Yes. Male, married, two kids, a dog, and some "pet" spiders. And hundreds of stuffed animals (we're suckers for them), including a Jaguar that the kids named "Jobs".makisushi are a guy?
That pole behind us is supposed to be the front of the line and the entrance is to the right in the picture. When they have Night of the Tiger, maybe I'll do what I did for Panther: show up late and take cuts in front of the first person in line! Actually, I went back to my place in line before the doors opened. And I didn't even buy Panther, because they weren't selling the family pack other than online. We dads need to buy in quantity!
If I were that Apple photographer, I would have cropped off the right side of the photo, so I (as me) wouldn't have been in it. Maybe they wanted to leave them all with that aspect ratio, but I think it's strange that they used this not-very-well composed shot, with everyone looking a different direction, and left us all in the photo.