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iBlue said:
ahhh, i see, thank you. :) i'm sort of jealous, i'd really rather be in canada at times ;) (i'm not very patriotic)

No problem! And what I can I say, I truly love living here. :) :cool:

leekohler said:
Shard- does your girlfriend know you're on here flirting? :)
devilot76 said:
fiance goodness, and who's flirting? shard? no way...

Thanks for the correction devilot76. ;) No worries, my fiancé is cool and doesn’t mind me having some harmless fun. She’s great like that – one of the many reasons I’m marrying her. :) Plus, she knows flirting is in my genes, and that I’m damn good at it, so why not? ;) :cool:
~Shard~ said:
[she] doesn’t mind me having some harmless fun...
Harmless now....

..How will it be like 7 years into your marriage, when just the sound of her breathing makes you want to scratch her eyes out.
leekohler said:
OK- I'm going to get really silly. Here's a clip of a film I was in recently for VOOM HD Network.

That's a cool way to post a pic ... nice. :) Is there a way to enjoy the whole film? Looks quite interesting; have you been acting awhile?


For those of you who are sick of me please turn away; here's yet another pic of 'me' (staying with the film theme ... michael myers ,that's a great pic Pargon very nice, and leekohler).

This was taken during the shooting of a 48 hour film i was involved a few moths ago (acting/editing/SFX) called deLIVER (horror genre - a kidney thieves story with a twist; i'll post the film to MR soon.) ... that was a good time:

Thanks for the new pic iBlue; i was about to say you look great but were looking a bit thin, but then i noticed a few posts later you said you're now closer to a 'normal' weight. Good for you. :) Women should let their body find a comfortable/healthy weight ... it's much more attractive; or so i think. :)

That being said i've been attracted to skinny girls before, but they have to be pretty hot before the get my attention ... i'd like to stick with girls that 'feel' like girls and not a little boy. :confused:

I was born in Cali (Santa Clara) and my parents moved to the northwest when i was just a babe; i have absolutely no desire to return. Though i would very much like to spend a little time in northern california. And don't worry about the patriotism (or lack there of) Shard's got it right ... Canada's the place to be; but for me it's BC. :)

Lacero ... could you at least tease us? im mean, look at Diatribe; he's at least putting forth some effort. :p

btw- Diatribe yesterday i heard your name more than i've ever heard it before. other than here, i've never heard it used in context so many time before ... it was everywhere!

peace | neut
Lacero said:
Harmless now....

..How will it be like 7 years into your marriage, when just the sound of her breathing makes you want to scratch her eyes out.

For us it will never come to that (what a horrible situation that would be!) - we've lived together for quite a while now, and our relationship keeps getting better and better as the years pass. Marriage won't change a lot of it in many respects. We completely respect each other, have fun, are both extremely easy-going, we communicate far too well, and are actually best friends in addition to everything else, so it's all good. :)
neut said:
And don't worry about the patriotism (or lack there of) Shard's got it right ... Canada's the place to be; but for me it's BC. :)

Thanks for that post neut, very cool stuff! As for BC, I absolutely love it. The Mountains, the Ocean, Rainforests, skiing, ocean kayaking, surfing, hiking, you name it - an adventurer's paradise! Some of the places I've been on Vancouver Island rival if not surpass those that I've seen in New Zealand, and trust me, New Zealand is an awesome place, one of my favorites in the world. Nice to have a lot of that in your own backyard though. :)

My brother just moved back to Vancouver from New York last month, so I'm looking forward to many visits out there in the near future. :cool:
neut said:
That's a cool way to post a pic ... nice. :) Is there a way to enjoy the whole film? Looks quite interesting; have you been acting awhile?

Unfortunately not yet. I've been after the director to get me a copy, but she's having trouble with her superdrive, according to her. I haven't even seen the whole thing yet. And yeah, I kind of act as a hobby-been doing it for several years off and on when someone asks. I'm on IMDB for a few films (careful-the subject matter is quite strong) and I was fortunate enough to go to the Berlin International Film Fest two years ago for the last feature I was in. And I've been doing some improv film work recently in town with a cool not-for-profit group called Splitpillow.
im seeing a correlation in good looking people and Mac users. maybe its the reduced stress or the beautiful design look of macs... i mean pretty people get pretty things. right?

we had a similar thing on a PC forum i used to be on, and the guys there were... well... wolverine had less hair :D

and hey check some of my videos out especially the Plastix (my spoof of a parody, i suppose you could say!)
leekohler said:
Here's a clip of a film I was in recently
Nice shots of Millennium Park! And the actor too, of course.

Just to clarify because it's been misused about two dozen times already - a fiancée is a female and a fiancé is a male.


Sorry, but that's what happens when you're a journalism student and you took a copy editing class. :)
Lacero said:
Stay away from the Surrey girls!!! :eek:
Does this mean you don't recommend girls from Surrey, or is it that you're claiming that as your territory?
Rod Rod said:
Just to clarify because it's been misused about two dozen times already - a fiancée is a female and a fiancé is a male.

Sorry, but that's what happens when you're a journalism student and you took a copy editing class. :)

Thanks, I knew that, I'm just lazy sometimes. ;) I'll make sure to use fiancée from now on. :)
I have decided to finally post a picture of myslef, it is rather funny i guess :)
and i should point out i was slightly inebriated :eek:


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such awesome pictures everyone.

neut: i don't know what exactly you are doing to those pictures to create that "neutesque" (i made up a word) effect of yours, but it looks awesome; i'll probably always associate effects of similar to you. (weird how that works) i have a desktop thread posted where when i had it open in photoshop i wished i knew the "neut remix" technique, i thought those exact words. :)
thanks for your post, and that's good you are happy where you are currently... wish i could say the same but i miss CA very much.

same to you too shard - sounds like a great place and that's great you are happy there. i love BC too, but i admit i haven't travelled in canada as much as i would like to.

and to whomever believes there is a connection with pretty people and pretty things... i totally agree ;)
A true Aussie hero! Thanks for the pic barneygumble. :D

Oh, and for those not in the know, eating a dual-sausage is kind of like our national pastime. Well, if you don't include drinking beer and being sexist...
~Shard~ said:
Thanks, I knew that, I'm just lazy sometimes. ;) I'll make sure to use fiancée from now on. :)
Cool, thank you. I hope I didn't offend. You can understand how it can be a nails-on-the-chalkboard type thing for someone with a knack for copy editing. I refer to while I write these forum posts - not as a matter of OCD but rather (to me anyway) as a courtesy and good form.

What's almost (but not quite) ironic is that my focus in journalism school was on broadcast, where spelling isn't quite as important. As a broadcast news writer I sometimes had to write phonetically to help the anchors read it off the prompter.
New, 'remixed' version of my boring graduation pic.





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iBlue said:
same to you too shard - sounds like a great place and that's great you are happy there. i love BC too, but i admit i haven't travelled in canada as much as i would like to.

It is a great place - if you're ever visiting out this way let me know!

Rod Rod said:
Cool, thank you. I hope I didn't offend. You can understand how it can be a nails-on-the-chalkboard type thing for someone with a knack for copy editing. I refer to while I write these forum posts - not as a matter of OCD but rather (to me anyway) as a courtesy and good form.

No, no offense at all, I'm far too easy-going to be offended. :) I think at the end of the day I probably do more offending than anything, as some people sometimes misinterpret my sense of humor/sarcasm/wit (shocking, I know! ;)) :cool:
Rod Rod said:
Does this mean you don't recommend girls from Surrey, or is it that you're claiming that as your territory?
Oddly, both. Their reputation and sex-crazed tomfoolery would destroy the clean-cut good boy image Shard has tried sooo hard to cultivate here.
Lacero said:
Oddly, both. Their reputation and sex-crazed tomfoolery would destroy the clean-cut good boy image Shard has tried sooo hard to cultivate here.

I have been working hard on that image... is it working? Have I fooled anyone? You gotta believe me, with these looks I've definitely never been a ladies man, no, not me, I've been a good boy through and through... you all believe me right? :p ;)
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