Here's my .02, and with a disclaimer: I'm a passionate EASports/Madden HATER. I haven't bought an NFL game other than AP2K8 since NFL 2k5. I play it each year so I can say I did, and go back to my updated rosters on my 360 and my 2k10 season. That being said.. .
The mobile version doesn't play like the console versions, and that's GREAT. I like how the passing game isn't a gimme. The CPU does adapt pretty realistically, so far as I play thru. Graphics better than 2010.
Here's all you need to know, and why you go buy this now: You take a pass play, you hit the Hot Route button, and you DRAW your receiver's new route, like on a telestrator or chalk/whiteboard. And it work's effin' AWESOME.
That is all.
You put your finger on the screen, draw a little line there and BOOM! throw it to the receiver.
Madden on consoles has made me mad because EA has been putting the special kids on the Wii version to make it special person friendly. The more cartoonish, the better. Oy.
This mobile version seems to be pretty good for the $8 I spent. It's definitely another good time-waster extraordinaire. This seems to be a very good "I'm mobile and I want to play football" game. This is a game that would be perfect to lead to development of a good external controller that fits around the phone. The on-screen controls are good, but you're taking up real estate. EA, build a darn accessory!