Male, married, two kids, a dog, and some "pet" spiders. And hundreds of stuffed animals (we're suckers for them), including a Jaguar that the kids named "Jobs".

That pole behind us is supposed to be the front of the line and the entrance is to the right in the picture. When they have Night of the Tiger, maybe I'll do what I did for Panther: show up late and take cuts in front of the first person in line! Actually, I went back to my place in line before the doors opened. And I didn't even buy Panther, because they weren't selling the family pack other than online. We dads need to buy in quantity!

If I were that Apple photographer, I would have cropped off the right side of the photo, so I (as me) wouldn't have been in it. Maybe they wanted to leave them all with that aspect ratio, but I think it's strange that they used this not-very-well composed shot, with everyone looking a different direction, and left us all in the photo.
This is a picture of me at an ice cream social at my house with some fine honies from the other co-op houses.


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Whew, so many pages...

There are quite a few cute guys here (and girls). Nifty.

I'm not posting my picture, heh... It's available all sorts of places if you know where I hang out online; no point in adding one more. Besides, I got a weird PM on another Mac board (although in that case, I didn't post a picture; maybe if I had, I wouldn't have gotten that PM :D).
macaddictann said:
Whew, so many pages...

There are quite a few cute guys here (and girls). Nifty.

I'm not posting my picture, heh... It's available all sorts of places if you know where I hang out online; no point in adding one more. Besides, I got a weird PM on another Mac board (although in that case, I didn't post a picture; maybe if I had, I wouldn't have gotten that PM :D).
You're new, aren't you? Have you added a post to the Official New Member Thread yet?
OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, and OK

... And as for the photos I've noticed that DoctorQ took the time to compile the list, but didn't happen to post his own pic in the process. Hmmmm... :)

Wait a sec...where's Doctor Q's pic?

...Oh yes I almost forgot my other plea: Show your own Photo Doctor Q!! :D

... taken in account that there is no picture in the picture thread ...

... just post a picture of you, Doctor Q...

I heartily second the motion ...

... Dr Q, post a photo as well...

... /me looks around for pictures..

... A picture of the good Dr. ...

... But come on Doctor Q, THAT is your best pic...You MUST have a better one. ...

Alright kids... where are the pics and stories about your new iMac? Its been four hours since most of you received your iMacs this morning and those of us who are still iMac-less need something to keep us going!! :)

Here is a photo, taken this week, of me and my new 20" iMac. I'm the one on the left, and the left, and the left, and the left.


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Where was the picture taken Doctor Q? Nice hat and outfit. What is the emblem on the hat?
This is a pic of me in the restroom of my favorite bar. I ave a wole series of tese. (OK, wait, my letter _ isn't working. I can't even type it to say wat letter isn't working. Weird. Damn, and I was just tining ow appy I was to ave one of te older black Apple keyboards. Damn, damn, damn. orrortaxi is going to make fun of me all nigt.)


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updated me

here is a more recent one of me. (feels like a LOONG time ago that i first posted my picture in here!)

This is me being "picturesque" on the beaches of Stinson Beach, CA. Beautiful little town directly north of SanFran where my oldest sister just had her wedding (which was, of course just as beautiful if not more)!


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wdlove said:
Where was the picture taken Doctor Q? Nice hat and outfit. What is the emblem on the hat?
The emblem on the side is a Q, just like the one on the front.

I set up the photo shoot by clearing the junk off the desk where I've been playing with my new iMac. I tried a lot of angles (with a friend holding the camera) until I liked the composition. Then I did a little Photoshopping to fill in the image on the screen. Here's what the original photo had on the screen, which is the innermost screen in the photo I posted, but scaled down so far you can't tell.


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Doctor Q said:
Here is a photo, taken this week, of me and my new 20" iMac. I'm the one on the left, and the left, and the left, and the left.

Great picture Doctor Q !!!! Really funny ! It tells more about you then most of your postings !


P.S. And btw, could you post more pictures of that 20" iMac ?
might as well finally post, me looking a wee bit stoned (how'd that happen?), in a blurry shot taken by a friend while i was explaining, i don't remember, but it was profound... hehe. taken last weekend.


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