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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 14, 2009
Southern California
Contacted him about flashing my card via email. I live in southern california so I wanted to go in person and just do it on the spot since I read some horror stories of him taking the cards as hostages.

He replied back after a few days saying it is possible and although he responded a bit late (since at some instances I replied right back meaning he could've responded right after too), he eventually confirmed the time and date.

Before my departure (it's about an 1hr30min one-way so a 3hr round trip) on the same day, I kept asking him about the location/time confirmation and to see if I need to bring anything else other than my card. Silence.
Since I have never encountered a situation where a business would just go dark, I managed to bring myself to the location he designated.

Nope. For an hour already now, he's gone dark ever since the morning on the email. He's gone dark officially from yesterday after confirming the time and date.

My question now is, is he on crack? Does he have a mental problem? I'm serious. I've just never experienced this before. He has given me the address and phone number but address is an apartment with no room number and a phone number just rings forever.

Maybe I should've searched more on this forum about in person flashing experience with this guy.

Is there any other service other than this psycho that can flash my GTX1080?
I too won't buy from him again. The one card I bought never arrived although he claimed he sent it, and finally sent a replacement with instructions to return the first one if and when I got it. Of course, the "first one" still has not arrived almost a year later. He is an example of poor business practices.
Thanks for posting this! I was about to buy a RX 580 from him, glad I didn't. Now I just need to find a GPU (with boot screen) that will be better then my GTX 680.
As a counter-example, I ordered a GTX 1070 through his web site about a year ago. It arrived quickly and has performed perfectly, so I'm a happy customer.

I'm not trying to dispute that others have had serious problems; I'm also very curious what's going on.
Better Business Bureau

This pretty much says it all, 9 reports and all negative.

Not offering personal positive or negative MVC experiences, but want to point out that those who seek to report and/or file complaints with the BBB are almost always negative experiences. Rarely do those with positive experiences report them as such.

If you have the money to spend on a hacked GPU, you obviously have at least a little bit of play money. Treat it as you would a Kickstarter or similar style purchase. Buy on a credit card with fraud and/or refund guarantees or just figure out a way to live without boot screens and get a fully Apple approved standard PC version of the RX 580 for under $160.
When he got suspended last time 1yr 9mos ago, he said he wouldn't be back. So it's kind of a self-imposed ban.

It's more like they suspended him, so he banned MR.
When he got suspended last time 1yr 9mos ago, he said he wouldn't be back. So it's kind of a self-imposed ban.

It's more like they suspended him, so he banned MR.
He probably got a long term suspension which some admins do to users who repeat offenders. It's a go away w/o really being banned. However, that's just my guess.
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think about this old saying folks. fool me once shame on you. fool me twice shame on me. its not like these are isolated one time rare events. this is an ongoing cluster f_U-c_k that will keep going until everyone stops buying from him or he stops his service. wake up and smell the coffee. if anyone chooses to do business with him at this point you are basically playing Russian roulette with your money and/or GPU
He's running a small, low-volume business out of his apartment. What did you expect, Amazon?

As someone who's used the local pickup option in the past, I don't blame him for not giving out his apartment number either. I wouldn't for multiple reasons.

No offense but I think you should have a better reading comprehension. Did you even read completely about what happened?

First off, I never said I expected a service from Amazon. So is it ok for non-Amazon level service to completely waste someone's 6 hours of time? I literally drove there 5hrs round trip and 1hr of waiting. And guess what, he is the one who proposed that time and I had to cancel other appointments to accommodate his time, and even now he is still radio silent. He even knew I had to drive 5hrs cuz I told him where I live from his area.

Second, why the hell would I be curious about his house number? He was the one who gave me the address to come and a phone number and what time, and he went dark. Doesn't pick up the phone, doesn't respond to email. Then what do you do? Just sit there and say 'yeah I can waste my time no problem'. I had my time allotted including driving time to do this service and he didnt even respond yet apologizing or rescheduling as of now. Even as a personal company service, this just is not acceptable at any level. As I said, this behavior is mentally not normal.

Seriously because people like you exist thinking this is ok, people like him exists thinking he can do whatever as long as he pleases a few (I mean 5-6 likes on your post, really? Just because they received normal service it's ok to say you don't understand why other people are furious?). I seriously suggest you to not do any businesses if you seriously think wasting customers time for 6 hours is ok assuming they demand an Amazon service. This just does not exist in real world. Unbelievable and a joke.
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I think the popular description would be that MVC 'did not suffer fools lightly' (or often called 'gladly' depending on the translation from the book of christian myths).

If you said something idiotic - he'd call you an idiot. Not acceptable by forum rules.
Also, he called you an idiot the minute, you had something positive to say about Apple ;-)
No offense but I think you should have a better reading comprehension. Did you even read completely about what happened?

Thanks, I have excellent reading comprehension. For instance...

Before my departure (it's about an 1hr30min one-way so a 3hr round trip) on the same day, I kept asking him about the location/time confirmation and to see if I need to bring anything else other than my card.

First off, I never said I expected a service from Amazon. So is it ok for non-Amazon level service to completely waste someone's 6 hours of time? I literally drove there 5hrs round trip and 1hr of waiting.

So which was it: 3 hours or 5 hours of driving?

Look, I get it. You're pissed. I would be too. Here's my point, he's running a business out of his apartment and doesn't exactly have great communication skills. It's been well documented over time. He also provides a highly specialized service and products that fill a very small niche. If you need those services and products, then you have to deal with it and make sure you cover your ass. If you don't need those products/services or don't want to do business with him, then don't. Yes, it's far from ideal. But that's the way it is unfortunately. It's been well documented at this point, as you very well know since you didn't ship your card to him in the first place. Dealing with MVC is like buying/selling something on Craigslist: cover your ass, follow some very basic rules, and don't be surprised if you get flaked on.
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I can only reply about my experience with MVC.

It was perfect.
I sent a card to be flashed and he returned it quickly and it worked.
I'm still using the card in one of my computers.

I hope all is well with him.

For me, the service was great.
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