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Never wanted to deal with him or any card flasher. They were always beating each other up. It looked like they wanted to monopolize this niche and the fights were very mafia style.

All I can tell from reading online is that MVC ripped the ROM from the EVGA Geforce GTX 680 Mac Edition and shared it online on the netkas forum. That killed supported Mac edition cards from the big companies. If their ROMs were being shared it killed their incentive to produce cards for Macs. Then card flashers took over the space and were charging obscence amounts.

If the big companies had continued making supported Mac edition cards we may have seen Nvidia release proper supported Mac drivers for all the new architectures instead of the unsupported beta thing they only release half-heartedly.

That should be a lesson.
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Probably, but what was the incentive to share the ROM at all? Would anyone share a ROM if prices for a Windows card and a Mac card were the same?

The Mac editions cards ATI and Nvidia released for 10 years were very good prices. The same or a little more than the PC version. When their ROMs got ripped the card flashers took over this niche and charged way too much....and poor tech support as we have seen from the stories. People should have seen it coming.

In the very old days when there were many card flashers they did these things for free and for fun. It was more complex as well in the PPC days. To convert a PC card to a Mac card wasn't just about boot screen. The architectures processed RGB signals differently on both platforms.

It was a good Mac community in those times. Small, helpful, respectful. We respected everything we got. Nowadays everyone lying, cheating, moaning, trolling. Maybe because some are not real Apple customers, just hackintoshers who don't pay for anything and trolls hired by competing companies.
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I don't understand this point at all, Mac Editions cards or flashed cards only work with real Macs. What hackintosh have anything to do with this?
Right, if you are hackintoshing, you don’t need flashed graphics cards. You can use the real deal. (I know, I use a 580 in mine...)
The Mac editions cards ATI and Nvidia released for 10 years were very good prices. The same or a little more than the PC version.
Just to understand your post, was the 680 ROM ripped and spread because Mac Edition cards were (a bit) more expensive or was there an evil plan that foresaw that card manufacturers would stop supporting the mac platform once their ROM was available for free? If prices were really the same I don't see how the latter could be the case.
I don't understand this point at all, Mac Editions cards or flashed cards only work with real Macs. What hackintosh have anything to do with this?

That paragraph was about the Mac community. It should be a bit obvious from my experience and contributions for the last years that I'm not going to think hackintosh needs a flashed card.
Apple got to him.

“You ever sell your damn gpus, we will bring you down where your body will never be found.”
That paragraph was about the Mac community. It should be a bit obvious from my experience and contributions for the last years that I'm not going to think hackintosh needs a flashed card.
This makes even less sense. If I'm a Mac user and I want a current GPU with pre-boot configuration support that don't exist as a officially supported product at all, I'm going to buy it flashed or flash myself, if possible. You point of mixing hackintosh with this unfortunate situation of no official support do not apply here at all since everyone that want a GPU with pre-boot configuration support is already a Mac Pro owner.

Stretching a lot, you can say that some small percentage Mac Pro owners will do anything to save some money and will buy the PC versions and flash the cards, but this has been happening since post NuBus days and did not changed at all.

If Sapphire released a Mac Pro RX 580 version of Pulse with exactly 2 slots width (or even better less that 2-slots width), pre-boot configuration support ready and with the correct cables already in the box, the majority of Mac Pro owners would bought it without thinking, even if it was 50% over the list price of the PC version. This hypothetical card even with 50% price increase over the PC versions would be cheaper or same price of what MVC is offering today.

Btw, nothing is obvious since you don't know if the person reading know anything about you or what you did at all.
Never wanted to deal with him or any card flasher. They were always beating each other up. It looked like they wanted to monopolize this niche and the fights were very mafia style.

All I can tell from reading online is that MVC ripped the ROM from the EVGA Geforce GTX 680 Mac Edition and shared it online on the netkas forum. That killed supported Mac edition cards from the big companies. If their ROMs were being shared it killed their incentive to produce cards for Macs. Then card flashers took over the space and were charging obscence amounts.

If the big companies had continued making supported Mac edition cards we may have seen Nvidia release proper supported Mac drivers for all the new architectures instead of the unsupported beta thing they only release half-heartedly.

That should be a lesson.

So you're saying the MVC singlehandedly killed the retail market for Mac Edition Video Cards? ALL GPUs, both Nvidia and AMD (ATI) and the many manufacturer's that supply them. You really believe he had that much power 1387914497.gif

And he is responsible for the current Apple/Nvidia Impasseconfused.gif

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something something something You point of mixing hackintosh with this unfortunate situation of no official support do not apply here at all since everyone that want a GPU with pre-boot configuration support is already a Mac Pro owner.

I was exceptionally clear in the last paragraphs of that post that I was going off topic a bit into another subject about the difference between Mac community in old times and new times. You didn't need to respond to that and waste your energy with all this nonsense.
What killed the market for Mac Edition cards was Apple's neglect of the cMP platform post-2010, followed by their terrible decision-making that resulted in the trashcan in 2013. The market for these cards was always a tiny niche, and it got even smaller post 2012 as Apple treated the cMP like an unwanted child.

I highly doubt MVC had much of anything to do with it.
So you're saying the MVC singlehandedly killed the retail market for Mac Edition Video Cards?


That their ROMs can be copied and shared on forums by 'anyone' killed their Mac Edition cards. MVC was the person who shared the 680 ROM but if he didn't do it someone else would have so no he can't take a singlehandedly blame for it. I only noted that he was the one who shared it. End of story. I'm not here to get into violent fights with his friends. I said three posts above that the violent fights these days have made this online Mac community look like complete ****. It was bad enough that some people on this forum were pushing Nvidia cards like salesmen on to potential customers who became very disappointed and upset. This is a sad chapter of pro Mac users history best forgotten and never repeated.
That their ROMs can be copied and shared on forums by 'anyone' killed their Mac Edition cards. MVC was the person who shared the 680 ROM but if he didn't do it someone else would have so no he can't take a singlehandedly blame for it. I only noted that he was the one who shared it. End of story.
Anyone can upload the Mac Edition ROMs to TechPower-Up or download from there. If Sapphire or eVGA wanted to keep control of the EFI part of the firmware, they could protect it with numerous ways like hardware validation, signature checking (like they do with the newest VEGA GPUs), etc.

I'm not here to get into violent fights with his friends. I said three posts above that the violent fights these days have made this online Mac community look like complete ****. It was bad enough that some people on this forum were pushing Nvidia cards like salesmen on to potential customers who became very disappointed and upset. This is a sad chapter of pro Mac users history best forgotten and never repeated.
No one here seems a MVC friend to me and I'm no friend of him or I'm in any way want to defend him or anyone in this business, it's your arguments that don't hold sense since like @bookemdano said, this small niche market died by Apple hand the day that MP6,1 was released and killed the business sense of making Mac Edition GPUs. The rest is just anecdotal.
Anyone can upload the Mac Edition ROMs to TechPower-Up or download from there. If Sapphire or eVGA wanted to keep control of the EFI part of the firmware, they could protect it with numerous ways like hardware validation, signature checking (like they do with the newest VEGA GPUs), etc.

Correct, anyone can have ripped a ROM and shared it. Doing extra validation work would be expensive and probably someone would crack it. There was about 4 people selling flashed cards. Three of them got into fights. It was a bad look for us and am glad now Apple has moved the boot screen to the motherboard. Any GPU should work in the Mac Pro 7,1 is macOS drivers are present. Let's see.
remember when that guy had a meltdown and posted romdumps because MVC “didn’t get back to him” about his card and it turned out he hadn’t looked in his spam folder

good times
I think you are talking about me but it is not exactly the case. I did that because he stopped communicating with me even after I discovered the emails in the spam folder and let him know, but he kept my card as a hostage. He stopped replying to Paypal as well and due to a lack of response on his side Paypal refunded me the money. During this time there were no emails neither in the spam folder nor directly to Paypal. And my card was gone without any symptoms I will ever get it back. After I posted the ROM's Netkas asked me to remove them to prevent jeopardization of the AMD ROM development. Meanwhile MVC Europe actively assisted me in restoring the communication and getting my card back for which I sent another payment.
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I lived in LA and purchased 2 cards from him over a few years. I also asked him questions via email that he responded too... I knew what I was risking with just a LITTLE research... I have zero skills in this area, so I did my due diligence. He was offering a 'custom' service.. ive purchased niche products from others I have read about - usually via 'bare feats' site... im sorry someone got left in the cold... but the slandering of 100% of this guy is hot headed irresponsible bs... imo... he could have given you gps coordinates... your dealing with an individual... and the BBB??!! LMAO... people get "triggered' when he is short with them...90% chance their all 35 or younger... there are other ways to get these cards and mac pro's with more reliability... and cheap... but not as dirt cheap as doing it yourself... maybe saves you a hundred or two overall... but welcome to the risk of being cheap and what comes with it.
I lived in LA and purchased 2 cards from him over a few years. I also asked him questions via email that he responded too... I knew what I was risking with just a LITTLE research... I have zero skills in this area, so I did my due diligence. He was offering a 'custom' service.. ive purchased niche products from others I have read about - usually via 'bare feats' site... im sorry someone got left in the cold... but the slandering of 100% of this guy is hot headed irresponsible bs... imo... he could have given you gps coordinates... your dealing with an individual... and the BBB??!! LMAO... people get "triggered' when he is short with them...90% chance their all 35 or younger... there are other ways to get these cards and mac pro's with more reliability... and cheap... but not as dirt cheap as doing it yourself... maybe saves you a hundred or two overall... but welcome to the risk of being cheap and what comes with it.
It's only "Slandering" if the comments are untrue, that's not the case here.
These folks are only passing on their experiences with MVC not making up fictional stories.
I have dealt with MVC twice, first was pleasant enough that I went back a second time, which was not so pleasant.
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To the OP:
It's not very cool to complain about an individual on a public forum. We don't know exactly what your correspondence was with this person. From their perspective, and within their legal rights, it could be defamation. It's well-known people have had both positive and unfavorable experiences doing business with them, but they are just one person trying to survive. They aren't a multinational corporation. I suggest be nice and maybe they'll be nice to you.
It's only "Slandering" if the comments are untrue, that's not the case here.
These folks are only passing on their experiences with MVC not making up fictional stories.
I have dealt with MVC twice, first was pleasant enough that I went back a second time, which was not so pleasant.

It would be libel, not slander since it's written and not oral. California also recognizes 'defamation per se' where the person being defamed is not required to provide proof. It's not up to us to judge whether the statements are true or false.
To the OP:
It's not very cool to complain about an individual on a public forum. We don't know exactly what your correspondence was with this person. From their perspective, and within their legal rights, it could be defamation. It's well-known people have had both positive and unfavorable experiences doing business with them, but they are just one person trying to survive. They aren't a multinational corporation. I suggest be nice and maybe they'll be nice to you.
If MVC is not able to deliver anymore, as it seems to be the case, then it shouldn’t be taking more orders, don’t you think? Or at least be sincere and warn customers it could take a very long time to flash the card.

Btw, I don’t know what niceness has to do with the service. I doubt they refuse to flash the cards because customers didn’t say “please”.
To the OP:
It's not very cool to complain about an individual on a public forum. We don't know exactly what your correspondence was with this person. From their perspective, and within their legal rights, it could be defamation. It's well-known people have had both positive and unfavorable experiences doing business with them, but they are just one person trying to survive. They aren't a multinational corporation. I suggest be nice and maybe they'll be nice to you.

A lot of confusion on your end on how this story is. I think you should read the original post again.

First, he's not an individual, he runs a business clearly stated on the website. A business is business, it doesn't matter if it's a one-man business or a conglomerate. Second, defamation can exist and be put to a trial if either a) the statement was untrue and was made as if it were true, and b) has a clear intention of stating false information out to the public to damage them, in other words starting with illogic. There have been a lot of cases where defamation couldn't go under the definition due to the fact that the statement is to alert for public good - in other words matters of public concern (so under your definition if someone you know started a business then started ripping your friends and families off, it's not ok for you to alert others about him because he can sue you for defamation correct? You can try to think of this more logically, justice and law are not there to screw you. It's a common sense). Not to mention I have all the bells & whistles to prove that my statement I wrote above are 100% true. He still hasn't replied back to the email that I sent him that day. Really?

This guy already has tons of history on falsifying his business and even putting customers' items as hostages. Yes I am emotionally pissed but it has nothing to do with it because at the same time I do not want other victims happening anymore. I don't even know who this guy is, and thus can’t have any personal feeling towards him. This is just strictly business talking and not some personal trash-talking.

If you're related to him in any way, instead of writing something here to defend him, please just tell him that he needs to either quit being a child or just don't do business if he can't keep it up with his own personal reasons. He ain't doing no reddit/craiglist personal stuff here. Just like how people can praise his business, other people have just as equal rights to criticize for his bad practices (both assuming that the statements are true of course, lawfully speaking). Lastly, no I thanks but I don't have to be nice to him nor use him for business. From a business standpoint, he needs to apologize for his childish, non-professional behavior that caused my valuable time which can equate as high as $500-$600 if I were to make $100/hr. As I said before, this never happened in my years of life.
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So which was it: 3 hours or 5 hours of driving?

Look, I get it. You're pissed. I would be too. Here's my point, he's running a business out of his apartment and doesn't exactly have great communication skills. It's been well documented over time. He also provides a highly specialized service and products that fill a very small niche. If you need those services and products, then you have to deal with it and make sure you cover your ass. If you don't need those products/services or don't want to do business with him, then don't. Yes, it's far from ideal. But that's the way it is unfortunately. It's been well documented at this point, as you very well know since you didn't ship your card to him in the first place. Dealing with MVC is like buying/selling something on Craigslist: cover your ass, follow some very basic rules, and don't be surprised if you get flaked on.

3hrs if no traffic just by searching Google Maps, 5hrs when I actually drove there due to traffic/accident/whatever that happened that day. No ******** there (ideal vs reality). And well said about him being like an unprofessional kid. I wholeheartedly agree and should've waited for his response before my departure. Be aware folks.
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